
Tributes for Peace

Three tribes occupied the continent, two of which aim to form an alliance through marriage, how will the two heirs take this news?

EmilySchneider0995 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter Seven

-Bakugou's POV-

Everyone was eating and talking as the rest of the evening went by. Once everyone finished eating we all headed back to the settlement and lit a bonfire, kids running around and playing as the adults talked. I nearly smiled at the sight of everyone getting along finally, though Deku walking over ruined it for me.

"Hey Kacchan, congratulations on finishing the trust trial safely. It must have been difficult." he stated, rubbing the back of his head with a chuckle.

"Shut up Deku, it wasn't hard at all." I grumbled, irritated that this nerd was underestimating me again.

"Kacchan, you don't have to be so defensive about it. After all the trial was designed to be difficult." he stated, a stupid pout on his face.

"I said it wasn't difficult, alright nerd." I growled, jumping when I got a smack to the back of the head.

"Katsuki, be nice." my old hag stated, glaring at me.

I turned and glared back at her, not failing to notice the woman from earlier and another woman behind her. Huffing I glared at Deku again and went to walk off, getting stopped by my old hag grabbing my arm.

"Not so fast, hot head, you need to meet your in-laws." she stated.

"Fine, now let go." I grumbled, yanking my arm away from her.

"Say hello to your in-laws." she ordered, causing us to glare at each other for a few seconds before I looked at the two women.

"Hello." I said, seeing the woman from earlier smile.

"Hello Katsuki, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Masako and this is my wife Kenji." she said, smiling, making me pause for a second.

"That's his mother? He has two moms? So she's not an old girlfriend?" I thought to myself, feeling a bit light headed.

"Katsuki? Are you ok, you're not looking too great?" she asked, looking concerned.

"I gotta go sit down." I said, taking a step back before everything went dark.

-Kirishima's POV-

I was talking to Mina after the ceremony, sorting out a few details for the trip home when I heard a commotion from the other side of the crowd. I looked over to find Katsuki and I's mothers crowded around someone on the ground. Walking over I heard them call for a medic and saw Izuku run off towards the tents. Once I got closer I noticed that it was Katsuki on the ground, fear running through my veins as I pushed my way next to him.

"What happened?" I asked, holding onto the hand that his mother wasn't holding.

"We were talking and he seemed to get a little flushed and passed out." Ma said, looking really worried.

"Katsuki, honey, come on, wake up." his mom said, running a hand along his cheek.

I gently placed the back of my hand against his forehead, jumping a bit at the heat coming from him. A second after placing my hand down he moved his head away from me, whimpering a bit. His mother let out a choked sound when he opened his eyes a bit and started looking around.

"Honey bear, do you know where you are?" she asked, tears in her eyes.

"'m at bunfire." he mumbled out, still looking around sluggishly.

"Can you tell us how you feel?" she asked, the medic finally making it over.

"It's warm." he muttered.

"Katsuki? Can you tell me who here you remember?" the medic asked, my moms moving everyone back.

"Fuckin Deku, my old hag, 'n my dumbass husband." he replied, waving his hand at me.

"Do you think you could make it to your family's hut?" they asked, getting a nod from him.

"Kirishima, do you think you could help him?" they asked.

"Ya, I got him." I replied.

His mom and the medic backed up a bit and I moved forwards, gently grabbing his head and shoulders. I carefully helped him sit up and let him look around some more, making sure he didn't fall forwards or back down. After a second he looked at me and nodded a bit, saying something very quietly and heavily slurred.

"Kat, I'm gonna carry you there ok?" I asked, seeing him nod and lean towards me.

I let him rest against my chest as I reached under his knees and around his waist, carefully lifting him up and off the ground. He let out a small sound when I stood up with him, panting softly against me. I followed his mother to their hut, carefully holding Katsuki close.

"Just lay him on the cot, I'll take a look at him if you'll wait outside." the medic stated, his mother nodding and leaving.

