
Marcus- Just friends

I used to think that the world was a safe place and nothing would ever happen to me. I thought I was untouchable. Well, that was until I got the text. I assume that everyone got one because whoever they are seemed to be addressing the whole school. This anonymous creep sent out a text at 9:47 last night and this is what it said,

Ominously Anonymous: Students of Meadow Ridge High. I've got to say I'm very disappointed. Now as to your punishment we're going to play a little game. Now, this is not the kind of game you can choose not the play. Everyone will be affected. You see I know things, about all of you and I will use them. This is how the game works. Every week someone will be chosen. Preferably you don't tell anyone but I know you can't do that so you can choose one person to tell. I will ask you truth or dare? Pick truth and I will reveal something to the whole school. Pick dare and you will have to do what I say. And if you don't reply then I reveal a secret to the school. Good luck meadow ridge and to quote Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games 'May the odds be ever in your favor.'

Whoever they are I received another private text from them at 9:48 last night

Ominously Anonymous: Marcus Dickinson, I have chosen you first. Truth or dare?'


Just friends. We're just friends. This is what I tell myself as I stand in my underwear deciding what to wear to meet my childhood best friend. I try very hard to think about her and not about the dare I have to complete by the end of the week. She won't care. You don't need to impress her. You're just friends. I see her every day at school. For Christ's sake, we do everything together. We used to have baths together when we were toddlers. A feel a blush rise on my cheeks as I think this. Stop it, I tell myself. You're just friends.

I've taken almost everything out of my wardrobe and tried it on but nothing looks good. The jeans will make me sweat, the vest makes me look kinda chubby and everything else is just wrong. I pick up my phone and throw it at the wall. It makes a cracking sound and then as I turn to see the damage it pings.

Stark, Jess Stark: Come on. Stop curling your eyelashes

I grin. Then I wonder what she means. Shit. I'm meant to be at the park now. Right now. Shit. I can't be late not for her. I mentally slap my annoyingly male mind. You're just friends.

I look at the clothes on the floor and sigh. I grab the nearest pair of jeans, blue, and pull them on. So much for not sweating. Then I rifle through the enormous pile of T-shirt's and try to find the red Nike one. Finding it I grab the deodorant and spray myself. In my rush I breathe in the manly fumes and cough, I drop my phone again and it makes another heart-wrenching cracking noise. It pings again and

Stark, Jess Stark: Are you sure you want to do this?

I know exactly what she's talking about so I ignore the text and continue getting ready.

Five minutes later I'm running out the front door, down the road, and into the park. I skid to a halt and try to look cool as I walk towards Jess. I put my hands in my pockets and take them out again nervously. I fluff my hair up and then wish I hadn't. I don't want to look like I've just rolled out of bed. Jess doesn't see me because I'm coming up behind her.

She's sitting on the bench smiling into the sun. Her hand is upon her forehead. She's wearing blue sunglasses and light pink lipgloss. In her hands is a blue slushy and she is sipping it delicately up a straw. Her golden-brown skin shines in the sun and as she smiles her golden freckles wriggle. Her paper bag shorts are painfully flattering and the baggy T-shirt she's matched it with has the looney toons characters on it. Our favorite cartoon. She stands up and turns around. Never misses a trick that one. She grins at me, 'Miss your alarm.' She takes in my messy hair and in dismay, I see my shirt is full of crumples.

'Oh um no. I just was curling my eyelashes?'

She smiles again and claps me on the shoulder. 'Ahh, it shows. You look extra handsome today. It's the eyelashes they really set of the eyes,'

I blush. 'Really?'

She snorts, 'Not really you look completely normal.' Each word feels like a little stab in the gut 'Not' stab 'really' stab 'you' stab 'look' stab 'completely' stab 'normal' stab. I feel tears prick my eyes and turn away. 'Come on,' I say gruffly. She walks in step with me. Our shoulders brush and I tense. Her head is at my chin height and I have an urge to put my arm around her. I am going to do it. I pull my arm up and begin to put it around when she looks at me. I disguise my intentions by putting my hand up to my head and scratching it. She stops and puts a hand on my arm, then she pushes me. 'I hope you haven't gone soft on me.'

'What Ewww course not' Liar, I say in my head. She gives me the searching look she always gives me when knows I'm lying but doesn't want to say anything. I break into a run and yell over my shoulder, 'Last one the park is a rotten egg.' Who says that? I think before I sprint away and hear her laughing and come powering after me. I was quick but I didn't run track whereas Jess had had on the track team since middle school and now in high school. She sprints after me and easily overtakes me. She slows down and grins back at me. I run-up to her and trip slightly on purpose so I have to put my arm on her shoulder. She staggers at my weight and we fall to the ground. We roll down the hill and land at the bottom with me on top. I stare into her eyes but she pushes me again. 'Get off me, you're so heavy,' she moans and I jump up quickly. She gets up too, a blush rising on her face.

As far as I know, she's never had a crush. I've had a few and told her about everyone but never has she told me about a crush of hers. I had Maisie Simpkin in grade six, Reina Brown in grade seven, and Sissy Kingly in grade eight. I had a break for a few years but now in the summer holidays leading up to Senior year my best fucking friend. I hate my luck sometimes. Each of the others liked me back but Jess sees me as a friend. We're not like those couples you see in films who are best friends turned lovers. She is very against love. She can't even watch a romcom without fake being sick, groaning in pain, and covering her eyes. She will never like me in the way I want because I know deep down inside we're just friends. Just stupid friends.

Though despite that she was the one who suggested the plan. The plan to kiss in front of our friends. That way the dare will be done.