
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Tranh châm biếm
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59 Chs

After Death Part 2

The All-Father patted Raheem on his shoulder. "Follow me." The walk was quiet and peaceful. Raheem could tell what the All-Father was doing and was grateful for it.

They reached a pond when Raheem spoke up. Father, thank you for this walk, but shouldn't I start training to become the All-Beast?" The All-Father sat on a bench and patted the spot next to him. "Relax you are already dead, there is no point in rushing things." Raheem sighed and sat down.

Soon, his breathing became even and calm. He laid his head on his shoulder. "Finally, you fell asleep. This next process will be very painful, and I think you have experienced enough of it for now." He raised his hand and put it to his ear. If anyone from Earth saw this, they would think he was a senile old man; after all, no one can talk to people through their hands.

A few moments later, a voice connected on the other side. "Yes, Dad, what do you want now?" The voice sounded like a middle-aged man who was stressed from work. "Haha, my favorite son! It's been too long since I've last talked to you." You could hear a groan come from the other side of the phone.

"I'm your only son! Now cut the crap old man. What do you want from me?" Godfreed was rubbing his head; his dad, the powerful All-Father, was just a lazy old man who pushed his responsibility on him. All-Father cleared his throat. "You do realize I can hear your thoughts right." Godfreed immediately sat up straight.

All-Father nodded. "That's better. Now I have great news for you!"Godfreed sighed again and began rubbing in between his eyes. "I'm listening, Dad. What is this good news you have?" "Great news! I said great news, not good news." "Yes, yes, my apologies."

All-Father cleared his throat and said. "I have finally chosen a new All-Beast." The line went quiet. "Hello? Moshi Moshi? Oi don't ignore your-." The next moment, a middle-aged man appeared next to the pond. He turned and rushed up to All-Father.



"Don't yell at your dad, and sh, he's sleeping right now. You would have shattered his soul if I hadn't created a barrier." Godfreed, the mighty controller and manager of the omniverse picked himself up off the ground. He rubbed his head. "Sorry, but did you have to slap my head so hard?"

Godfreed sat on the other side of him and leaned backward. "Why now? We haven't had an All-Beast for the past 3 billion years, so what made you want to appoint a new one?" His tone was serious when he asked this question. He may be powerful and the only son of the All-Father, but only his dad could appoint someone to the position of the All.

The All's were people who were in charge of the omniverse. Godfreed was in charge of the 'Heavens' and his sister was in charge of 'Hell'. These people handled the truly big things. All the other so-called 'Gods' were just workers and students of the All's. All-Father shook his head and asked. "Pass me a smoke, would ya." Godfreed shook his head in response and passed him a smoke.

"You know Mom will kill you if she finds out you're smoking again," All-Father grunted as he lit up the smoke. "As if she can kill me, at most, I won't be allowed to sleep in the bed for a few nights." Godfreed knew he wasn't going to get an answer from his dad, anytime he started smoking he would get all vague and wouldn't give a straight answer.

Godfreed looked at the peaceful Raheem. He reached out and touched his head. Instantly, Raheem's memories flowed into him. They sat there looking at the pond for a while.

"Have you called Hellexia yet?" "Nope!" The All-Father had a big grin on his face. Godfreed accepted his fate and called his sister with his phone. He wasn't as whimsical and eccentric as his dad. The line was picked up. "Hey Fred, what's up?"

A tick mark appeared on his head, but he couldn't yell. "Hellexia, how many times have I told you not to call me that? My name is Godfreed. Not Fred." Hellexia smiled in response. "Godfreed is so old and boring. Fred is so fun and exciting!" Godfreed took a smoke out and lit it up. He listened to his sister's giggle and smiled. It had been millions of years since he had last spoken to her.

"Anyways, come to my location. Dad has finally chosen a new All-Beast." A shrill scream was heard and the next moment a women appeared in front of him. "Where is he!?? Is he strong? Is he handsome? Is he smart, or is he the dumb, adorable kind?" Godfreed looked over to see his dad turning his head and ignoring her screaming while he was smashed to the ground. "Just check his memories like I did."

