Silvers D. Damien, grandson of Rayleigh and Shaky, goes on his own adventure after recieving memories that weren’t his, or were they? Watch as he sails the seas with his new favorite crew and builds his own expanding the Strawhat fleet. Growing strong is never easy especially when you can’t share your full name with the world without an immediate death sentence.
Silvers Rayleigh, aka my grandfather, was currently standing over my fallen form. "What's the matter Damien? I thought you said you wanted to go out to sea? You're not going to get permission that way and Shakky isn't going to let me off if you leave before you can at least handle yourself!"
I groaned as memories flooded my head, arguably from the serious head trauma gramps just inflicted with his wooden training stick. I saw it all, or at least all that was impersonal and cold. A lifetime of anime, tv series and even a history download of information on this world I would now think of as One Piece.
Sitting up I took off my blindfold and rubbed my head. "Have it your way old man. I'm not going to figure out Observation Haki any time soon so I'll take the fruit dad left for me and become the strongest pirate that ever lived. I'll even beat you one day! I'm going to find a crew and turn this world upside down, just you wait!"
He looked at me with a smile and dare I say tears in his eyes for a few seconds before bring down the wooden stick on my head and growling. "You'd better learn some manners brat! Your grandma isn't going to like this!"
I stuck my tongue out at him and kicked him in the shin while dodging the stick before hopping up and running back to Grove 12 where grandma's bar was. Seeing it once more was like seeing a surreal dream after the memories settled down.
I may only be ten years old right now, but guesstimating the year and time of Luffy's departure, I could easily train up seriously now and head to meet him and the rest if by no other way then finding Brook. I walked inside and saw grandma Shakky beating up some idiot who thought he was too good to pay his own tab.
It wasn't called Shakky's rip-off bar for nothing. I smiled. "Hey grandma, can I have some juice?"
She smiled and looked my way, realizing I was back. I was probably the only living being that wouldn't be skinned alive that could call her grandma and she actually didn't mind one bit since it was me. "Sure, sure, help yourself but don't touch the grown up stuff! I'll be right with you in a bit!"
I ran passed her and went to the fridge while she finished shaking down the poor pirates. I heard grandpa's infectious laughter from the door and he spoke up. "You're not going to get away that easy, brat!"
I snorted and took a bottle of juice before running behind grandma. "Gran gran, he's trying to tor-torture me!"
She smiled and dropped the defenseless bloodied pirate before patting my head and feeling the lumps. Not two seconds later Rayleigh had matching lumps and was sipping juice quietly while we both watched her take out the trash pirates after steal-ahem misappropriating all their money and valuables including a low grade named sword, Shadija itonchi, a katana of some renown and a small history in the North Blue.
Seeing as she'd probably sell it anyways, I asked her. "Can I have it Grandma? I want to be an all rounder so I need to learn sword fighting, gun shooting and fist fighting!"
She looked me over before setting the sword on the counter. "Maybe when you're older Damien-Chan, until then you need to practice like your grandpa told you. I don't want you leaving and end up loosing you like we did your parents! Those damn world nobles-"
She cut herself off before shaking her head. "Anyways, have you decided to eat the devil fruit yet?"
I nodded. "In a way, yes! I have a plan to get around the weaknesses and so long as it works I might even be able to use multiple devil fruits without losing my ability to swim!"
They both looked at me with gapping mouths before Shakky asked. "H-how?!!"
I grinned and shook my head. "It's a secret for now, but first I need to learn how to fight and do blacksmithing! I also want to learn how to do Fishman Karate! It sounds so cool!"
They both looked at me weirdly before bursting out laughing. The more they laughed the more I shivered as their laughs became colder and bloodthirsty from the feel of it. I yelped and tried to run for the door before I was dragged back as I barely touched the wood of the doorway.
I spent the next ten years in brutal agony as they both drilled lessons into my head. I learned to fight with a sword as proficiently as Rayleigh could beat it into me while teaching me basic Haki on Rusukaina. He had Jimbei, an up and comer and now warlord of the sea, teach me how to utilize Fishman Karate in exchange for him saving as many mermaids as he could in two years from the human auctions.
In that time all the mermaids meant to be slaves on Sabaody had ended up mysteriously disappearing along with a lot of the human auctions money and valuables as well as hundreds of other slaves.
