
Twilight: New Age

Continuing the twilight story of Jacob Black and Renesmee Cullen. They had a child and named him Ateara Cullen Black who was born a hybrid. part wolf/part vampire/part human.

JayJ127 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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44 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Ateara was looking at Seth in a whole new light, he only felt a bit of guilt but he was also thinking that he needed this fresh kind of feeling. Simply because he had been able to focus more on himself than he had when he was with Igor.

'It seems like he really cares about me, but I can't think of him in that way already...can I...' Ateara muttered, barely audible. 'After being away from Igor for so long I have finally managed to get myself back. And one step closer to find out what I can do with my gifts and to know how much power I truly have'. Seth then turned around and looked at him with a smile, 'you ok?' He mouthed.

Ateara gazed and opened his mouth but no words came out, so he gracefully smiled and nodded.

Seth then went about his business and left Ateara to his thoughts. Ateara smiled bigger as if knowing what he was thinking that he wanted, giving him that feeling that he never felt before. This has broadened his mind to which it has encouraged him to try something he had always put off doing in the past.

That same evening Ateara had not slept, thinking about the possibilities at what he could accomplish. Seth however had noticed and sat next to him, 'Hey, how come you're up?' he asked quietly, 'It's nothing, I just couldn't sleep' Ateara replied, Seth looked at him and leaned in close, Ateara gazed and hesitated in kissing him on the lips. He then laid his head on Seth's shoulders eventually falling asleep. Seth felt the Goosebumps on Ateara's arms, he cradled him in his arms, Ateara moaned and moved closer.

Ateara didn't know how to feel, All that he knew was that Seth would do everything he can to keep him safe and warm. Ateara had not felt this relaxed in a very long while, he somewhat felt like he finally could belong somewhere, like he is a part of a pack. 'You know Ateara, the way you lead and handle certain things you will make the greatest Alpha' Seth mumbled under his breath...he stopped short as he felt him squirm. Seth sighed, he was happy that Ateara had gotten close but at the same time Seth knew something that he needed to keep from letting him know. He found it harder as each day went by the closer Ateara got, he tried to keep his mind occupied and nothing worked – their bond for one another was too strong.

Seth went to kiss him and resisted hard, this was eating him up inside as he didn't know what else to do. 'Leave.....Leave him...He has to learn on his own...It Is the ONLY WAY!!!' A voice spoke out in Seth's head. He didn't recognize it but he did not ignore it either, he had considered it once or twice, but he felt as though he needed to stay. He also couldn't help and notice how close he is to Ateara considering he had never felt this way before.

This connection felt so strong to him that it excited him, something he wasn't going to let go so easily.....Seth has been very good at listening to his own gut, but it was the first he had heard voices telling him to do things.

Seth is confident that he can make this relationship work. As for the adventure he had a gut feeling it will end well and will not fail this time...'I just hope Ateara won't find out about my past' Seth mumbled to himself barely audible.