
Trapped in the Werewolf's World

Maxima, a witch's daughter who survived from the villagers' attack, was trapped in a werewolf's world when the white light sucked her body and transferred her to another realm where she met a handsome warrior, an alpha, the King's trusted man, named Kane. The man saved her from the danger and took her to the palace. However, the kingdom had a strict law to execute all strangers after their prince was abducted by the aliens. Maxima, whose body was cripple due to the huge energy that sucked her, also had to face the same consequence of entering the werewolf's world. She would be executed on the night of the full moon. Would Maxima be safe from the execution?

Lusi_Solona_ · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The First Battle

"You stay here." Kane whispered as he prepared to battle the aliens who now had stood before us.

Before I could respond, Kane had flew away toward those aliens, attacking them with his power. He didn't shif his shape but with his martial art, he could counter those critters who seemed powerful.

The fight was still going on which I could only watch as Kane forbade me to leave the horse. It would only put him into trouble if I disobeyed his order.

"Kane!" I screamed as I saw Kane's body bounced and he coughed out of blood. He stood on his knees while wiping the red liquid in the corner of his mouth. "Kane, are you okay?" I yelled again but this time, my loud voice managed to attract one of the aliens; that creature with his fire-like red eyes growled and jumped toward me. When it almost pounced on me, I leaped from the back of the horse and fended its ambush with all my power.

I had an inexplicable fantastic feeling as I had the strength to fight against the monster. I hadn't shape shifted into a she-wolf but the weak me had vanished; I had turned into a powerful human being now.

"Woof…." those creature howled in anger as it failed to conquer me but it didn't give up and kept assaulting me.

I did the same, never letting that wild monkey-like beast to touch me. I flew high, jumped over his head and kicked his back. That critter groaned as its body tossed the ground but it managed to get up in staggering. Not giving him a chance to stand steadily, I hopped and booted it on its stomach and eerie face; it gave up on the earth.

However, I didn't realize the danger coming; a sudden attack shoved my body and threw me back, a few meters away from my spot. I felt strong arms catching me who had lost all my power due to the raid.

I puked out of trickle of blood in Kane's embrace and colored his warrior robe red. Noticing that I could no longer move, he fled toward our horse while carrying my body and pulled the rein as soon as we had settled on the horseback. The horse neighed and left the monsters sprawling on the ground as Kane successfully defeated them before he saved me.

The farther Kane took me from the fighting scene, the more I felt my body weakening. I could not even lift my head that it rested on Kane's shoulder. I heard no word from that man who only focused riding the horse toward somewhere, the destination I had no clue about, neither did I ask where it was we were heading to.

I no longer wondered as my eyes shut, surrendering to the darkness. I abandoned Kane, struggling to control the horse through the narrow path in the middle of the dark forest alone.


The splash and the ripple of water forced my eyelids to peel open slowly. I raised my palm to shadow my eyes from the light that almost blinded my eyes.

I moaned as the pain gnawed all over my body. My mouth grimaced for being unable to endure the injury that I received from the battle.

"Where is it?" I inquired in weak tone of voice as soon as my eyes found Kane squatting beside me. I peeped through Kane's shoulder and saw a waterfall with a crystal clear river down it. "It's beautiful," I admired, resuming my sentence as Kane didn't give an answer to my query.

I lifted my back, trying to sit, leaning against the stone behind me but Kane coerced me to stay.

"Don't move! That will worsen your health. The poisons in your wounds can kill you."

My eyebrows arched as I doubt if I heard him right. "The poison?" I repeated his word.

He nodded. "The aliens's poisonous claws punctured your shoulder."

My eyes slowlly shifted to my bare shoulder and widened as soon as I spotted the big wound covered by the leaf there. I bit my lips as the pain hit me again.

"Can it be cured?" I asked in worry.

"Sure. But it takes time to recover. And in the mean time, you are not allowed to move."

I had an urge to complain but I didn't do it. Kane was right that I should only focus in my recovery now.

Kane left me after he coated my body with his cloak. I closed my eyes as an attempt to remove the pain but it failed as I heard Kane's footsteps closer to me and my eyes jerked open.

"How can you get the fruit?" I questioned as he brought me a pear which he immediately handed to me as soon as he hunkered down next to me.

"Just eat it. I know you must be starving now."

I held that pear and took some bites but I gave it back to Kane who raised his eyes in wonder. "I am full." I lied to him. There was only one pear and I chose to share with him but he refused it. He might know that I was lying to him.

"Don't worry about me. You have to eat it to fully recover soon."

The pear returned to me and I finished it in only a few bites. Then, I drank the water Kane had provided for me.

I rested with my back leaning against the stone as I watched Kane picking up and collecting the branches to make a bonfire. He made a fire out of stones he rubbed together.

Kane sat next to the fire while rubbing his two palms to get warmed as the breeze stung his skin. This area was located on the verge of the forest, near the river bank, beautified by waterfall dropping against the river.

As I enjoyed the view, I recalled our mission of why we were here which was to search of the prince's whereabouts. I was clueless about any information regarding the Prince.

"Kane…." As I mentioned his name, Kane's face turned to me and his squnting eyes questioned me. "What does the Prince of the Kingdom look like?"

Instead of verbal response, I received the change in Kane's expression. His face altered woeful as if he kept a secret he didn't want anyone to know. He lowered his gaze at the bonfire.

I was about to clarify and ask him to just ignore my query but his mouth openned.

"He is handsome man with a towering body. On top of that, he's the only hope for our land to get its freedom from our enemy."

"Enemy? I mean who has been attacking the Celetara Kingdom?"

"It's alien's kingdom."

"What will you do when you are in danger with no one you can rely on to help you?"

Thank you to have kept waiting for my updates. I do apologize for abandoning this book for so long. I try hard to update the book with my tight schedule for I have another book I am struggling to write too and a job in my real life. I hope you will always follow this story of Moana and Dylan. Thank you.

Your lovely writer,

Lusi Solona

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