My shooting and blackmail-ahem, information gathering skills, were taught by grandma Shakky when she had the time and when she didn't she made grandpa call up red haired Shanks to make his crew teach me what they could. That alone made my year as they were passing through anyways.
Ben Beckham was a brutal task master and perfectionist, but damned if he wasn't a lighthearted man when off the training clock. I had my first taste of rum during my sixteenth birthday party on their ship. We didn't leave the first half of the grand line, but it was still a crazy adventure ride until grandpa joined us. They dropped us off back at Rusukaina where Grandpa had another favor cashed in, this time with one of Whitebeard's crew, Jozu, or diamond Jozu as his wanted poster called him.
He stayed on the Jurassic island with me and built a small smithy where he taught me blacksmithing and weapon crafting. I learned to make everything from rings to guns and swords from the master blacksmith of the Whitebeard crew.
It took three whole years before he declared me proficient and I was able to add my weak conqueror's haki into the mix like a professional world renown blacksmith could. After that I spent the next year there making my ultimate weapons from the memories I now carried.
In the end I settled on a version of Thorn from the Destiny game for my pistol. It's casing was dragon bone I'd carved to fit the design while it was adjustable to nearly every sort of ammo and with the added Haki infused into it, even devil fruit powers could be used with it.
For now though I stuck to iron, steel and sea stone bullets I stored in a special ring and what I used to get around the devil fruit weaknesses. The devil fruit in question was the Stargate-Stargate fruit. I had a feeling that like my existence, it too was special to this world and so I kept it close.
It wasn't really anything special by design. It was a plain black band with an overlapping thinner gold band that had a skull and crossbones on it with a etched dragon and phoenix pattern on both sides and a whirlpool background behind the skull and cross bones.
I wore it on my middle finger on my right hand. Luckily the reinforcement from the haki would make it extremely durable and with it being my own haki used in it's creation, it made a sort of link between myself and the ring that allowed me to practice with it's powers.
Unfortunately until I've mastered them completely, they're limited in both range and versatility. For now all it could do was open a portal to wherever I've been before and can picture clearly. That also meant that I had to actually store my ammo and things in a secret place so no one could steal them before I could use them.
With that in mind, I'd made my own special cave under the island sea floor when I was strong enough to fight off the surrounding sea kings that tried to eat me when I entered the water. Swimming down below, I'd dug a pocket cave into the under side of the island and well below sea level. There I had a bit of help from grandpa as I borrowed several of his jet and breath dials he'd gotten from sky island as souvenirs and used them to push the sea water out of the cavern I built creating a pocket bubble.
With that done, I expanded my cave tirelessly to create a massive chamber half the size of the island and as deep as I could go before feeling heat from the crust. I used lamp dials I traded the old man for favors including not telling grandma where he hid his booze and letting him hang out inside my hideout so long as he didn't steal from my treasure horde.
I stole tons from the celestial dragons, bounty hunters and pirates over my last year to supply my blacksmithing materials and deck out my pad as it were. It now looked like a huge bachelor pad with a den and even wine racks I let the old man drink from so long as he replaced them each month.
Neither he nor grandma Shaky had an issue with the thefts so long as I wasn't stealing from civilians or causing problems I couldn't handle. When I felt it was time, I left my little slice of heaven and stole a dingy. After saying a happy goodbye, I yelled to them. "I'm going to be the strongest pirate!"
Rayleigh laughed and Shaky shed a tear while I left Sabaody island, headed for the East Blue through the calm belt. I captured a very unfortunate sea king to give me a ride and even with it's help my boat was still destroyed so I was forced to ride it the rest of the way until I reached the edge of the calm belt near where the Baratie was floating.
I let it go and swam the rest of the way following my nose. It wasn't hard by any stretch to find the heavenly smell of food after the month long ride. A few of the pirates were a bit surprised to see me climbing out of the water when I arrived but shrugged it off as a possible sunken ship.
Their captain, a flat faced mad with an abnormally large stomach asked. "What happened to your boat boy?"
I snorted. "A sea king fight destroyed it near St.Poplar just inside the calm belt. It was like a storm of hungry beasts."
The pirate frowned. "That's tough luck, where is this St.Poplar island? It doesn't sound familiar and I've been all over the East Blue."
