

After having a terrible dream about a certain town, William Walter became cautious of the places to be but along the line...their car broke down and they were unable to leave before dusk.

fazycharles · Khoa huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

chapter 2 - dreamland

** loud bang on the door**

I shot my eyes opened and I heard a familiar voice "hey yo, open the damn door! You don't want your door to be taken down do you?" The familiar voice asked and I knew who the person was instantly "it was Manny that nutjob no day will pass by without him disturbing me i left out a sigh suddenly I remember today was my daughter birthday and am in this chilled water wasting my time I quickly grab my hand sponge and put them on then I apply soap to it and start scrubbing my body with haste in as much I was trying to do it with ease I just can't!....


Uncle Manny, aunty tuchi, papa Noshit! And me were all waiting for dad its over thirty minutes he's inside the bathroom.i just sit idle on dad bed as my gaze wander in the room, papa Noshit! Sat on dad rocking chair with a newspaper in his hand as his eyes went through the articles with his leg cross...what a cool guy, am sure he's way much cooler when he was a youth I thought to my self. Then my gaze shifted to 'aunty tuchi' she sat in the coach with a lipstick in her right hand and a mirror in her left hand as she view herself through the mirror while she apply the lip glose on her lips..." What the..." her name do suit her well, in all aunty tuchi was the most interesting one who filled people curiousity towards her with amazement...she cares nothing less than her make up kit which she apply every second in a minute through out the 24hours of the day even at that "she's a beauty".then my gaze shifted to uncle Manny who was standing walking to and fro in the room worriedly with a frown which settled on his face. Uncle Manny the silly one 😜😜😜, papa Noshit! The cool one😎😎😎, aunty tuchi the sexy and tantalizing one😵😍😘, my dad the serious but funny one😠😁😁 and me the curiosity one😱😰😨...we did make a perfect team so far.

" Gosh! what's taking him so long its almost an hour now " I heard papa Noshit! Say. so cool as ever

Do you think he needs some help getting out of the bathroom? Aunty tuchi asked seductively posing her lip sideway.

I don't think he will need your assistance in this tuchi, papa Noshit! Retorted back pulling the newspaper away. Aunty tuchi smiled and looked at Manny who kept pacing up and down and finally left the room...he return in with an axe ready to break the door down when it suddenly opened and his hand hook in mid air. My dad just stood there surprise so as all of us cause who weren't expecting Manny to bring in an axe to pull the door down...

So now you wanna pull down my building? Dad asked in a confused and serious tone

I-i thought perhaps you might need an assistance in- uncle Manny wasn't able to complete his statement before dad cut in

In what? Bringing down my house down! Dad asked with one of his brow up .Manny didn't bother replying As he drop down the axe and exited the room dad step inside the room and walked up to me. kneeling before me he uses his hand to pat my head gently.

" you scared me!" I said trembling a little

Am sorry I did, dad replied and he continue "I'll be out in a jiffy" okay?

I nodded my head and head out of his room....