Hellexia's face frowned, and the atmosphere started to rise. All-Father gently tapped his daughter's hand. "Calm yourself, child. You have seen millions of cases worse than this. Don't burn up my pond." Hellexia breathed and relaxed. "Sorry about that, Dad."

"Now, I called you both here to tell you about him and see if you had a suitable world for him to start his training. I will be giving him a system." They both groaned at the same time. System users were so annoying to deal with. They always unsettled the balance of the universe they either were born in, transmigrated into, or reincarnated in.

"Now, now, relax. It will only serve as a training tool. He will be limited initially, but eventually, he will unlock his true All-Beast form. It will give him tasks, prizes, and cultivation techniques. It will also come with an inventory and shop."

They both still had a face that said, 'That's all?' The All-Father twitched a bit and asked. "Well, I was planning on-," Godfreed said. "Stop! that's plenty enough as it is." Hellexia nodded in agreement.

All-Father coughed and nodded as well. " So, does one of you have a planet in mind?" Hellexia raised her hand. "Are there any requirements or preferences to be met?" "I would like somewhere somewhat similar to his planet, nothing too drastic." That made Hellexia sad because it eliminated all of her worlds. Godfreed said. "I might have one."

He opened up a notebook and flipped through its pages. "Here it is!" He passed it to his dad and sister. Hellexia pouted because she knew the world was a perfect training spot. All-Father smiled, closed the notebook, and returned it to his son.

"Now, onto the last thing." All-Father stood up and stretched. Godfreed and Hellexia were confused. Godfreed asked. "Dad, don't you have to modify his soul and make a new body-?" His dad cut him off. "Boy, who do you think you are talking to, huh? Look in-between ya." They both looked and saw a miniature monstrosity. They knew when it became full size, it would be powerful.

Hellexia grew excited. She always loved a good fight! Godfreed sighed and lit up another smoke. "Now, let's discuss who his guardians will be." Godfreed and Hellexia both glared fiercely at each other.

Hellexia put forth her two choices. "I nominate Gorgon and Vex." Godfreed stood in shock. "Gorgon and Vex? Those two war-mongering buffoons!" "Oi, don't insult them! They are smart warmongers." Godfreed shook his head. " I nominate Carla and John." Hellexia scoffed. "You want those pussies to guard the next All-Beast? Why don't you just send him back down to his planet in a dead zone."

The All-Father sighed and rubbed his temples. Godfreed and Hellexia continued to argue until Hellexia said. "Ugh, you are annoying! Let's fight to see who picks his guardians." Godfreed's aura burst out while he said. "Gladly! It's been eons since I last moved around." Hellexia was covered in armor, and Godfreed returned to his true form.

He now looked like a young warrior who was ready to face death. He only used his middle-aged form for office hours. It relaxed the souls he saw, thus making his job easier. All-Father, at this time, stepped in.


They both were crushed on the floor. "Hellexia, what did I tell you about my pond!!? Half of his pond had been evaporated. He turned towards Godfreed. "You and your stupid plants sucked up the other half of it!!"

Neither of them could move from the floor. "When I let you both up, you will apologize to each other and hug!" All-Father released them, and they begrudgingly hugged and apologized to one another.

"His guardians will be Frank and Tatiana." They looked at each other and nodded. Frank was a heavenly general with over a million years of experience, and Tatiana was a teacher and strategist from the underworld. Godfreed and Hellexia nodded and said. "I will let them know of your arrangements." They bowed and vanished.

He walked back to Raheem and ruffled his hair. "When you wake up again, you will be in a new world with a new family. I know they will not replace your original one or try to. They are more like your advisors than anything else. They won't interfere with your choices, so make good ones." This was the last thing Raheem heard as he vanished from the bench.

"Now, time to go butter up my wife for a new pond." A few words appeared on the ground in front of him. [You won't be getting a new pond from me! Also sleep outside I don't want to smell smoke at night]. All-Father mouth twitched. In all of existence, only one woman would dare to speak like that to him...he let her speak like that...yeah, he LET her.