
True Beast: I Am Reincarnated As A White Wolf With A System

[Nature is brutal, Only the strongest survives] MC is Male. 2Ch/Day A world where innocence is a distant memory, a pure soul is given a second chance. A child's life is cut short after witnessing unimaginable evil, but fate intervenes, offering a new beginning. Reborn as a wolf pup, this innocent spirit must navigate a treacherous new world, confronting the darkness that haunts it. Will its pure heart be enough to overcome the shadows, or will the weight of its past crush its hope for a brighter future? DING! [EVOLUTION COMPLETE] DING! [YOU ARE NOW THE TRUE BEAST] 70 Powerstones = Extra Chapter

Shadowwarrior_007 · Fantasy
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190 Chs

Chapter 7: Awakening to a New Day

The morning sun shone bright, casting a warm bright light over the cave.

Malakai woke up, stretching his small wolf body and arching his back in a graceful yawn.

He looked around, his eyes adjusting to the newfound brightness, and noticed that his mother was nowhere to be seen.

His sister still slept peacefully, her chest rising and falling with each gentle breath.

Malakai's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to venture outside.

As he emerged from the cave, his paws touched the familiar snow, and he felt a thrill run through his body.

The forest loomed before him, its trees towering and mysterious.

He wondered if there were any other wolves around, and his tail began to wag excitedly at the prospect.

Without hesitation, Malakai took off in a random direction, his paws pounding against the snow-covered ground.

The forest was alive with the sounds of birds chirping and branches creaking, and Malakai felt a sense of freedom and joy that he had never experienced before.

He ran with wild without care, his senses heightened as he explored this new world.

Malakai felt alive, his heart pounding with excitement, as he chased after the thrill of discovery.

He didn't know where he was going, but he knew that he would find something amazing, something that would make his tail wag even more furiously. And so, he ran.

Malakai's eyes widened as he caught the scent of blood, his ears rising up like satellite dishes tuning in to a signal.

He sniffed the air, his nose twitching like a metronome, trying to pinpoint the source of the delicious smell.

His tail moved excitedly, and he followed the scent, his paws padding softly on the snow.

As he rounded a cluster of trees, he spotted the source of the smell: a dead owl, its feathers ruffled and its body torn open.

Malakai's mouth watered at the sight, and he approached the carcass cautiously, his ears still perked up and his nose twitching.

He sniffed the owl's body, then licked it, his tongue raspy against the cold skin.

The taste was intoxicating, and Malakai's eyes closed in bliss as he savored the flavor. He took another bite, and another, his hunger and thirst finally satiated.

But as he was indulging in his meal, he heard a growl behind him.

Malakai's eyes snapped open, and he turned around to see a fox standing a few feet away, its fur fluffed up and its eyes narrowed.

Malakai's instincts told him that this fox was hostile, and he growled back, his hackles raised.

The fox was larger than him, and Malakai could sense its dominance, but he refused to back down.

He stood his ground, his ears still perked up and his tail held high, ready to defend his prize.

The fox took a step closer, its eyes fixed on Malakai, and he could feel its gaze like a challenge.

Malakai's heart raced with excitement and fear, his paws planted firmly on the ground. He was ready for whatever came next.

The winter-coated fox, its eyes gleaming with hunger, pounced at Malakai with a swift and silent motion.

Malakai, despite his youth and inexperience, didn't back down. He had played with his sister before, and his instincts told him to defend himself.

With a fierce little growl, Malakai charged at the fox, his tiny teeth bared.

But the fox was too quick, too strong. It swiped at Malakai with its paw, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Malakai struggled to get up, his small paws slipping on the snow. The fox pounced again, its jaws wide open.

Malakai tried to dodge, but the fox was too fast. It caught him in its teeth, shaking him back and forth like a rag doll.

Malakai yelped in pain as the fox's teeth dug into his fur. He tried to bite back, but his jaws were too weak.

His teeth barely scratched the fox's skin, and it simply laughed, a cold, mirthless sound.

The fox tossed Malakai aside, and he landed hard on the snow. He struggled to get up, but his legs trembled beneath him.

The fox loomed over him, its eyes gleaming with triumph.

Malakai snarled, trying to look braver than he felt. But the fox just laughed again, its hot breath washing over Malakai's face.

With a swift motion, it ripped into Malakai's fur, tearing it apart like paper.

Malakai whimpered, his eyes filling with tears. He tried to crawl away, but the fox pinned him down, its paw pressing into his chest. Malakai's vision began to blur, and he knew he was in grave danger.

Just as the fox's jaws opened wide, ready to deliver the final blow, a loud howl echoed through the forest.

The fox hesitated, its ears perked up. Malakai took advantage of the distraction to squirm free, his heart racing with fear.

As he stumbled away, the fox's eyes narrowed, its gaze fixed on its prey. Malakai knew he had to keep running, but his legs were trembling, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

And then, everything went black.

The domineering wolf howl sounded, echoing through the Arctic landscape like a warning siren.

The fox's ears stood up, its gaze fixed on the pup, then shifted towards the direction of the howl.

It knew instinctively that this was the mother, her voice commanding and authoritative.

The fox's fur stood on end, its hackles raised in a mix of fear and respect.

It knew that wolves were pack animals, but in this harsh and unforgiving land, their numbers were sparse.

Yet, the ones that remained were fiercely strong and territorial.

The fox's eyes narrowed, its pupils constricting as it assessed the situation. It didn't run, not yet, for it knew that flight would only trigger the wolf's chase instinct.

Instead, it stood its ground, its tail moving, its muscles coiled and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.

The pup, still whimpering, cowered behind a nearby snowbank, its eyes fixed on the fox with a mix of fear and gratitude.

The wolf's howl sounded again, closer this time, and the fox's ears rang with the sound. It knew that the wolf was closing in, its territory and pup threatened.

The fox's heart raced with excitement and fear, its survival instincts on full alert.

And in that moment, the fox knew that its fate hung in the balance, as it faced off against the mighty Arctic wolf, the true queen of this frozen domain.

The fox's eyes gleamed with confidence, its tail twitching with excitement, as it prepared to face the Arctic Queen.

It had been waiting for this moment, eager to test its strength and prove its superiority over the infamous wolf.

The air was electric with tension, the snow seeming to vibrate with the fox's anticipation.

The pup watched with wide eyes, its whimpering forgotten in the face of this impending battle.

Suddenly, a wolf burst from the underbrush, its fur a blur of white and gray, its eyes fixed intently on the fox.

The fox stood its ground, its muscles coiled and ready, as the wolf launched itself into a powerful pounce.

The fox dodged with lightning speed, its agility and quick reflexes allowing it to avoid the wolf's snapping jaws by mere inches.

The wolf landed gracefully, its eyes never leaving the fox's face, as it prepared to strike again.

The fox stood tall, its chest heaving with excitement, its eyes locked on the wolf's.