
Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun

When Chi Lian dies on her earth, she wakes up in the body of another girl with the same name as her on a different earth. One with empires and royal families. Poor and desperate to survive, she is bound to a virtual pet system that can access technology from its home planet for her to use. There is just one catch. The only job she can do is that of a paparazzo. From there, she is determined to build herself a media empire and take back what her family lost. Her main news worthy targets are the most wanted but hard to get bachelors of the empire. They are rich, handsome and the media is afraid of publishing their pictures and information. But somehow, Chi Lian manages to do the impossible, she takes their pictures all the time. Which woman would not pay for their exclusive pictures and news after all. One in particular attracts her the most, The cold CEO and Professor Jun Muyang who everyone says is cold to women. With her technology and wits, Chi Lian and her adopted daughter find all ways to invade his space and in the process, steal his heart. But just how far is she willing to go to melt professor Ice cube's heart and keep her competitors at a distance? All those women in the empire who wanted Jun Muyang were waiting eagerly for her rejection. But it would be a long wait. Week one..." Jun Muyang, I bought you these flowers." Jun Muyang: "Get lost." Year one..."Baby I need another kiss." Chi Lian..."Get lost." Other works. Transmigrating from a zombie world to become the mecha kings wife[ongoing]

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The precious cabbage

Chi Wei, like a mother hen protecting her chicks refused to leave the room unless Jun Muyang went ahead of him. The two individuals glared at each other like bulls in a ring and none was ready to give the opponent the upper hand.

"Aiyooo….elder brother, will you stop embarrassing me." Chi Lian pushed him out of the room.

Chi Wei stared at her like she had just betrayed him in the biggest way possible. All he wanted to do was protect her, why wouldn't she let him? It was his God given right as the elder brother.

Nervously, she asked, "Uhm…are you staying for dinner, I think my mother has set a place for you."

"I will stay." Jun Muyang picked up his coat and followed her out of the bedroom.

It had become norm in the house for mama Chi to feed Mei-Mei during dinner. However, like mother like daughter, for the love of Jun Muyang, Mei-Mei rejected mama Chi and cried to be carried and fed by Jun Muyang who she called 'papa' the whole night.

Mama Chi and Chi Wei wore the same betrayed expression at the dining table that night.

Every once in a while, Chi Lian would steal glances at him and blush.

She also spent most of her time picking food for him because he was feeding Mei-Mei.

"Aaahhh.. young love." the ignorant Chi Zimo said loudly, earning himself hostile glares from Papa Chi and Chi Wei.

After eating, Chi Lian walked him out under the hesitant and watchful eye of the men in her family.

When she closed the door behind him, they relaxed as if a big enemy had retreated and they were finally safe again.

Immediately, "Sis, you cannot trust men easily." Chi Wei advised her.

"Yes, all men are dangerous." Chi Rui emphasized.

"Aren't you men as well?" mama Chi asked the ridiculous brothers.

"We are different from him, we are her brothers." Chi Wei defended them.

Papa Chi was nodding his head, secretly agreeing with them but not wanting his wife to see him agree.

"Someday you will also find women you like, won't you chase them? Should I say the same thingto them after meeting them?" mama Chi asked. She assumed they would use logical thinking to understand her point.

"That's different." Papa Chi blurted out.

"How?" Mama Chi raised her eyebrow.

Papa Chi who was intimidated into silence longed to say that it was different because his pigs could feed on other people's cabbages but his cabbage could not be fed on. It was a double standard but he could not help himself.

Chi Lian realized that Jun Muyang had left without the cake and she run out with a medium sized cake box to deliver it to him.

"How can she not hesitate at all, she just keeps running to him with open arms" Papa Chi had a pained expression on his face.

It was simply ridiculous! Mama Chi laughed; the man was behaving as if his daughter was precious gold or diamonds. Why didn't he behave the same way when he was courting her? She was also a precious daughter to her father.

"Sir, I will be leaving now." The butler said.

Papa Chi who was immersed in his own pain did not even hear him. His eyes were glued to the door waiting for his precious cabbage to come home again.

The precious cabbage was standing outside Jun Muyang's house and waiting for the door to be opened.

"Oh, Lady Chi." Wenzhe happily let her in. "What are you doing here?"

"I forgot to give this cake to your young master when he was leaving our house. He ate dinner at my house you know." She boasted. She sounded like she had just made a great achievement for the empire.

"I know." Wenzhe replied in an obvious tone. "I saw the news about you finding those girls by the way, way to go." He gave her thumbs up.

"Thank you, now all the criminals in the empire should watch out because Lady Chi the justice warrior as arrived." She put her hands on her waist with her head tilted up and posed like a superhero.

As they laughed, they did not notice Jun Muyang making his way downstairs.

"What's so funny?" an icy voice interrupted them.

"Nothing," Wenzhe was quick to answer.

"So you were laughing for nothing?" Jun Muyang's cold eyes held Wenzhe at a standstill.

"Stop frightening him, I bought some cake for you in the evening and forgot to give it to you. That's why I am here."

"The young master does not really like sweet things." Wenzhe cut in with information he had forgotten to pass on.

Chi Lian appeared to be a little disappointed.

"Then I will take it back, see you tomorrow Jun Muyang. And send me a list of things you like so that I won't make the same mistake again."

"Put it in the fridge." He said and went back upstairs.

"I have a long way to go." Chi Lian sighed and bowed her head down.

"You have made more progress than any other woman in the young master's life. I don't know how you are doing it but you are accomplishing your goal."

"Really." Her head bobbed back up and she looked at Wenzhe expectantly.

"I cannot lie to you about this. For example see this situation right now, the young master does not like sweet things, he never touches them but he has told me to keep the cake you brought in the fridge. This means he is going to eat it. Lady Chi, work harder to soften that man of steel."

Wenzhe grabbed her hands and pleaded.

"I will." Chi Lian replied in a whiny voice as she nodded her head in promise.

"Wenzhe!!!!" an ice cold voice called his name.

Jun Muyang was standing at the top of the stairs and frowning at the sight of their joined hands.

"Goodnight." Chi Lian said and run of the house so fast that even her shadow could not be seen.

"T4, is there no gossip about the jealous nature of Jun Muyang? If looks could kill, Wenzhe and I would be dead already."

"I have found no such articles. My only piece of advice is that you should try your best not to make the superior piece of genetic specimen jealous."

"Is that all you see when you look at him?"

"Yes." The fox replied honestly.

"Can I get some skin care products from your world, my skin is not as smooth as I would like and you boast about having superior products all the time."

"I will put in the request."

"And perfumes, oils, soaps, they will be of great use to me in making the future female celebrities of Phoenix beautiful."

"What about the men?" T4 randomly asked.

"Them too," Women liked good looking male celebrities after all.

"You cannot sell the products or you will be punished again." T4 cautioned her. They had yet to accomplish their mission. His energy reserves were still very low and she was just at level two. They could not afford to be locked out of the virtual storage again or meet with other restrictions.

"I know, and I have no plans of joining the skin care business. It's a very competitive and ruthless market."

"T4, can you write a business proposal for me? I need to find investors for the entertainment company." She yawned. She was exhausted.

"Jun investments are Jun Muyang's private company and he can invest in you if you have a good business proposal."

"Then you do the proposal and I will convince him to invest."

T4 gladly set out to do that. Anything to get Jun Muyang and his host together was a priority on his list.

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