I walked over to one of the cots and laid him down gently, stopping when he weakly grabbed my arm. I held his hand carefully and placed a kiss on his palm. Standing I left to let the medic look him over.

-Time Skip: After the checkup-

The medic walked out of the tent, looking relaxed. Both me and his parents looked at them as they walked out, waiting to hear how he was doing.

"Good news is he's not injured or sick." they stated.

"If there's good news there's bad news, what is wrong with him?" his father asked.

"He seems to be extremely sensitive to touch, my guess would be that he inhaled pollen from the fire blossom on the way back to the surface." they stated.

"It's not dangerous is it?" his mother asked, looking very concerned.

"No not at all, the pollen just acts as an aphrodisiac and is triggered by intimate contact with another person." they stated, making his mother sigh.

"I guess we should move to the next period of the ceremony then." his father said, glaring at me again.

"That would be fine, I'll go talk with Katsuki about it. You two go tell the others and inform the elders." his mother said, getting a nod from the two of us.

His father and I headed back to the crowd of people at the bonfire. He explained what had happened and that Katsuki was just fine. Everyone seemed to relax after that, some even making some jokes quietly to their friends. I made eye contact with Mina who seemed to have heard them joking and went to take care of it. After telling the elders that we'd be heading to the hut earlier because of the pollen they said that would be fine so we headed back to the place Katsuki and his mother were.

"Kirishima, before we get in there I'd like to speak with you." his father stated, turning to me with his arms crossed.

I stopped and stood with him, waiting to hear what he wanted to say. It was most likely going to be another threat that I know he couldn't keep up.

"When Katsuki ends up leaving with you, make sure to treat him well. I'll never be comfortable with you two together, but just don't hurt him. He's more precious than you know." he said, shocking me for a moment.

"I don't ever plan to hurt him, I didn't intend to do so when you arrived back home. I only grabbed him like that because you had a spear to my best friend's throat." I replied after a moment.

"I guess I could understand that, after all you knew her for quite some time huh?" he asked, getting a nod.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you mean by Katsuki being 'more precious' than I knew?" I questioned, seeing him frown and look down to the ground.

"When Katsuki was born, he was much smaller than other children and had some issues when trying to breathe. He would stop breathing multiple times a day and nearly died once. We had to move the settlement away from where it was so that we could have access to an herb to help him." he explained, not looking up.

"By the time he grew out of it he started running around with the other kids and making memories. To this day he's never been told about his baby years." he said, a sad smile on his face.

"I won't let anything happen to him, I swear on the Kirishima name that I will protect him till the day I die." I stated firmly, meaning every word.

"That brings me some comfort, thank you. I guess you're not as bad as I thought you'd be, that's good." he said, opening the hut door for me.

"Thank you." I responded, going in.

Inside, Katsuki's mother was next to a bed, looking over at us with a smile. Katsuki is lying next to her, looking a little more flushed than before. We both walked over to the two blondes, Katsuki's father kissing his mother on the forehead. I walked over to Kat, holding his hand gently while the parents talked.

"The elders have okayed them moving to the hut early. We just need to walk them there." his father said.

"Alright, I'll go get his mothers and we can walk them down to the hut." his mother stated, getting up and heading outside.

"Okay sweetheart, we'll be here." he replied, though I doubt she heard him.

"How are you feeling, little bear?" he asked, looking down at Katsuki.

"'m still warm but that won't stop me." he mumbled out, lightly forming a fist and bumping it against his fathers shoulder.

"Of course not, but it is tradition that your husband carries you. So you have to put up with that." he stated, making Katsuki huff.

"Fucking giant better not drop me." he muttered, pouting slightly.

"I won't Kat, besides your father would probably try to kill me if I did." I stated, gently picking him up.

"Let's head out boys!" Mama hollered just through the door.

"Alright, let's head out with the ladies." his father stated, leading me outside.