
Unexpected Development

"? Young what? And of course, I am just 17 years old...how could I be older when this age was explicitly taken from my bone age?" Meng turned at her with a somewhat surprised expression.

"Young Spear Saint, that's how people started calling you after seeing your feats in the battles. And obviously, I am aware that you are just 17 years old but your thoughtfulness is truly on another level. I think that moniker "Young Spear Saint" suits you very well." Xuanyuan Yufeng finally said with a faint smile.

"If Villa Mistress thinks so, then I guess it's not completely meaningless...How is Villa Mistress's oldest son Ling Yun faring these days?" Meng turned his sight towards her and when he saw her mood slightly improving, he couldn't help but smile himself.

"After the battle with "Young Spear Saint", he has been even more diligent than ever before..." Just mentioning her son brought a happy smile on her face which even pleased Meng. Xuanyuan Yufeng wasn't definitely as beautiful as Xia Qingyue or Su Zhu but she looked the most human of all of them. She was a caring mother who sacrificed a great deal for her children just like any good mother but there was also deep jealousy and insecurity which in Meng's opinion was what was making her more attractive and interesting than Xia Qingyue who was just bags of nice skin without anything interesting inside, that is except for her "small world".

Meng already got slowly used to the beauty standards of this world but he would still compare Xuanyuan Yufeng to some top models or actresses in his old world while Xia Qingyue looked like a perfect human being that simply doesn't exist because one can look from outside as perfectly as they can but inside they always have their faults.

"That's good...Villa Mistress, do you know this flower?" Meng showed Yufeng his right palm, revealing a short vine with several claw-shaped flowers with a beautiful light blue-green color on it.

"? ...No but it doesn't look like a rare herb or anything valuable" Xuanyuan Yufeng was literally confused why would Meng suddenly bring a random flower out of his spatial ring but she couldn't say that she wasn't intrigued even though she could see that this flower was practically worthless to cultivators.

Meng released a smile upon hearing her words that he already expected.

"...It indeed looks uninteresting just by the first look except for its relatively high beauty, however, Villa Mistress, this beautiful flower is actually a very sad existence. This flower is sacrificing its own life essence and giving it to those herbs around her, helping them grow faster and stronger for the price of its own life. I have found this flower during one of my travels..." Meng explained while offering this short vine to her.

Xuanyuan Yufeng took the flower into her hands and stared at it absentmindedly as if she was remembering something.

"?! Is there any specific reason why are you showing me this flower?" She asked in a surprised tone as if she realized something.

"Who knows..." Meng said mysteriously and sent her a teasing smile with closed eyes.

If it was anyone else from the younger generation talking to her like that, she would probably get upset, however, hearing Meng's reply and seeing his teasing smile, she couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

'Looks like she is doing fine now...' Meng thought with a warm feeling inside his heart as this reminded him of the old times. He knew that doing this was completely unnecessary and it could at most cause trouble but he simply did as he wished.

"...Thank you for this small talk but you should return now, it is getting late, however...may I keep this flower?" Xuanyuan Yufeng said with a faint smile before looking at the flower in her cupped hands and then she asked Meng. Her tone completely changed, previously, she was talking with a slightly polite tone as she was talking to a junior of the other sect but right now she was talking to him as talking to an equal. She was unconsciously treating him as an equal.

Seeing how she was reluctant to give the flower away from her hands, made her look in Meng's eyes particularly cute considering her age, however, Meng knew that in this world, age is truly just a number once someone exceeds 16 years old. Although she was probably slightly older than him before he died in his old world, if she were to dress a bit younger, she would be able to pose as Ling Yun's younger sister.

"Of course, I have already given it to Villa Mistress so it is naturally hers. I too enjoyed this small talk with Villa Mistress, good night." Meng slightly bowed to her before he started slowly leaving.

"Good night to you too, Young Spear Saint" She said in a gentle teasing tone as Meng was about to close the door so he could clearly hear her.

'...' Xuanyuan Yufeng looked at the short vine filled with beautiful, claw-shaped flowers before looking up at the door with a complicated expression. She wanted to talk to Meng a bit longer as his company was making her feel at ease, free of trouble, however, she didn't want to risk anyone finding him here in her chamber.

She closed her eyes and pressed her cupped hands with the flower in them to her heart.

'Why is my heart beating like I am a young girl who just fell in love for the first time? hehe' Xuanyuan Yufeng thought and a faint smile appeared on her face but she quickly opened her eyes and that smile disappeared, being replaced by the guilty expression as she stared at the floor.


*sigh* 'This was officially my first time comforting a woman who hasn't lost her husband in the literal sense. Still, she is surprisingly nice...I thought that she would be more prideful and arrogant. I really don't get how Ling Yuefeng can be so hopelessly in love with Chu Yuechan. From what I know, he only saw her without a veil once and she never even talked to him, even when he is asking for a meeting, she never responds...why is he so stupid? Or is love perhaps something different in this world than what I know from my old world?' Meng thought, truly trying his best to understand Ling Yuefeng's way of thinking. He admired that he could be so persistent but that would apply only in case he wouldn't have a wife.

'And you say that you aren't a kind person...If you aren't a kind person then who is qualified enough to be the one? You just comforted a woman you knew nothing about...however I would recommend you to be careful.' Su Zhu said as Meng was already in his room.

'I know but I am not afraid of her husband finding out. He wouldn't let any rumors spread around since it would damage his own reputation therefore I don't have to think about her reputation either.' Meng replied, completely ignoring the first part.

'I am not talking about that. That woman might even be capable of explaining it, after all, you haven't done anything except for talking...I am concerned about something completely different...' Su Zhu said with a deep sigh before she went to sleep.

