
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Thành thị
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64 Chs

a means to an end

Later that night.

When Devon got home, he couldn't help but notice Butler Ken and Aunty Lou's worried face. They fussing around nervously.

"Welcome back Master" Butler Ken greeted. He collected Devon's coat and suitcase whist trying to hide his worry.

Devon frowned but didn't ask anything. He hummed to the greeting and walked into the house.

"Master dinner is ready, would you like you wash up or would you have dinner first?" Head Maid Louise was next to attend to him, she too had that worried look in her eyes, there even seemed to be a hint of blame as she stared at him.

Devon frowned again "I'll have my dinner first."

He casually pulled out his time an took off his cufflinks and wrist watch them handed it to the servant standing not to far.

Following Aunty Lou's announcement that the dining table was being served, he made his way to the dining room. Took a sit in his usual position and began serving himself from the food being served at the table.

As he ate, he paid attention to the side comment Aunty Lou and Butler Ken were having along themselves. He couldn't fully hear what they were saying as they were quiet some distance from them to where he was seated still he could get the standpoint of what they were worried about.

Gisele had come back before him with a depressed look and had refused to eat, even now she has locked herself in the room and was refusing to reply to anybody.

There was only one reason she had come back depressed. He was reminded that her family members has come in search for her early that day, they must have said something displeasing to her to make her feel forlorn.

He couldn't tell what exactly transpired between Gisele and her Family member. Derrick had called to inform him of what had happened but because he was still in the office at that and was submerged in a sea of work, he stopped him and instructed to not be informed of her affairs if it wasn't personal.

He ate quietly without uttering a word. Aunty Loiuse might have been disappointed when he didn't ask for Gisele as expected but she didn't show it.

When Devon was done, the maids came and cleared the table and utensils for washing. Naturally Devon would get up and proceed to his room but today he didn't immediately leave, instead he sat at he table and ordered.

"Call me Derrick" he said firmly.

It didn't take long and Derrick was standing before him. His feet at ease and his hands neatly arranged at his back. Standing Military posture.

"Go on" he said. He didn't point out what he exactly wanted but the bodyguard was smart enough to understand what he was asking of him.

"Miss..." Derrick started narrating from beginning, he was giving a daily report so he didn't just jump to the story of Gisele meeting her mother.

He started right from the beginning and only said things he knew of. Things like Gisele becoming the Face of Glamor was no included in the report cause he did not know of it but he mentioned her visit to the studio. When he got to the meeting between her and her mother, he said what he heard and what he had been briefed by the guards in the room.

There were guards in the room at the moment Gisele and Suzy talked. They only didn't intervene when Gisele was slapped because Devon had warned the staffs around him that if it wasn't something serious, they shouldn't involve themselves in her private life.

Her mother slapped her?

No wonder he had heard Aunty Lou whisper being worried about her swollen cheeks.

Since the little conversation that they had had already been played out for him, he knew what their argument was about. He frowned.

The family was even more shameless than he thought. It was a good thing She had warned her mother with the right words or he would have had a problem with both her and her family.

Did they are him as a fool?

He waved Derrick to leave and called for his butler.


"If they ever come coming to make trouble, just directly get them arrested and make them pay a hefty fine for disruption on activities" He ordered with a frown.

Butler Ken smiled and nodded "Okay master!" He had thought his master would ignore the issue but thankfully he had helped the young lady solve a huge problem.

"But Master what about Madam? She has locked herself in the room and refused to eat or let Head Maid Louise attend to her injuries"

"what about that? are you suggesting I go look for her?" Devon's tone dropped and his face looked unpleasant.

'yes?' even if this was what the Butler thought, he didn't dare speak it out. Attending to her irrational parents was even bigger than Devon would have done to requiring he go placate the dejected girl would seem like asking for a mile after being given an inch.

"No master I dare not" He immediately disagreed.

Devon spared the man one last stern look before walking off in a stride. He was worried but not about Gisele, he was worried about Chloe's future.

He has noticed how fond the servants had become with Gisele, they willingly referred to her as madam even though they knew of the circumstances surrounding their wedding. He had brought Chloe home a few times before and none of them showed her respect or even showed signs of liking her.

What if they acted disrespectfully to her when he eventually divorces Gisele and get married to her? Would he have to change servants by then?

Devon had known most of these servants especially Head Maid Louise and Butler Ken for more than half his life. Aunty Lou was initially his nanny when he was growing up and then she went ahead to be his Head Maid after he was capable of taking care of himself, same with Butler Ken. He would hate to fall out with them all because of Gisele.

No! He must find time and caution them. They should know who their loyalty lied with. Gisele was only a means to an end, while Chloe was the one he would spend the rest of his life with. He has to make sure they all were aware of this fact.

An outsider would remain an outsider.

Butler Ken watched him walk away and could only shake his head.

As much as one would admire love, there were some kind of love you wished were vanquished. Such was the love Devon thought he shared with the model Chloe.

His Master had always had a good eye right from when he was a kid, so how come he suddenly couldn't see now?

Perhaps should they really go pray for him on a mountain?

If he doesn't open his eyes soon, he would be scarred beyond repair from the fire he has been cuddling.

Sigh! What a headache!.