
Transmigrated To Marvel As An Esper

My life was a cruel one. I died at the age of 18 because of a terminal disease I had. In my last moments, I wished, if there is something like a God in this world, to hear me! And to my surprise, my call was answered. "Wish!" A figure spoke in an authoritative tone. "I-I wish for power! I wish for everything!" I cried out. "Your desire shall be granted!" ... As vision returned to my eyes, what I saw was something that I never expected in my wildest dreams! I was transmigrated to MCU, with all the powers of an Esper at my disposal!

BrimRock · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

1. Wish Of A Broken Heart

I never got to know what love feels like. Nor have I ever gotten a chance to know what's the warmth of a woman feels like.

I've been alone all my life. My parents abandoned me at birth. I had a terminal lung disease.

Honestly, I can't blame them, why would someone take care of a child who'll die before he could even reach adulthood?

That's not only just a waste of money but also time and effort, not to mention the heartbreak that would follow. But then I gotta ask, if they weren't ready for my responsibility, then why the fuck would they give birth to me?!

Anyway, all that talk about being alone and never getting a chance to feel love doesn't matter now.

As the beeping sound of my heart rate monitor fell into my ears, several people from the medical staff rushed towards me.

As my hearing was getting dull and my eyes became sluggish, I could feel it in my gut. This was the end. They won't be able to save me this time.

Darkness slowly started creeping in and I lost all my senses. It was complete darkness now. With just one look back at my life in my last moments, everything I did was rendered useless.

In the complete darkness tears finally started to roll down my eyes. Tears that I had held back all my life.


"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed my frustration out, I cried all my tears away. I don't want it to end! I haven't even got to live!

"Please!!" I begged to particularly no one. "I want to live!! Haaahahaha!! Let me live!!"

After a few minutes of weeping, I calmed myself down. It was still all darkness around me. Complete void. Yet I could feel a pair of eyes watching me for some reason.

"Please, if there is such a thing as God! Please I beg you!" I prayed once again, but to my surprise, a voice answered me back this time.

"You beg but you don't tell me for what. You plead but you don't speak your wish. Even in death, you're restraining your desire, speak child. Tell me, what is it that you desire?" A voice asked in an authoritative tone.

For a second I was surprised but it didn't take me long to speak again, "I want power... No... Not just power, I want everything! Everything that this world, no! Everything that this universe has to offer! Everything and beyond!"

"Hah! As I expected of you! Fine then, I shall grant you your wish! Go on and live in your life in another world. However you shall know, power comes at a price, and the price you have to pay in this instance will be... Ahh, never mind. We have to cut short our conversation right here, we'll talk soon."

"Huh? Wait?!"

As soon as the being finished talking, a dot light appeared in the vast darkness. The dot of light soon began enlarging, and within a few seconds, the light enveloped me.

I closed my eyes at the brightness, and when I opened them again I felt the bare hard cold ground against my face.

I blinked in confusion and used my hands as the supports to get back up. I looked around and found that I was in an apartment.

"Ah what the fuck?" I voiced my confusion. I glanced around to see that a king-sized bed was beside me.

I got back to my feet and walked out of the room.


A loud gasp escaped my mouth as I found myself standing in an apartment that most definitely belonged to some rich person.

I didn't know the price but the furniture looked imported. There was even a bar in this apartment! A wall-sized tv was running on the background displaying current affairs.

Even the most useless of things present here, like a pen, could make me last a few months! Just how rich is the person who owns this?!

I always hated people like that. Rich people. They have so much to give yet all they ever do is take! However, I would be lying if I say that I never dreamt of becoming one of the rich folks.

"Oh, baby you're awake?" A feminine voice rang from behind me.

I instantly turned around to see the person who called out to me, also who called me "baby".

What I saw when I turned was the definition of beauty. Azure blue eyes, silky long back hair, smooth pale wet skin. She was drying her hair with a towel while her body was covered in a bathrobe.

" Ahh... Yes, I'm awake." I answered, with the most chill tone I could muster at that moment.

"Fufu, why are you talking like that? Did something happen? I mean other than your girlfriend cheating on you and you find it out haha!" She laughed as if she has cracked a joke.

I frowned and tried to make sense of what was happening. Not only did I wake up in someone else's apartment but now this lady was talking to me like she had known me for years.

Seeing the frown on my face, her laugh quickly disappeared and she walked closer to me. She dropped the towel from her hand and placed an arm around me.

"Sorry didn't mean laugh." She whispered in my ear in a coquettish tone.

Seems like she misunderstood my expression, but hey! Who cares? A super hot girl was flirtatiously whispering in my ear, what else would any boy need?!

I let my instincts take over me as I grabbed her and slammed her on the couch next to us.


I started ripping her bathrobe like a madman if there was anything I needed the most at that moment, it was her! I wanted her!

"Easy there! I won't run hahaha!"

However, before I could rip her undergarments, the tv that was running in the background caught my attention.

As it was displaying a very nostalgic scene. However, it was supposed to be a news channel right? Then what was he doing in there?! Also, why is the scene not like how I remembered it to be?!

A man was answering the questions in the press conference that he himself held. However, the answer he gave next, shocked everyone including me.

"Yes, I'm Ironman."