
Tributes for Peace

Three tribes occupied the continent, two of which aim to form an alliance through marriage, how will the two heirs take this news?

EmilySchneider0995 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter Three

-Bakugou's POV-

This dumbass won't stop following me around, I was trying to find a quiet place so I could deal with the problem he caused. Even if he was supposed to be a warrior for his tribe, I couldn't help but hear him practically stomping through woods when he followed me. I didn't expect him to touch me though, and I didn't want it to feel as nice as it did. That's just my luck though, and it didn't get better when I glanced back at him and he had that stupidly lustful and hungry look on his face.

All I could think of doing to get him to stop looking at me like that was to smack him with a greenstick. They tended to hurt really badly if you hit a person just right with one. Though when I hit him, he barely seemed to feel it instead just looking confused as he rubbed his arm. I wasn't too surprised though, he was fucking massive of course the pain would be dulled some.

"Stop looking at me like that, I'm not a damned animal." I grumbled at him, seeing a playful glint in his eye.

"I was simply admiring you, like I previously said, you're beautiful." he said, making me huff and walk off again.

Damned foreigner, this is why I never wanted to get married. I hated having Deku follow me around, least of all someone I'd have to spend every day with. Though I'd give him some credit, he was kinda hot, especially when he towered over me. Normally when someone was taller than me I'd take it as a challenge to beat them, but with him I just wanted to let him do whatever, and that was a dangerous thing.

"I heard you don't stay in the settlement at night, why is that?" he asked, still following me.

"I don't like the noise of people when I'm trying to sleep." I said, hearing a hum as a reply.

"Would you explain the rules of your settlement to me? I'd like to know if I've done something wrong to merritt your distrust." he stated, making me pause and look at him.

"Our tribes are at war and you wanna know why I distrust you?" I asked, a hint of anger in my voice.

"I guess that's fair, but I'd still like to know the differences between our tribes." he said, making me pinch my nose and sigh before walking off again.

"You could always ask Deku, he loves talking to dumbasses like you." I grumbled, the redhead laughing behind me quietly.

I could practically feel my blood boiling at the sound of him laughing at me. As soon as I wheeled around he came to a stop, looking kinda confused. Walking up to him I did my best to look intimidating, which apparently didn't work because all it did was make him smile as he picked me up. Once my feet left the ground he laid me over his shoulder with ease, making me yelp. I could feel my face turn bright red as he chuckled at the feeling of my dick against his shoulder.

"So that's what that bump was earlier, how about we head back to the settlement for the day?" he said, already heading back without my answer.

"H-hey! Put me down, asshole!" I yelled, squirming around.

"We'll move faster if I carry you, just keep still, darling." he stated, patting my ass and making me tense and blush more.

-Time Skip: Outside the settlement-

I wouldn't say I was pouting, it was more of a frown while blushing. I heard some feet running our way before the most annoying person I knew came into view. The dumbass carrying me walked right past the green bean of a boy who started to follow us.

"K-Kacchan are you ok?" Deku asked, looking concerned.

"Shut up Deku, not a single word." I growled at him, seeing him nod quickly.

"B-but Kacchan, why is he carrying you like that? Did you get hurt?" he asked, ignoring my warning.

"Deku, you better hope he doesn't put me down. Once he does, you're my first target, along with anyone who laughs about this." I growled, squirming again and getting another swat to the ass.

"K-Kacchan, maybe you shouldn't do that. Besides your mother is looking for you, something about details for your wedding." he stated, getting the giant idiot's attention as he turned and nearly dropped me.

"Where is she right now? We can head over right now." he said, making me lay limp against him for a moment.

"S-she's in the center tent going through details with the elders." Deku stated, getting a thanks from the redhead before he turned again and headed into the settlement.

We walked for a little while, taking note of all of the people who snicker as we make our way passed. They all stopped though when I sent a glare their way. Eventually we made it to the center tent, making a few people giggle as he just walked in with me on his shoulder. One we were by the table he set me down on my seat next to my old hag. I could see her trying not to snicker at how we came in as he sat next to me.

"Well now that you're here, we can begin planning again." the hag said, getting nods from around the table.

