
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Thành thị
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64 Chs

Find her

What did he just say? She was married to who?

To Devon?

Alan's legs went weak. If he wasn't seated he might have crashed to the ground. His face looked like he had head the scariest thing in his life. Then gradually his brows began locking till they were tighter than a knot.

"Never!" He banged the table and stood up. Obviously angrier than he had ever been.

"There's no point revolting now. They signed the document and even have their marriage certificate." The Old man said

"Then they would get a divorce!" Alan ordered fiercely. He didn't want to know what happens but he would make sure that his El does not spend her life with that heartless inconsiderate boy. Especially when he has heard the Genesis of the marriage. That Goat had dared to use the girl as a shield? Haa he was really looking for his wrath.

"Never!" It was the Old man's turn to revolt angrily. A divorce was something he never wanted for any of his children and most especially for Devon and Gisele. If no one could see it, he could. He could see what a great Couple they would both become if they survive this period.

"Why did you let such a thing happen? Grandpa you should have stopped it!"

The Old man shook his head "it happened even before I could stop it, so now I intend to keep it that way."

"keep it that way? You would sit and watch Gisele spend her life with Devon" The disgust that accompanied the mention of that name was loud for both of them to hear.

"He might be miserable but he is not hopeless. I gave you a second chance so give him a second chance." Hugo defended.

Alan laughed Sarcastically "That heartless fool does not deserve a second chance. I'm breaking this marriage like it or not" He turned to leave after saying this.

"Do that and destroy her chances of ever being happy" The Old man's words made him half in his steps.

"That's not true"

"Look at the facts and tell yourself the truth. A life with Devon would be her happiest moment."

Alan scoffed "it doesn't look so at the moment"

"And I plan to change that" Hugo replied "There's nothing to fear with you and me here, She can never come to harm's. We'll always be there to protect her and I promise if my plan doesn't work, I personally would hand them both the divorce papers. Can you just trust me for once?".

Alan was hooked. The old man had assured but still he was reluctant. No scratch that, he was absolutely hesitant. But the Old man's words were persuasive plus he could see the truth in them.

He sighed and turned around "I would break his limb if I ever see her cry. If you ever go back on your words I would pull the heavens down and we all could burn together. She means a lot and that's why I am agreeing to this... What do you have in mind?"


"That's wonderful miss" Aunty Lou was deeply excited to hear the young miss was going to show on TV, that too in an opportunity every female actress would die for. It showed just how lucky the young miss was.

"But I'm really nervous, would I be able to do well like that those actresses shown at the Cinema. Sigh!" She sighed and dropped her spoon. She had spent her whole evening watching one film after the other in the cinema. Not just one but every actress she watched were really good at what they did. It only made her even more anxious than she already was.

Aunty Lou grabbed unto the young lady's hand "there's no need to be nervous. Miss would do just fine. You would have your teacher and you also have me to help you. I don't mind being your practice Buddy whenever you need to practice".

Gisele giggled "Aunty Lou is always kind to me. It would be great to have you as a practice Buddy"

"very well said then. It's settled. You can be rest assured your movie would be one no one would love to stop watching"

Gisele knew the woman was trying to encourage her so she smiled gratefully and stood up. The night was not young anymore, she should get some rest. Tomorrow would be a different day. And then there was Thursday, just a day from now, she had her week cut out for her.

"Aunty Lou, I'll be off to bed. I have to make an early riser tomorrow. Good night Aunty Lou" she said her good night's and went off to bed.

Probably the exhaustion from the day coupled with the anxiety, she was off to sleep immediately her head touch the pillows. But the sleep didn't last long. Past midnight, her room was filled with sounds of her phone ringing. Drowsy and tired see reached out for it without even checking who was on the other side of the line.

"Hello" her sleepy voice rang out.

There was silence at first then followed by sounds of muffled sobs. It was clearly a ladies voice. The sound of the stifled tears was enough to send sleep flying out of her eye. She took the phone off her ears and stared at the callers name.

What a surprise that Aunty Claudia was calling her by this time and that too in tears. Something was wrong and now she was worried.

"Aunty? What is wrong?" Her worried voice came asking the next second. Much clearer than it was the first time.

What seemed to have been muffled sobs broke out into subtle wails. The woman still couldn't speak but her crying voice filled the phone and Gisele's room at the same time. Gisele didn't stop her, she sat patiently and listened to the lady cry. Claudia cried for quite the minutes and finally her wails died down into breaking sobs.

"Xiao G could you please come?" She said half unsure, half pleading. It was wrong to be asking the girl to make her way through the night but she was the only one she could call at the moment. Anyother person would be dying to spread the news at first light.

Gisele looked at the time. It was an hour past midnight but still she couldn't bring herself to refuse the lady.

"Sure Aunty. Send me the address, I'll be there in five minutes" she replied already getting off her bed to go get dressed.

"Okay Xiao G, I'll be waiting for you" came the lady's reply.

Claudia was the only person having a sleepless night. In the third floor of the Easton Villa house. On a lonely balcony, a figure stood like a stature despite the cold night breeze. There was no light on the balcony, only darkness to submerge this figure in even more sleeplessness.

With a cigarette bud between his fingers. Devon stood there doing nothing. Half his attention on the starless sky and the other at nowhere exactly. He was still angry from his dinner experience and was just trying to cool off with the wind and a few sticks of cigarettes.

With nothing but a sleeping robe, he leaned against the wall and drew the smoke from his cigarette into his mouth occasionally. And just when it felt like he could finally go back and have his sleep. He caught a certain figure slipping out of the house in a hurry.

Wrapped in a thick black windbreaker and her hair in a loose bun, she rushed to the parking lot and next drove out in a black BMW car.

Where was she going?

She was such in a hurry or maybe she didn't want to be caught that she had chosen to ride the servants car. How splendid!

He would not have been bothered but that sly Fox's word at dinner came running back to his head bring back the foul mood he had successfully let go of. Devon threw the cigarette on the ground and stumped on it like it carried his life's problem.

"Where is she going?" He asked the moment he got downstairs. The head maid was standing in the sitting room. No doubt she had let the young girl out, seeing that the girl was even driving her car.

"I don't know" Aunty Lou shook her head "She said a friend was hurt. She seemed worried and in a hurry"

Devon frowned "so you let her out without my permission? She knows better to follow my rules but you helped her break it"

The middle aged woman bowed her head politely "I'm sorry Young master. I accept my faults"

He was angry at her, but not as much as he was angry at the one that had dared break the rules in the first place.

"Call her back" He ordered.

Even though she was reluctant to, Aunty Lou could only bring out her phone to call the young lady. The phone rang for a long time but no one picked it up from the other side. How could Gisele have picked up. She was in such a hurry that she had forgotten her phone on her dressing table.

"She's not picking up" Aunty Lou announced anxiously. The girl had never for once ignored her call.

"I guess she's beginning to show her true colours" He spat out and walked away. The phone risen to his ear told he was going to make moves of his own.

"Find her"