

The beautiful sunrise added a delicate orange hue on the closed curtains. It reminded Li Tengfei of the times he slept on the streets, watching the golden shimmers of light making their way throughout the town. A new day had now begun.

"Huh... what a weird dream I had yesterday. I wonder how I managed to imagine such weird stuff.

Bloodline powers, an ancestor... I mean what the hell are primordial beasts and Ancient Emperors?!

Right! I've broken through last night and I am now officially a martial cultivator. Hmm... I remember reading in a book that meditation can help consolidate your state of mind which is helpful for those who have broken through. Maybe I should give it a try before sharing the good news with master."

Li Tengfei immediately sat down and started meditating. All of a sudden, he once again entered his sea of consciousness. Before him, a huge five-layered tower stood and on one side an old man sat, apparently replenishing his energy.

'This... it's just like the dream I had yesterday. Or was it a dream? I should try calling his name.'

"Err.... Ancestor Li?"

"Hmm..? Ah, you have already found the way back. Won't you let an old fool like me rest?

Well since you are back, I'll finish what I was explaining yesterday about bloodlines.

As I said, nowadays everyone possesses a negligible bit of bloodline inherited from their primordial beasts ancestor. However, as they do not have the good method to cultivate and their bloodline is so thinned out, they are bound to only stay and die as mortals on this tiny piece of rock in the universe. As for us, we had two primordial beast ancestors.

One was the great Primordial Lightning Wyvern ranked 4th amongst its peers and placing itself just under the 3rd ranked because it lacked physical strength. The Primordial Lightning Wyvern was known for its speed that remained unmatched making it so that even the 1st ranked could not catch up with it.

Our second ancestor was the Primordial Kraken, also known as the Nightmare Kraken because of its powerful soul attacks.

You see, lightning and soul power are two polar opposites. Therefore, whenever one of our family members managed to merge the two intents, the result was an unmatched power that could even shake the heavens.

I was actually the only one among our whole lineage to accomplish that."

"Err... ok. I think I've understood that... or most of it." said the somewhat confused Li Tengfei.

"But wait, since you were so powerful, how did you end up dying? Oh and what is an Ancient Emperor?"

Li Tengfei suddenly realised he was being rather disrespectful and swiftly added

"This junior is just curious and does not mean to show any disrespect"

"No problem, it's natural to be curious.

You see, the last few realms of cultivation are namely:

The Saint realm

The Void Emperor realm

The Demi-God realm

The Ancient God realm

And finally the Heavenly Sovereign realm although it is only theoretical since there hasn't been any sovereigns yet.

The demi-god realm is a special realm where cultivators try to form the Ancient Intent of their Primordial Ancestors. However, certain cultivators managed to form that intent while being a void emperor. Such emperors, like myself, were given the title of Ancient Emperor.

As for my death... well you see, the Primordial Lightning Wyvern was part of the dragon family. So the Li family was part of the 3 great families of the Dragon Clan.

An all-out-war broke out between the Dragon Clan and the Ba Serpent Clan to determine supremacy among reptiles. I unfortunately perished during the war, but, being the most powerful soul expert of that era, my spirit escaped and ten thousand years later, I found you.

I was planning on possessing a body, but who would have thought that there was no compatible one to be found!

Also, since I am very weak, I may need to go into a deep sleep for a while, so cultivate hard during my absence and try to comprehend at least the first level of my Lightning Inheritance Tower."

After finishing up, the spirit vanished. Li Tengfei found the way out and started processing all that information.


Around noon, Li Tengfei got out of his shack and found Elder Ye who was shocked upon sensing Li Tengfei's new aura.

'This brat broke through within half-a-day! Even geniuses would need 3-4 days to achieve that. Furthermore, he is at the Early Stage of the 1st level. He managed to overcome the beginning stage?

And what's up with that aura? Even my blood feels pressured although it is very little. I've surely picked up a gem this time. I should tell Sect Master about the good news!'

This was what Elder Ye silently thought of when he saw Li Tengfei approaching. He would have surely spurted out blood if he knew that Li Tengfei broke through within 3 hours.

"Master! Look! This disciple has already broken through!" said Li Tengfei with a proud look.

"Yes. I can tell just by looking at that smug expression on your face. I guess I should congratulate you although you still have a long path ahead of you. But you did not disappoint me. You did well.

How about this? I'll give you a few precious resources to help you cultivate. Also, I'll give you a few techniques. I'll bring it to you tomorrow. This will be your congratulatory gift.

Do you have any preference about the nature of the techniques?"

Upon hearing his Master's question, Li Tengfei started to think. His Ancestor told him that he should have a natural talent in the way of lightning and in the way of souls.

"Does the sect possess soul techniques?"

"You wish to pursue the Dao of souls?" said Elder Ye, a bit taken aback.

"It'll be a difficult path but given your level of talent, you should be able to succeed. I'll give you your rewards tomorrow. As for now, go consolidate your cultivation. With your talent, I'm certain you can breakthrough by next month."


After chatting a bit more with his Master, Li Tengfei went back to his house and decided to have a look at the Inheritance Tower left by his Ancestor.

He entered his sea of consciousness. Before him stood an imposing tower that gave off an imposing aura. Different coloured lightning were crackling around the tower. The more he looked at it, the more he felt lost.

In the end, Li Tengfei went inside the imposing structure, seeking guidance in the Dao of Lightning to become stronger.