I snorted lightly. "That's because it's not in the East Blue, it's in the grand line near Pucci and San Faldo island on the other side of the calm belt."
He and all the other pirates froze up until he laughed his ass off and called me a liar. I shrugged it off and passed him up, heading inside. As soon as I made it passed the door I heard the tell tell sounds of a gun being cocked behind me. "You shouldn't be spreading lies boy. There's no way a nobody like your is from the grand line."
Faster than he could pull the trigger, I turned and slammed my fist into his face, sending him out the door and hydroplaning across the water at phenomenal speeds. The pirates yelled. "Captain!" Before taking off after the fat would be know it all.
I shrugged and ignored the looks of the patrons and staff before asking the closest waiter. "Is there a place I could get changed before ordering a meal? I had to swim my way here and I'd hate to sit in wet clothes while I eat."
The tall well muscles man I now recognized as Patty, nodded with a smile. "So long as you're a paying shitty customer!"
I chuckled and followed his directions to the back before using my ring to open a small portal to my den and grab a change of clothes before stepping back through to the restaurant and heading for a meal.
Sanji ended up beating the one to serve me though he didn't speak much and left quickly when a woman came in. I still got my meal before heading out. I stole a dingy off another pirate boat that was docked and eating inside the Baratie before heading towards Gecko island.
It only took three days with the wind before I reached the island and passed it on my way to Orange town. I did see rare animal island along the way, but I wasn't interested and with my ring I didn't need to stop for food or water so I wasn't planning on doing so.
It wasn't until I reached Shells town that I realized how early I was. Zoro was there alright but he had just been arrested when I arrived. Frowning, I set off for Goa, spending four days on the sea before arriving at the beginning of the great adventure.
I made a portal in the air and out popped my weapons as I made land. With a quick practiced movement, I holstered my Dragon Thorn and the Chaos Blades I'd forged with the best of my abilities. They were connected to a single long chain and fit in a specialized sea king leather sheath behind my back on each side of my waist.
The long steel chain connecting them was wrapped around my waist in a practiced motion leaving me free to use them as I saw fit. The holster for my Dragon Thorn was more like a soft sea cow leather waist band with a special pocket to carry it without poking myself with the edges. All in all I looked pretty bad ass if I do say so myself.
I had the family resemblance of the silver hair and wiseman look down, but the rest of me resembled a young well muscled Keanu Reeves. I shrugged the though of it off as it was probably my mother's influence. I would never know as the celestial dragons had ordered her hunted down because of her being the younger sister of Portgas D. Rouge, Portgas D. Silvia.
That's right, my aunt was Portgas D. Ace's mother and my uncle was Gol D. Roger. That made me Ace's cousin, though I doubt he knew it. It mattered little as I'd never gotten the chance to meet him so he wasn't high on my priority list either way.
If I did meet him though, I'd be sure to give him that swift kick to the jewels as easily as I could. For now though I was headed to the only bar and diner in town worth a damn, Party's Bar. When I walked in, I chuckled at the sight of Luffy eating at the bar and walked over ordering. "I want three roasted sea king mutton's and your strongest rum please."
Makino, the owner and bartender smiled. "Yes!"
She got to work while the patrons looking at me looked away except Luffy who tried to talk through his food. "Foo fouk trong. Vaaamt fo phoine vi feew?"
I chuckled and slid the rum Makino placed in front of me over. "Here, drink this then talk. I can't understand you with the food in your mouth."
Turning back to Makino I asked. "May I have another?"
She apologized. "That was the last of the rum."
I shrugged. "Don't sweat it, anything you have on tap is fine then."
She looked relieved as she poured me an ale and I took a sip while Luffy downed the rum before coughing. I chuckled. "Don't drink it too fast it's alcohol friend."
He stopped coughing and looked it over before downing the rest and saying finally. "You look strong! Do you want to join my pirate crew?"
I chuckled. "Sure! I've been looking to find a crew but I have to warn you, I have ambitions of my own."
He brightened up. "Really? I'm going to be king of the pirates, what's your dream?"
I smiled. "I'm going to be the worlds strongest man and beat the world's strongest beast Kaido. He's a Yonko ya know!"
Luffy tilted his head. "What's a Yoinky?"
I fell off my stool before getting back up and hitting him in the head. "Baka, idiot! How can you say you want to be the king of the pirates but not know the four emperors?"