'?' Meng furrowed his brows as he couldn't pinpoint what Su Zhu was really worried about. He had a general idea but it would still be impossible since this was their first and most likely last meeting. There were only a few days before the secret realm was estimated to open.



However, immediately next night he most likely understood Su Zhu's previous words as the same female disciple visited him and asked him to come with her. He was kinda speechless but after he thought about it, he had no real reason to refuse and he could also use this to find out more about Xuanyuan Yufeng. He also couldn't say that talking to her wasn't relaxing.

So Meng went to have another small talk with her and when he arrived he noticed that she was actually keeping the flower he gave her in her chamber far away from any other flowers. It made him feel slightly guilty as he previously talked about how sad its existence is despite using it in his sacred garden but at least inside it, that flower could continue living by absorbing life essence from the rich air full of vitality.

They talked for a while before they once again decided that it's time for Meng to return...

"...Meng" Xuanyuan Yufeng called out as he was about to leave.


"The next time drop the Villa Mistress and just call me Yufeng or Xuanyuan Yufeng" She said in a low voice with a very faint blush creeping up her face.

'Next time?!' Meng thought with an absentminded expression before he recovered and saw Xuanyuan Yufeng looking at him with an expectant look in her eyes.

"...Alright, Yufeng...Good night" Meng said and she happily nodded her head before seeing him out of her chamber.


'Meng, that woman's emotions are quite unstable, she no longer knows what she wants. Although in front of you, she pretends to be completely calm, I can tell that her emotions are in turmoil.' Su Zhu said to Meng who took a deep breath before replying.

'Is it because of me? I have never comforted a wife that hasn't lost her husband in the literal sense.'

'You are quite natural at this...However to answer your question...It is indeed because of you but in a long run, I would say that you are doing a good thing, however...in the near future, you might face a difficult decision. For some, such a decision might be extremely easy to solve but I already know you to some extent so I know you will struggle.' She replied with a serious voice.

"...Difficult decision, huh?" Meng muttered as he was lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling.

'Why did you involve yourself with her when you didn't even know her? Now that you have formed some connection, it will be even harder to leave her to her own devices.' Su Zhu questioned, interested in Meng's reasons.

'I am not trying to be some saint but if I see someone in trouble and I can easily help by just saying a few words, why not? Plus she reminded me of someone...that's all. I know that I can't help everyone who is in a similar position as her but that's not an excuse to ignore it when it is right in front of me. But I guess the biggest reason is still that she reminded me of someone...I am doing it to satisfy my own selfishness.' Meng replied but Su Zhu was still reluctant to trust his words entirely.




Another night arrived and once the female disciple arrived at his courtyard, he was already waiting outside as it was pretty evident that Xuanyuan Yufeng doesn't have anyone to talk to except for her sons.



"Meng, do you mind telling me about your relationship with...F-Fairy Chu Yuechan?" Yufeng asked with a curious expression. Meng found it a bit strange that she was capable of restraining her emotions and say Chu Yuechan's name aloud without any resentment in her voice despite them being all alone.

Maybe it was just Meng's imagination but he felt as if her resentment was becoming each night they spent talking lower and lower. He also found it kinda strange that no one still found out about him being here for the 3rd night already.

"My relationship with...Fairy Chu Yuechan...? I am not exactly sure what to say but I would definitely not use allies or friends. Maybe even word acquaintances is a bit too strong considering her indifferent personality. Since Vill- *ehm* Yufeng asked her question, it's my turn to ask something...I apologize in case I offend you but, why is not Villa Master, Ling Yuefeng, spending these peaceful nights with you?" Meng replied honestly before asking his own question that was bothering him.

"...He secretly snuck out to meet Chu Yuechan despite being aware that she won't meet him...It has been numerous years, yet! Yet it seems like he doesn't see me when she is here! He first saw her when he was 20 years old yet he still thinks of her after all these years!! No matter how I try-" Yufeng started raising her voice with a distraught and sorrowful expression.

'Meng, your words caused those emotions she was keeping inside to come violently to the surface.' Su Zhu warned him but the next thing that Meng did, surprised not only Su Zhu but also Yufeng.

Yufeng felt someone gently embracing her which caused her to open her eyes wide with tears in the corners while her chin was resting on Meng's shoulder.

"M-Meng, what are you-" Yufeng wanted to quickly slip away but her body simply didn't move as her mind wished.

"Shhh...Just let those emotions out in form of tears, it's much more beneficial than wasting words that will only make you more stressed." Meng said while keeping his hands on her back, in a safe position.

...Meng felt his shoulder getting slightly wet which made him release a smile but he quickly started hearing faint sobs and probably even Yufeng realized it so he felt her heartbeat speed up. He immediately knew what she was thinking.

"Yufeng, profound practitioner or not, you are still a mother and, foremost, woman...If you think crying in front of the junior is shameful then I can swear that no one will discover what happened in this room and I myself definitely won't think lower of you. However, for the time being, continue releasing all your stress onto my shoulder. You will realize how much better you can feel after crying for a short while." Meng comforted in a gentle tone while stroking her hair.

Hearing Meng's calm yet reassuring voice, Yufeng's sobs started to become louder until they became completely unrestrained and Yufeng herself even returned Meng's embrace, wrapping her own arms around him but this caused her to cry even more.

'...I must say that I am impressed by how you have handled this. If everything goes well, this might completely clear her head of all of her doubts and troubles.' Su Zhu muttered before going quiet.

'We have talked only for 2 nights yet I had no idea what she is keeping suppressed inside her...' Meng wondered for how many years she has been like that.

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