
Twilight: Madara Uchiha

What would happen if a nobody somehow ended up in Twilight. But that nobody turned into something else or more like some one else the most feared Shinobi in the elementals nations. The Ghost of the Uchiha Madara Uchiha ---------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer I own only my oc's nothing else Twilight is owned by Stephenie Meyer.

CX_Darthsomali · Phim ảnh
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19 Chs

First day of school

Madara's POV

I woke up early the next morning.

As the sun rises and the day begins, I start my morning routine. First on the agenda is a refreshing shower. The warm water cascades down my body, washing away the sleep and leaving me feeling clean and energized. I take my time, enjoying the sensation of the water and the peace of the moment.

Once I'm done, I move on to the next step in my routine - meditation. I find a quiet spot, sit down, and close my eyes. I focus on my breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Thoughts come and go, but I don't hold onto them. Instead, I return my focus to my breath, feeling the calm spread through me.

After my meditation, I get ready for my hand-to-hand training. I practice a variety of exercises that bearly challenge my strength, but I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment when I finish.

Once my training is done, it's time to refuel. I eat a light breakfast, usually consisting of fresh fruit and yogurt. It's not a big meal, but it gives me the energy I need to start my day.

After that, I went to the garage to get a car.

There are sports cars, luxury cars, and even a couple of classic cars. But as I survey the scene, my eyes are drawn to one in particular - my 1969 Chevy Camaro.

Sure, the other cars are impressive. They're sleek, they're modern, and they're powerful. But there's something about the Camaro that speaks to me. Maybe it's the history behind it, the way it looks, or the memories that it holds. Whatever it is, I know that I want to take it.

And so I drove straight to Forks high school. I reached the school and it looked just like in the movie. I parked my car next to a red BMW M3, which Im guessing belonged to Rosalie.

When I stepped out of the car I noticed how everyone's attention was on me. I just ignored their rude stares and started going toward the school entrance.

I heard a few people talking about me.

"Wow, he looks so hot."

" And look at that hair, it's so long."

I just ignored them, went inside. I looked at my schedule to see I had History class first.

' ironic' I thought and went to the classroom. When I got there, there were bearly any people present so I just took the back seat.

After a while, the bells rang and people started filling the classroom. Even if I was sitting in the back every time someone came in they would look at my direction. And honestly, it was starting to get annoying.

I just opted on looking outside the window,' This place really is wet, it's been cloudy ever since I've gotten here. My thought was interrupted by a rude person that put their stuff on my table.

I just looked at the person that did it, and I recognize her instantly. Rosalie Hale and Emmet Cullen, who was behind her looking at me like he was sorry.

'Sigh annoying.'

"Excuse me, can you please remove your things from my desk?" I asked politely, but firmly.

She looked at me with a sneer.

"You won't be needing this desk, we'll be sitting here." She said with a sharp tone.

I just chuckled a little. she was trying to glare at me and scare me, but she just looked like a cat doing that.

At this point, people started noticing the interaction and emmet was trying to get her to stop.

I took a deep breath to calm myself, there was no reason in getting worked up and then responded, "It doesn't matter if I'm going to use it or not. It's still my desk and you shouldn't be putting your things on it without my permission."

She looked at me for a while more when emmet guided her to the seat in front of me.

The the teacher came and started the class.

The class was very boring for me, I mean I used to be a professor at one of the most prestigious learning institutes in the world. It's not like a local high school can teach me something new. It's not like a local high school can teach me something new. So I spent most of the time pretending to pay attention while i was realy just meditating.

An then the bell signaled the end of class. After history i had math, wich was honestly intresting, seeing how bad the studen't were at math was absolutely amayzing.

And then it was launch time.

'Sigh, I guess I'll be seeing the rest of the cullens know'


Hey Author here.

guys this was a short and sweet chapter.

Like the calm before the storm.

Anyway tell me what you would like to see in this fic, give me ideas i would happily add any ideas you have.