
Chapter 82

Philip and I arrived at home a little after five, where we changed into casual attire, having decided to go directly out to eat after our swim. We had a light supper at Rick’s, after which we visited our favorite bookstore and browsed for a while before returning home. Once we were home, we went up to the study and spent an hour or so at our respective desks, then changed into running gear for a short run around the park. This had the desired effect, and afterward we went straight from the shower to bed.

Thursday produced no real surprises. Wetherbee’s opening statement boiled down to one or two items: that Philip, who had no visible means of support, was dependent upon his wife’s income; that her pregnancy (he managed to imply, without coming out and saying so, that Philip was obviously not the father) represented a threat to his financial security, and, fearing that he was about to lose his gravy train, he’d killed her. How they intended to prove this was beyond me.