He rubbed his head not really feeling it while he smiled. "I just am!"
I sweat dropped for a second while my food arrived and sighed. "The Yonko, or four emperors are the four strongest pirates in the new world."
I pulled out my crude map and showed him. "This is the best map I have but basically this is the East Blue, the weakest of the four seas and where we currently are. Now the red line separates the new world, aka the strongest sea from paradise, aka the first half of the grand line. The first half of the grand line is full of danger and death for the rookie pirates like us. But still it's a paradise compared to the new world where the four yonko reign supreme."
I showed him the trail we'd have to follow while saying. "The first half of the grand line, paradise, is where the marines reign as the top power. Even still there's plenty of pirates, outlaws and bounty hunters running amuck, while the second half is split into four territories. Each one is owned by a different emperor and they fight for their territory with a zealous fury."
He nodded repeatedly. "Uhhuh uhuh. So it's a mystery sea."
I sighed and facepalmed. "Whatever. Anyways, Kaido is one of the four emperors that rules the seas there. Beside him is Big Mam, the only female emperor. Whitebeard, the current world's strongest man, and Red Haired Shanks, a former member of Gol D. Rogers crew."
The entire bar went silent before several civilians yelled out. "WHATTT?!!"
I ignored them while Luffy laughed. "Sooo coool! Shanks is so famous and strong!"
I frowned. "You know Red Haired Shanks?"
He nodded and took off his trademark Strawhat and showed it to me. "Shanks gave me this hat!"
I raised an eyebrow before smiling. "Then you've clearly impressed him somehow....Captain."
He laughed. "Shshshsh! I'm going to become a great pirate and meet him someday like we promised and then I'm going to become the king of the pirates!"
I smiled. "Then you'll need the world's strongest man on your crew as well!"
I shook his hand before starting to eat and noticed only one of my mutton's was left when I turned to look at my plate. I moved fast and grabbed his hand as he went to grab it while taking it for myself, effectively stopping him and looked at him while I ate and he clearly munched on the other two.
He looked at me innocently as he ate my other two mutton and I snorted while eating my last one and gripping his wrist as he was still holding on to the other end of my last mutton while I ate it. After a while there wasn't enough left to interest him so he let it go and I let his hand go, slapping himself in the face with his rubber band like body.
He didn't even blink while ordering more and telling Makino that he'd pay her back with whatever treasure he found. I chuckled and told him. "Don't bother Captain, I'll pay the tab this time since it's our celebration party with me joining your crew and all."
He laughed again and Makino asked. "Are you sure that's wise? He's been eating here since he was four."
I nodded. "Hit me with your best shot."
Three hours later I was dirt broke and hitting Luffy in the head. "No more you shitty Captain! I don't have any more money!"
I dragged him out of the bar forcefully while Makino and the villagers laughed. He was already swollen far beyond human limits and looked more like a balloon than an actual human. When he saw he wasn't getting any more food, he fell asleep and I sighed before lifting him up and following the directions he had given me for his base.
It wasn't hard to find as I headed into the forest, clearing a path with my conquerors haki. After a while I sensed the mountain bandits he told me about and after convincing them I was dumb enough to join his crew, they pointed to his hideout place. Sighing, I carried the bloated man child to his clubhouse and set him down before going hunting.
I killed several dozen alligators and a giant wolf pack before leaving them by his clubhouse and made a big fire pit. With some effort, I had them all slow roasting. While they cooked, I headed to the kingdom lands of Goa and cleared out some pirates in the city before turning in their bounties.
As I didn't have my own bounty and I wasn't yet known to the world thanks to Rayleigh and Shakky's efforts, I became just another bounty hunter from the marines point of view. I managed to cash in on fifty-seven million in total of bounties from ten different crews is slaughtered before heading back.
As I wasn't completely broke anymore, I sat down next to the cooking food with a smile and seasoned them. In all honesty it was a huge feast so I got up ten minutes before it was complete and went to invite the bandits as they seemed fond of Luffy.
By the time I got back Luffy was sleep eating nearly a whole alligator and his body had shrunken down again. Ignoring his antics, I cut a few trees down and made some quick chairs for the guests around the pits.
