
Traveler in Multiverse

A Multiversal Fic with starting world being DxD Additional Tags: #harem #strongtostrong Disclaimer: I own nothing but OC Patreon: patreon.com/meatball_chan (+15 Chaps)

meatball_san · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Act I Part 4

I wonder why blind people close their eyes to sleep. It's not like they can see anything anyway.


"I have enough! Bastard! Are you making babies in the school or something!" I shouted with anger, ignoring the weird glances that people were pointing at me.

It was already getting dark, but this motherfucker still had not left the school! Don't tell me… Did he teleport or something? I mean, they are devils after all. Teleportation in a world where Angels and Devils are real shouldn't be rare.

Dammit. If that really is the case, does that mean I have wasted my whole day doing nothing but staring at high school students leaving their school and getting their weird glances thrown at me?

"Should I leave?" Such thoughts did cross my mind, but I buried them back over and over again. No. Even if it's the tiniest possibility, I'm not leaving.

'Let's just keep waiting.'

The wind was quite gentle with its approach and the weather wasn't that hot either, just mild in-between. It was relaxing. If not for the fact that I had taken more than three cans of Redbull and that I didn't feel sleepy at all, I might have fallen asleep right now.

Staring at the last can, I sighed before opening it and started to drink it too. I'm definitely dying from overdrinking Redbull.

As I was close to shouting and banging my head on the nearby tree, my eyes brightened as I finally saw the brown-haired dude leaving the school. Finally! For fuck sake, what was he doing in the school for him to leave so late?

Whatever. For now, let's continue my stalking.

So with new vigour, I stood up and started to follow him. Like before, I made sure to maintain a certain distance between him and myself while silently stalking behind him.

'He is not going home? I'm sure this is not the direction of his house.'

This screamed plot!

Soon, he reached a normal-looking house, completely different from his place, obviously. He stood outside of it, staring at it.

Since I was standing quite some distance behind him, I couldn't see his expression, but the slight trembling of his body told me that something was not right. Should I follow him into that house or not?

The door of the house was not closed. It was left open. And from my position, all I could see was darkness inside. It was like an abyss, inviting and enticing me to enter it.

Gritting my teeth, I entered the house. As I walked through the hallway, my body stagnated as I felt wet on the hand that I had placed on the wall.

Turning to look, slightly squinting my gaze due to the lack of light, I felt my heart almost leaping out of my chest—blood! It was blood!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This is bad. I might have entered a fucking murder house!


A scream. I knew to whom this voice belonged. The brown-haired kid. It was his scream.

Without wasting anything, without even thinking twice, like the sensible person I was, I turned around and ran… Or at least I wanted to.

"...." A pair of green eyes met mine. A silence ensues between us.

"... Hello there." I pulled General Kenobi.

Her eyes widened. She placed her hands over her lips as if hearing the biggest lie of the time. In all, she didn't look amused at all.

"Sorry." Not wanting to stay there for even a moment, I ignored the astonished nun and ran past her. At least, she didn't look strong physically. So I was confident enough to run away from that place.

Thankfully, whatever was beating the shit out of the brown-haired dude didn't come out to look for me. Or, he didn't catch my presence so my run was uninterrupted as I soon made it quite far from the place of the incident.

Setting my back against a tree and my hands on my knee, I breathe loudly, trying to calm down my raging heart and uneven breathing. It took me some time, but I calmed down soon.

"That was close…" I muttered softly, still not having stabilized my breathing. "Thankfully, that nun didn't pull my leg or I would have been done right there and then."

But seriously, what the fuck was that? Whatever was happening in that house, it had nothing to do with me. For now, I have decided, I should take the ability of that brown-haired dude.

After following him for a whole day, I can at least get the picture that the crimson-haired devil should hold the strongest offensive ability in this place. It could be that there are some other hidden supernatural entities, but purely because there can be, I needed power myself.

Though Boosted Gear won't make me OP all of sudden, it was a good start. With that in mind, after calming down, I once more made my way towards the alley close to the brown-haired man's home and settled down there.

For even a second I didn't think that the kid was going to die. Why? Because my novel senses were tingling. He definitely was the protagonist of his story. And everyone knows that the protagonist never dies.

With those thoughts, the tiredness of two days finally hit my mind, causing me to close my eyes. And before I even realized it, I was long asleep.


Feeling something licking my face, I groggily opened my eyes. Staring at the silver-furred cat, licking my face and meowing, I blinked blankly for a second or two. Soon, the memories of yesterday hit my brain like uncontrollable water freed from a dam.

"... Good morning to you too I guess." Gently patting the cat—she seemed to at least like it and not run away—I sat myself up.

"Ugh… It still feels like shit." Never in my whole life would I imagine myself to be in the current situation. As they say, life throws incomprehensible choices at you sometimes. All you can do is choose one. I guess this is where my choice led me too?

Shaking my head out of the philosophical thoughts, I looked up at the sky. It had a dim blue colour to it, meaning it was still not morning fully. Maybe around five-six in the morning.

Standing up and stretching my body, ignoring the cat that ran away after completing its task of waking me up, I yawned loudly.

"This feels great…" I couldn't help but moan slightly, feeling my bones crack and my muscles relax a little. "Now then…"

I looked towards the brown-haired man's house. What should I do? I don't know if he is back or not. Maybe he left somewhere else to heal or something? I had no idea.


In the end, I decided to just wait and watch. Maybe my luck is good and I'll see him leaving his house for school.

As for trespassing his home? I would never dare to do that. Leaving the brown-haired dude alone—who should definitely be enough to kill me—that crimson girl's ability was no joke. One hit and my existence would be erased from the annuals.

'Anyway, let's stretch my body a little in the meantime. If I'm not wrong, then he should be leaving his home in about two hours or so. If he didn't, I guess I would have no other choice but to go to his school.'