
Trying to Remember who I am

"i... I ... I have so much to tell you. So much that I was afraid to say when we were young. I miss you. I was a fool for not noticing it sooner until it was too late. I'm sorry." Emily was best friends with the boy next door. They met the day his family moved in. Leo was the one she trusted with everything. Sneaking out late to see each other, sitting together in school, going to the same University, they had big plans. They could never be separated until it happened... He walked away and made a name for himself. What happened to them? This story is also on wattpad under : the one that almost got away by @it’s_SaraMint

Sara_Mint · Thanh xuân
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The fallout

Emily had been in a coma for three years. During that time that Valentines broke the engagement off with the McAdams. They wanted justice for what happened to Emily, especially her brother and cousins. Dylan not only ran a red light but he was drunk. His family's company went under investigation after an eyewitness said that Dylan and his brother were seen together earlier that day, they had planned to take over the Valentines' company after the wedding. It was already suspicious how their company grew twice in size over the past year. It was found out that they had been apart of illegal drug trades and a long list of other crimes.

Their company was bought by some up and coming businessman who used it to grow his empire. He approached the Valentines and asked if he could marry Emily after she wakes up. In exchange, he would merge his modeling company with their fashion company as well as let them keep full ownership of both.

This man Theodore Charles came out of nowhere. He was a hard man to say no to. he had it all, cars, a big house, a penthouse in the city, a foot in real estate, fashion, and electronics. Didn't help that he was handsome, well built, and a bachelor as well as under the age of thirty.

When Emily woke up a few weeks after the three-year mark she was understandingly confused. Apart from not remembering how she ended up in the hospital, she knew who she was and her family is. After her family had all seen her and she was happy to see them, she was told she could leave in a week if she was up to it. Her parents had seen her every day since she woke up. Her mother told her it had been three years and that she actually graduated from college with all the work she had done in the short time that she was there. She wasn't engaged to Dylan but a new man named Theodore Charles. after hearing about Theodore she finally asked a question.

"What happened to Dylan? Or does this Theodore have more money something?" Her mom laughed at the thought of telling her daughter about the young man that had twice the amount of money they had with his arms crossed. He looked like he would smell of money.

"You could say something like that, Emmie." a man in a light gray suit chuckled as he leaned against the door frame.

"I will give you some space." Her mom said before kissing Emily's head and getting up to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow before you leave. Goodbye baby girl love you." she looked at the man with a warm smile before blowing her daughter a kiss, with that she left.

"Who are you? I know my family must trust you if they leave me alone with you. However, I've been told I lost my memory so if I met you before I already forgot you."

"I am Theodore. We have met before but never with this name." he smiled. "I know you have some memory problems and I will help you regain as much as we can when you move in."

"move in?"

"I thought your parents would have told you. You are moving in with me after the doctors say it is ok to leave." she looked wide-eyed at this man. He was quick to add "Don't worry you will have your own room and anything you need to recover. I will be taking you to my house outside of the city as it is the best for your recovery."

"how far outside of the city are we talking here? And I'm sorry but why am I moving in with you? Also, why are my parents ok with this? Who are you exactly? wow, I sound obnoxious why am I asking too many questions?" Emily fired question after question.

"About 45-60 minutes. Because my penthouse isn't the best for your recovery. They thought it best to get to know you. I am Theodore Charles, your finance. You aren't obnoxious and I like that you aren't afraid to ask questions." he sat down next to her on the chair her mom was sitting on earlier. "I think you have more questions you want to ask me, so I will just tell you who I am.

We are almost the same age, but I'm older by a few months. I worked as a PA to a rich businessman when I was in college. After a year I graduated and made my first company real estate. It grew faster than I thought and a year later I had a modeling agency and was working on getting into electronics. Actually I bought the modeling agency from your ex-finance shortly after your accident. By the time I asked your family if I could marry you it had been a year." he looked down for a bit before continuing. "I did know you before. Emmie, I don't want you to be uncomfortable around me so if you want me to stay away from you I will until you are comfortable." he looked at her as his eyes filled with hope. "I need you to know that I am cold to my employees but I will never be mean to you. Well you, my PA, the staff at the house, Cerberus, and Major. The staff cook and clean the house and are nice to talk to. they will help you with anything you need."

"I kinda want you around. I don't know why but I feel safe around you. Will I meet your PA? and who are Cerberus and major?"

"The staff sounds lovely. My PA will be here tomorrow to help with anything we need. Oh, and you will love Cerberus and Major. Cerberus is a Rottweiler and Major is a german shepherd, they are both two and are well trained to guard and protect. Your parents were afraid they might try to hurt you so I got permission to bring them here when they were training, and after that of course because they missed you. They will keep you safe."

this ends chapter 4.