They celebrated and partied while I opened a portal and dropped a few barrels of cheap rum out to drink. The partying got louder while their leader, Curly Dadan, told me about Luffy, Ace and Sabo's childhood.
Chuckling at the mischief they got up to, I dropped out a bounty poster. "Is this the Ace you're talking about?"
Dadan nodded proudly. "He's grown up so strong."
I smiled. "He actually joined the Whitebeard pirates. Whitebeard himself is said to be the world's strongest man and the one closest to one piece. I read about him become the Whitebeard's second division commander and if I'm not wrong, that means he's at least on the level of a vice admiral and possibly the seven warlords of the sea. All in all that's quite an impressive accomplishment for only two years out on the sea."
The mountain bandits cheered and laughed with pride while Dadan had a motherly smile on her face. I passed her the finished cooking wolf ribs with barbecue seasoning on them while we are in silence.
Luffy managed to stuff himself once more before waking up and complaining. "I'm usually not this full if I fall asleep after eating!"
I sighed. "That's because you ate in your sleep Captain."
He tilted his head. "I did?"
I sweat dropped and nodded before asking. "So what are your plans and when are we heading out?"
He smiled. "In two weeks I turn seventeen so we can leave then. Until then we can train here."
He laughed and I handed him a mug of rum while we partied the night away. The next morning he showed me around the mountain and how he trained. I ended up showing him my ring's fruit ability and what I could do with my gun and swords without haki. It was devastating for the forest even without the haki to add to the damage.
I cleared out a mile or so with my greatest move, dragon twister. I used the blades and chains to spin and to a constant turbo like hurricane of blades in a wide area effective move that cut down all the trees, animals and even stones in my path.
Luffy's only reaction was to yell. "SO COOL!" With stars in his eyes. I told him I had a secret technique but that I'd only use it in a life and death fight because it was really tiring and straining on my mind and body. He immediately wanted to find some giant bear to fight and was disappointed when I simply punched the bear once in the head to kill it instead of using my secret technique.
I told him while sighing. "These animals on the island aren't nearly enough for a life and death sort of fight. At best they're snacks."
He shrugged and asked for a spar which I put down my weapons and slugged it out with him for. Without haki, I was still able to put up a way better fight than Arlong and Don Krieg will have, but it did no damage so in the end I got my ass kicked by nightfall when we were both tired out.
While I was cooking the giant bear he asked. "Why didn't you use your weapons?"
I chuckled. "You're made of rubber because of a devil fruit so my gun wouldn't hurt you unless I used my special bullets and I don't want to kill you. As for my blades, they're special as well and I don't want to risk your life captain, not when I've finally found my first friend."
He smiled and laughed a bit while I told him about my grandparents raising me on the first half of the grand line and how I got to the East Blue thinking of finding a crew to set out with and the story of a kid Shanks had mentioned being a worthy crew member to have.
He tugged on his straw hat and I smiled while we ate. Shanks had really been enthusiastic about me possibly joining Luffy's crew and helping him grow stronger so it wasn't in anyway a lie and I really did want to adventure with him if for no other reason than his adventurous and fun loving attitude.
For the next two weeks we hunted and explored together and even raided a few other pirate groups whom I captured and turned in for the bounty along the way. I showed him the six powers that grandma had insisted I learn as they were useful in a pinch.
He didn't get them at first but I didn't mind as I knew he'd learn what he could when he could now that he'd seen them a few times. When we left the island two weeks later in my dingy, the whole village and even the mountain bandits said their goodbyes. As we got a few yards out a sea king came up and Luffy told me. "Let me handle this!"
I shrugged and he punched the serpent sea king, sending it flying away. Chuckling, I set the sails and rowed the boat for extra speed. We missed the storm by several hours and even found a cruise liner being robbed. Luffy's stomach growled so I pulled us over to the ships and we boarded them.
The pirates saw us and looked from Luffy, to me, then to my weapons and started laughing. "Beat it kids, we're robbing this place!"
Another one spoke up. "Yeah, hand us all your valuables and weapons nice and easy."
The first one to try and touch me fell through a portal into the calm belt. Poor bastard wasn't surviving that one that's for sure! I chuckled as Luffy rubbed his stomach before seeing a sack of apples and going ham on them. Smiling, I cracked my neck before using Soru and beating all the pirates on this ship, sending them flying back to their ship minus the jewelry and food they were stealing from the rich guests.
