
Trials of Ru

Tác giả: Elijah_Talbot_3693
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What is Trials of Ru

Đọc tiểu thuyết Trials of Ru của tác giả Elijah_Talbot_3693 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.A well-known warrior, a famed scholar, and a beloved artist. The Knight journeyed around the globe in search for something deserving of their status, the path to immortality. Upon arriving at a castle...

Tóm tắt

A well-known warrior, a famed scholar, and a beloved artist. The Knight journeyed around the globe in search for something deserving of their status, the path to immortality. Upon arriving at a castle in the middle of the swamp, under the custodianship of Ru. They promised the Knight immortality if they completed the trials within the castles spire. Which will test the Knight's resolve and character, to see if they are worthy for the gift of immortality.

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Hi, long time no see. " The short words that escaped from the girl's lips made Akala's body instantly freeze. It's been a long time, even too long. It felt like the voice didn't greet him anymore. Then what brought him back here? To the place where their story began. his lips felt stiff to answer that. "hi" he said as he immediately left. Binta is a little confused about what happened to this man, her little friend whom they had been separated for 6 years. Akala feels awkward to start a conversation with him, he immediately leaves because there will be someone he will meet in the park. Binta comes to Bandung again to continue her education here. And unexpectedly he met his little friend. I come to the garden just to see his best friend, Bella. Bella is Akala's best friend, who, unexpectedly, Derri also has feelings for her. "hi the bell" said someone while sitting beside Bella "La, how long has it been" asked Bella "It's jammed because Bel," said Akala, lying even though he was taking a long time due to pacing back and forth in the park thinking about Binta who suddenly came to Bandung. 6 years ago Binta went to Jakarta as a result of her parents' work, which demanded that she move to Jakarta. binta did not think that he would come home to death. He thought he would stay in Jakarta for the rest of his life. "why is Akala avoiding me? Does Akala not know me anymore?" That sentence had filled the beautiful girl's mind ever since leaving the garden. today, Binta's first day came to Jakarta. The first thing he did was take a leisurely walk around the beautiful city of Bandung. Binta comes to the garden where she used to spend time with Akala. and there he also decided that Akala would go to Jakarta, and there he met Akala again. His best friend .

Getkeysx · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

El Prometido del Diablo

Un amor condenado desde el principio, una causa perdida, una batalla perdida, y aún así, ninguno de los dos corazones está dispuesto a rendirse hasta el final. Arlan Cromwell, el epítome del perfecto Príncipe Heredero. Todo lo que quiere es vivir una vida normal como un humano pero la vida de un dragón no tiene nada de normal. Solo tiene un objetivo: encontrar a su prometida fugitiva y decapitarla. ¿Qué sucede cuando descubre que la mujer que ha conquistado su corazón es la que juró matar? Oriana, la Herbolario, disfrazándose de hombre, ha pasado toda su vida huyendo sin saber de qué huye. Cuando los misterios de su pasado la atrapan lentamente, no tiene a quién acudir... excepto a Arlan. Pero cuando se entera de que el hombre al que le ha entregado su corazón es el mismo hombre que quiere matarla, ¿cómo puede aceptar la cruel mano que la vida le ha dado? Dos personas con secretos que guardar, identidades que ocultar y respuestas que encontrar. Cuando cierta oscuridad amenaza con llevarse a Oriana, ¿el Dragón podrá proteger a su pareja? Extracto: —Si supiera que eres mi prometida, te habría matado en el mismo momento en que nos conocimos. —¡Si supiera que estaba comprometida contigo, me habría matado antes de que tú me mataras! Sacó una daga y se la ofreció. —No es demasiado tarde. Simplemente corta tu garganta con esto y sangrarás sin dolor. Ella aceptó el cuchillo, sus dedos apretaban con fuerza el mango. Al siguiente momento, él estaba presionado contra la pared y el cuchillo estaba en el lado derecho de su cuello. —¿Qué tal si lo pruebo contigo primero, mi prometido? —Siéntete libre de intentarlo. Pero cuando falles, este cuchillo primero probará la sangre de tu abuelo, luego la tuya. La ira se levantó en sus ojos, y al siguiente momento, la sangre fluyó por el lado derecho de su cuello. Ella cortó lo suficientemente profundo como para cortar un importante vaso sanguíneo. —No deberías haberme desafiado —dijo ella con desdén—. Y se echó hacia atrás, esperando que él colapsara. Simplemente sonrió y pasó su dedo por la profunda herida en su cuello. —Parece que has fallado. Observó cómo la herida de su cuello se curaba por sí sola y se sintió impactada hasta los huesos. —Tú... ¿qué eres? —¿Adivinas?

Mynovel20 · Kỳ huyễn
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The Sacharine Theocracy

Atop it all. Standing upon her world as a queen. Nierva is at the very cusp of godhood. Known to all for her less than desirable and even detestable humor; she plays the part as the most hated of the seven lords. Her power shone greater than any before her. To be able to channel the power of a god in its pure state. Such chaotic energy, capable of annihilating all in its wake. Her power could only grow as the distance between her and the rest of the world shifted further and further apart. An ever growing chasm, all born of scorn for her interpretation of the faith. This ultimately led to a question. How could a priestess who harnesses the very power of the gods themselves become a god herself? Obviously, no one wanted to find out the answer to that question. As before she could ascend, she was stabbed in the back by her own beloved and cast down into the lower realms without even a speck of her power left. Now dying of a mortal wound, a curse laiden upon her soul, and her leaking life force; the dream of ever reaching godhood slips through her fingers. Will Nierva ever be able to drive out the corruption that threatens the entire world? Will she even survive her mortal wounds, gifts from her first love? Or will she die a disgraceful and pitiful death? Her will crushed under the weight of the world? TLDR: A woman is betrayed by the gods, her female lover, and all those close to her. Now, she must rebuild it all to take revenge on those who wronged her. PS: A theocracy is a society ruled by priests and religion. Art Copyright: Artstation

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2 Chs

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