I sat there with my arms crossed as they debated how the ceremony would go. We obviously would have to mix traditions seeing as we don't wanna upset the Sira tribesmen. The girl with pink hair from the first meeting with this idiot had been called in when he refused to speak to the elders and the old hag. After she was brought up to speed things continued forwards, though with some hesitancy from the others.

"What would we be doing about the attire for the ceremony? Tradition for the Folia tribe has always been more conservative." an elder stated.

"While that may be true for your tribe the Sira tribe finds it challenging to hide one's body. It's also quite threatening to do so in a formal setting." the girl argued, many people sending her a sharp look.

"I apologize for bringing this up now, but it seems that you speak out of turn. Why is it that the heir to the Sira tribe doesn't speak for himself, he's not scared is he?" a younger man states, both of the giants glaring at him.

"If he doesn't want to talk, that is his business, not yours. Keep your mind on the ceremony and I won't have to pumble you, elder or not." I growled, seeing him glare at me before scoffing and looking off.

"Katsuki, you can't go picking fights all the time." the old hag said, though there was a proud gleam in her eye.

The redhead next to me was watching me again, an actually cute smile on his face. I gave my signature 'tch' and the conversation continued. By the time we had finished debating the details the call for dinner had rang out and everything was settled. The elders all left first, heading off to dinner as my old hag got everything scrawled out on a piece of cloth. I got up after the elders left, the redhead doing the same, and went outside while both giants followed.

At the bonfire everyone was laughing and eating together, a few kids even chasing each other around. I saw Deku in the corner with his mom just rambling on about something while she listened. I always found it hard to believe that the idiot was one of the smartest people here. Huffing I grabbed a small bit of food before going and sitting in a corner by myself, though it didn't last long as the idiot redhead and pink haired girl came over shortly after.

"What do you two want?" I asked, sending a small glare their way.

"Why do you hate the idea of marrying him so much?" the girl asked, both of them looking at me.

"Because I know once I do I can't do what I want to." I answered, starting to eat.

"What makes you think that?" she asked, making me slightly annoyed.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I answered.

"Katsuki, you can tell us. No one else will find out." the redhead stated, a gentle look on his stupid face.

"Go ask Deku if you're so curious, I said I didn't want to talk about it." I growled, getting up and walking off towards the forest and the waterfall.

-Kirishima's POV-

I watched as he walked off, keeping Mina from following him. Even though my curiosity was wanting to follow and question him I knew it wouldn't end well. Instead I stood up and walked over to the green-haired boy from earlier, wanting some answers to our questions. When he saw me approaching, a look of terror crossed his face as well as the woman next to him. I sat down in front of them calmly, knowing I was probably pretty scary standing.

"H-Hello, can we help y-you?" he asked, still scared.

"I have some questions for you." I stated, seeing them relax a bit.

"O-oh, go ahead." he said, a friendly smile on his freckled face.

"Why does Katsuki not want to get married?" I asked, keeping a straight face.

"Oh, well uh, you see there's a sort of law about that kind of thing in our tribe. The weaker partner has to stay in the settlement and care for the home and family. Kacchan isn't really the domestic type so…" he said, trailing off as he rubbed the back of his head.

"But he wouldn't have to stay home once we're married, our tribe doesn't have that law." I stated, confused.

"Every child here is taught the basics of domestic life, Kastuki was never too keen on the lessons. He preferred to be out with his father training or just alone in the woods." the woman stated, a motherly look in her eye.

"What other things does he like to do?" I asked, moving to the next question.

"He used to like cooking, before he had to start serious training." the green boy said.

"Izuku, didn't you two go hiking at times? Surely with how often you went he enjoyed that." the woman asked, getting a nod from him.

"That's true, other than that the only thing I could think that he'd like would be spicy foods." he answered, looking at me again.

"Ok, thank you for answering my questions." I said, getting up and walking back to my tribesmen.

"Kiri, what are you planning to do?" Mina asked, always knowing that I was up to something.

"I'm gonna try to get close to him. That way he'll trust me a little more before the ceremony. Lay low for now, I don't want any trouble while we wait." I ordered, seeing everyone nod and go back to what they were doing.