I tossed all the stuff the pirates had taken into a stargate portal and back to my island where I kept my treasure and money. All that remained was the food Luffy was eating and now a fat female pirate captain named Alvida.
Kolby, the forced cabin boy of Alvida's ship, yelled for us to watch out when she swung her spiked club at me. I dodged it easily and sat down next to Luffy. "You're up Captain. It seems she's their captain."
He looked up before swallowed the giant chunk of sea king meat and stood up. He sent her flying with a single gum gum pistol attack which was essentially a stretched out straight punch. She disappeared at record speeds and soon enough the pirates disengaged, leaving as well.
The cabin boy Kolby, and a orange haired girl jumped over to the ship we were on. I grabbed the rest of the food supplies and Luffy, jumping down to our dingy while the marines intercepted Alvida's pirate crew.
Koby jumped down as well and the oranged haired girl made her break to a second dingy while carrying a sack of treasure she'd stolen from the pirates. I hitched the sail and rowed like our lives depended on it, leaving the orange haired thief there to find her own way in her own dingy.
Nearly four hours later we made land at Shells town thanks to my speed rowing to keep away from the marines. Koby and Luffy has been talking about Zoro and the marine captain Axe Hand Morgan.
We headed to the first restaurant we could find while they were talking and the people gave off exaggerated responses to both names. Chuckling, Luffy asked what the issue was and a little girl told us the story about Zoro saving her while Morgan's son tried to feed her to the rabid pet dogs he had.
Zoro had killed the dogs to save her life and I sighed. "He killed the wrong animal. He should've killed the owner and fed him to the dogs instead. They were probably intentionally starved to create such a response."
Luffy himself was frowning at my response but I shrugged. "Still think I'm a good crew member captain?"
He sighed before shrugging. "So long as it's not civilians or good people I can live with it."
I chuckled. "Fair enough. I'm not going to look for those that cause such issues, but if they appear before us I have no pity or issue with killing evil people. Trying to starve animals and feed little children to them marks him as evil in my book. As for this Captain Morgan, he's a whole other class of evil if he's raising such a kid and terrorizing an entire town for his own amusement. His son can be forgiven because of his upbringing if he doesn't push it but Morgan-"
I shook my head and stood up. "I'm going for a walk captain. I'm sure I'll see you in a bit."
He nodded and smiled. "I could use a walk as well."
The girl left and grabbed some rice balls from the counter that she's personally made for Zoro. He followed the girl while I headed to the marine base through the front. With Soru I moved faster then the regular marine grunts could see so I bypassed their security and went inside.
The first thing I did was empty their armory and moved through the base taking every weapon they had laying around that wasn't attached to a marine. By the time I found Helmeppo's room, Luffy was already there with a passed out Helmeppo in his hand.
He shook the kid asking which sword was Zoro's and I chuckled. "Just take all three. If any aren't Zoro's, I'll take them."
He nodded at my sage advice and dropped the foaming at the mouth asshole. He grabbed me and launched us out the window, breaking it and sending us both speeding to the the parade grounds below where Zoro was tied up on a stake.
He landed gracefully and stopped a barrage of bullets from hitting our possible new member and Kolby. I however landed on one hand as my fingers dig into the dirt before I flipped up to my own two feet. Zoro gave me a critical eye while Luffy asked him which sword was his.
Sighing, I pulled out a small knife and cut Zoro's ropes while he told Luffy. "I practice the three sword style so they're all three mine."
I drew my blades and made a rapid spin with my tornado footwork and grinned. "Two sword style, lite dragon twister!"
The marines that were charging us with swords were all sent screaming into the base walls with light cuts all over. I'd gone easy on them since they didn't really deserve a brutal punishment. They were still out of the fight though.
Zoro looked at me as I sheathed my blades and smirked. "It's on you and captain now newbie, I did my part."
I stood back while they went after Morgan and the gun users until Helmeppo made his appearance and was pointing one of the marines pistols they'd dropped when I used my move at Kolby. I snorted and Luffy yelled. "No Damien, this one's mine!"
I sighed and shrugged while he used his rubber pistol punch on Helmeppo and Zoro took out Morgan. I smiled and the now freed marines that weren't unconscious cheered. Zoro put his swords away as Morgan fell completely, all slashed up.