
Traveling Through Tales

Please support me on Patreon: I Hope to Keep Writing As many Stories as I can. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=82377700&fan_landing=true&view_as=public ***** Deep in my heart I yearned to be a player in tales of adventure, but I have buried this selfish desire with the obligation I have put upon myself to my fellow man. So, I decided to dedicate my time, my effort, my LIFE to my work in the hopes that I would be of help to my fellow man. But in a twist of fate the people I wished to help have turned on me. This left me broken with a hole in my mind and heart, but my resolve would not waver. Like every failure from before, I began to pick up the shattered pieces of myself and attempted to put myself back together, but suddenly I am reminded of what I truly wanted. ADVENTURE. To see the world and experience all that I could. Be it through fear, cold, or even nightmarish hardships. I WILL HAVE AN ADVENTURE. These 5 words rang out in my subconscious and with-it fate had turned, and I now find myself in an unknown place, my memories fractured, and my body changed? "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" Now in an unknown world and with very few memories. Our protagonist will venture forth to find himself. The time it will take, what will occur, and even how will he be changed are all questions that run behind every tale. But interestingly, other tales run in parallel with him. They will cross paths and sparks will fly as numerous as the stars.

IslandFlare · Kỳ huyễn
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115 Chs

Chapter 65 Azi and Shizu

Getting settled in bed like usual, Azi was being held from behind by Shizu. This time, due to Azi's kiss on her cheek, Shizu opted to hold him in a firmer grip that made him feel a bit of discomfort.

While she knew that Azi was trying to tease her as pay back for what she did to him in the bath. She didn't think he would do it so openly in front of other people, in front of Kajima was fine but her own family made it more embarrassing.

As she remembered how Azi's lips felt as they touched her cheek, it made her feel a tickle in her heart which caused her to reflexively hug Azi with a bit more force than usual.

Bearing the slight pressure on his stomach, he still chuckled as he reveled in his small victory against Shizu during dinner.

Hearing that he was chuckling at her expense, she did not want this little chuckling puppy in her arms from getting too full of himself. He might be older than her but he was still her apprentice, so she began to nibble on his ear to get him worked up and to stop laughing.

This was unsuccessful as Azi began to chuckle more intensely which irked Shizu.

Through his laughter, Azi declared.

"Just admit I won, then we can get to bed."

Annoyed by how Azi treated their earlier interaction like a game, it made her feel a bit of indignation. She wanted Azi to take their relationship as each other's betrothed more seriously so to get him to understand Shizu forced Azi to turn his whole body to face her. This made him stop chuckling as he picked up on the annoyed face Shizu was making.

Shizu wanted to confirm Azi's intention from his earlier stunt as she wanted answers on how he felt about her.

Before he could ask her a question, Shizu asked abruptly.


Remembering the time that Elder Sung had asked him a similar question, he stated plainly.

"I don't mind your company, Shi..."


Interrupted by Shizu, whose eyes began to tear up, she again asked plainly in a more serious intonation.


Again, Azi heard these words and this time he began to feel a warm sensation in his heart. He could not describe it since when he tried to focus on understanding what he was feeling, a buzzing sensation in his mind caused him to feel a slight headache.

"I, I...I am, I"

Unable to get his thoughts in order to understand the emotion he was feeling, he could only stammer out a few words before going silent. It was as if something was preventing his mind from remembering the emotion and was making his throat cease up.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to push the words out but it was as if there was an imaginary wall blocking his mind's intent. It did not budge or buckle under any of the pressure he was applying to get his thoughts through.

Seeing Azi have such a hard time expressing his answer made Shizu feel an unknown sadness in heart that she could not understand. Yes she was close to Azi and yes there were times she was sad before, but it felt like her heart was cracking.

She could not understand why Azi could not say that he loved her or even liked her. She knew that his amnesia caused him problems, but it hurt her to know that the person she hoped to be loved by was incapable of saying a few simple words.

It brought her to tears, and she realized that what she was asking for seemed childish, so she stifled her tears and attempted to placate Azi's worries. Before she could, Azi moved his lips close and, to her surprise, sealed her own.

His kiss was gentle and a bit hesitant as Shizu could feel Azi's lips quivering. The two held the gentle kiss for a few moments until Azi moved away and said in a shaky voice.

"I don't know. I try to think about how I feel but something keeps holding me back. I'm still scared. Even though we made a promise that night I was drunk. I want these fun days to continue but I'm scared of being gone every day.

I-I have been getting a few memories back. They make me... uncertain of who I am or what I should do. What do I do Shizu? I just want to live my life, but my past keeps coming back so slowly and at random times that I'm not sure what to do when I remember them."

Hearing Azi explain his worries to her, Shizu urged him to act.

"You don't have to remember. You can just live your life as it is in the now. I am here for you, never forget that."

Over the past 2 weeks, Azi had shown signs of recalling memories that relate to past skills or talents, but she noticed that every time he remembered he had a worried expression on his face. She then gently clasped Azi's cheek and teased him to hopefully break the sudden depression that weighed heavily on him.

"Besides, you are my apprentice, so I am responsible for my "little" student."

Not wanting to retort since he no longer wants to feel the painful headache and negative emotions that his mind was plagued by, he smiled as his own tears began running down his face.

"Y-Yeah, you better take good care of me."

Shizu chuckled and returned his previous action in kind as she sealed his lips with her own. This time, neither of them broke from the kiss. As they held their lips together, they could hear each other breathing through each other's noses and felt the slight trembling in each other's bodies.

