
Trial Of Ascension

In this world where Ascenders with special ability's that are distributed to those worthy to battle monsters from an inner world, Kai was the only person that started without an ability of his own but he was never one to give up. Kai accepted the challenge to embark on the Trial of Ascension in an attempt to unlock his hidden ability, barely able to survive due to his lack of skilled training.

LazyHumor · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Ascenders

Your Inner thoughts can be dangerous if you can't control them or if you let them. The only way to realize one's true potential is to push oneself to new heights and take on The Trial of Ascension!


"Tap in..." Kai said a trigger word unconsciously.

<Warning! Only Allowed To Return To True Self Every 4 Hours>

A distinct and intelligible masculine voice spoke to him that only he could hear.


"I Accept!"


Kai could be seen among a gleaming light.

He took a long breath and felt the air travel through his lungs. He then looked down at both sides of his hands and pinched himself to see if he would've woken up from what he believed was a dream and the warning was merely designed to scare him.

His Inner Self is also the same boy he's afraid to be in his True Self. The one they called a weakling based on appearance, having a slender build, no talent, or even a reason to succeed in this life or the next. Kai the no good they called him all his life. Therefore, waiting 4 hours to return to his True Self was not a bother. He's ready to put his life on the line, to prove to everyone who doubted him, that he can become the strongest!

Kai looked down at his shadow and gazed off in his thoughts. "Well, I guess I have to work with this frail body no matter where I go... One thing is for sure, I will be somebody, I will get stronger..!"

Kai got slightly concerned and took a look around the area, shocked at the fact that the scenery was almost the same as where he lived as his True Self. The Slew Village, houses built with reinforced wood and clay tile rooftops. A lot of talented and experienced Cazador's but the least recognized village.

<I will be the voice in your head that guides you through your Trials To Ascension. At this very moment, everyone that joined the Trial Of Ascension is being briefed by the voice assigned to them.>

Ding... Ding... Ding...

The sound of a bell rang and Kai started to see all the others.

<Well briefing is over.>

"You haven't even told me anything?!!"


"Hey! KAI! Over here." A male shouted in the distance.

"Great... My big brother Nyx is here..."

Nyx was almost six feet tall with white long hair braided in one. A teenage boy said to be brutal, merciless, and arrogant. He got all the attention while Kai sits on the sidelines and watched him practice. It wasn't all bad since Kai learned a few moves just by watching.

Kai usually trains himself when everyone was fast asleep, so he knew he could become a strong Cazador or Ascender. All he needed was the same training his brother was going through but their father wouldn't allow Kai to swing a sword or handle something as small as a butter knife.

"Not happy to see me..?" Nyx smirked.

"It's not that, your name just bothers me when I hear it."

"..." Nyx shrugged.

"Anyways, do you have a voice?"

"I'm talking aren't I?"

"Ugh! I meant a voice in your head..."

Nyx seemed very confused and thought his little brother was going crazy and quickly changed the subject.

"Ok... Let's have a look around the area and see if we can find anything useful."

Kai and Nyx started to walk around to get more familiar with the area. Suddenly, Kai's voice guide started talking.

<Hmm... It seems like you're the only one in this village that has a voice to guide you.>

"Wh... Why's that?"

<You can't honestly be this slow kid...>

"Don't tell me my True Self is the same as my Inner Self?!"

Nyx was a bit ahead of Kai, trying to find materials whether it was scraps, wood, or rare ores that were said to be buried under the ground of Slew Village. This special ore was also the way they created some wealth, weapons, or gear that they use.

Kai lost in thoughts with his head down, accidentally walked into Nyx and fell.

"Haha... What's wrong with you today brother?"

"Well, I'm Think-." Said Kai before being cut off by Nyx.

"The Ascenders?! What are they doing here... In Slew village?!" Nyx queried anxiously.

Kai's feelings got ignored as usual. He sat there for a few seconds and fixed his gaze on the sky.

"I wish you were still alive" Kai whispered.

Nyx was watching the Ascenders as they passed by, one of whom was dressed in an all-black cloak with several pockets, straps, feathers on the neck, and a weapon that resembled a farming tool with an open crescent-shaped blade. The others with weapons had various forms but consisted typically of a long, straight, or slightly curved blade, sharp-edged on one or both sides, with one end, pointed and the other fixed in a hilt.

Nyx himself wants to become an Ascender, while Kai is always told he can only dream of becoming one.

"Kai! Let's catch up to them, I have a question to ask them."

With a bothered sigh, Kai trailed behind Nyx with his head down in doubt, this proved that words can cut deeper than a knife.

Nyx dashed towards the Ascenders, with his mind racing with questions he wanted to ask.

As Nyx approached, the Ascender's concentration abruptly shifted to him, giving him a death stare as if he were a threat. Nyx became a little disturbed, the look they gave him seemed as if he was next on their chopping block.

"Oh, it's just a kid. How may we assist you?"

"Ugh, I was just wondering how I could become an Ascender?"

"Believe me, it's best not to become one."

"Why's that..?"

"It's not fun giving people false hope, with everyone depending on you to clear a trial floor every time you set out on your trial, that's a lot of pressure. Coming back alive and in one piece is the most difficult task of it all..."

Everything that has happen so far is planned based on the plot, stick to the coming chapters and everything will make sense. NB. I'm new to writing so i ask for some leniency. Feel free to share your opinions or comments, Thank you.

LazyHumorcreators' thoughts