They wished they could stay connected like this forever, but soon sleepiness overtook them. With whatever consciousness they still had left they did their best to hold the kiss, but they inevitably separated as sleep overcame them.

After a couple hours, when the sleep in their eyes was evident by the glaze that was contained in them, their inner intentions had spread to their unconscious minds.

Unconsciously, the two began to deeply kiss each other in their sleep. They moved and acted as if they were awake, but they were in fact fully asleep.

They had both, by coincidence, drifted into a lucid dream which was quite spicy as Azi and Shizu kissed each other passionately through the night. The feeling and feedback they felt from their apparent lucid dream were so detailed and real that the two wished that it would never end.

Soon their inhibitions started to come out as Shizu unconsciously stripped off her top and exposed her bare breast to Azi. With an inviting smile she broke Azi from their deep kiss and plunged his head into ample bosom.

Azi showed no resistance as he began to grope Shizu's large bare breasts with his hands. As he cupped her large breasts in his palms he could feel how soft they were as his hands began to sink into her soft breasts.

Shizu moaned a bit in pleasure at the new sensation of Azi's touch. While his hands were always at work in the forge, there were apparently no calluses on his palms which was evident as she could feel the smooth and silky touch of the skin on his palms.

As he ran them against her erect nipples, she could feel a slightly tingling sensation run up her body. It made her mind buzz and blank a few times, which made her unintentionally moan and beg for more.

"More, More Azi, Give me More."

Hearing the words, Azi responded as he too let some of his inhibitions loose. Bringing one of Shizu's nipples to his lips, he began to kiss them. He then ran his tongue across the stiff nub and he could feel Shizu's body shiver in pleasure.

Continuing his actions, he began to suck on her nipple with considerable force.

This caused Shizu moans to go silent for a moment as she had reflexively held her breath in reaction to the rising pleasure she felt from Azi forceful sucking.

When Azi finally released the nipple from his strong suckling, Shizu gave a deep sigh and a moan of pleasure that echoed in the room. Luckily, the door to Azi's room was repaired so no sound escaped into the living room of the house. But it did escape into the adjacent rooms where Rulu, Yashimu, Nosuri, and Ougi were sleeping in.

Not in full control of her actions, Shizu rolled to lay on her back which made a thumping sound that reverberated into the nearby walls. Following her roll, Azi slumped face forward into Shizu's chest.

With the new angle, Azi's unconscious mind reflexively mounted Shizu under his waist and proceeded to more feverishly suck and grope her bare chest and nipples.

Shizu continued to moan in pleasure from Azi's assault on her chest which caused her legs to writhe. She did not resist as her hands were gripping the futon's bedding firmly in an attempt to hold her sanity together.

Azi soon began to relax in this position and fell somewhat asleep as the soft and warm feeling had overtaken his senses. Shizu noticed the lessening grip Azi had on her chest and her unconscious mind did not like the submissive position she was in, so she turned over and mounted a sleepy-eyed Azi.

The noise of her and Azi's movements on the futon bed echoed through the wooden room.

Wanting to feel more of his embrace and warmth, Shizu began to passionately kiss Azi. As her tongue traveled deep into Azi's mouth, she began to wrap her arms under his body to bring his warmth closer to hers.

From his sleepy state of mind, Azi began to recognize the bittersweet taste of his favorite dessert. Desiring for that flavor, his tongue flared out to search for the source of all too familiar flavor.

Finding it, he began to taste it with a fervor that awoke him a bit from his sleepy state. He still felt as if he was in a lucid dream, so he continued to let his instincts take over. As he did so, Shizu could feel Azi's warmth beginning to encroach on her body. A warm sensation came from his mouth as their tongues intertwined and soon felt his arms moved to wrap around her back.

The warmth made her feel drowsy and she, like Azi from before, fell into a sleepy state as the warmth began to relax her entire body. Feeling Shizu's tongue relax and slowly cease its movement, Azi wanted to taste something to cleanse his palette. Searching for it, he rolled Shizu over to again mount her under his waist. Releasing his kiss, a long trail of saliva connected their two tongues.

Shizu's slightly closed eyes were closed as if she were asleep and she had a smile on her face as her tongue was sticking out to the side of face which made it seem like she was in bliss.

Looking down, Azi saw the familiar sight of Shizu's bare breast. Looking at the "appetizing" "fruit" that was in front of him, Azi again began to feel the fruit's softness and attempted to drink from them. Shizu awoke when she felt that tingling sensation in her chest, it caused her to moan awake as she again writhed under Azi's more forceful touch.

Again Azi, soon relaxed from Shizu's soft and warm chest and Shizu, again, unconsciously mounted Azi to only relax and wake him up with her action to continue the back-and-forth cycle. This reciprocating action of exchanging pleasures, warmths, and flavors continued through the night until at some point it somehow stopped.

Unfortunately, the neighboring occupants would be unable to get any real sleep and were too fearful of entering the offending room as they did not want to witness the duo's lecherous acts. They could only imagine what kind of sexual actions Azi and Shizu were performing but they did not want become witnesses to such an event.

This was very much a big misunderstanding as no actual penetration or overly sexual acts were done. Besides a ludicrous amount of cuddling and kissing of each other chests and faces, no sexual intercourse was performed by either Azi or Shizu. But their neighbors did not know that.

CUDDLING!!! Also Azi's memories are coming back. Do the memories make the person or is a person still who they are without them.

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