
Transmigrated to Gender-Reversed World Game: Full Death Flag Yandere

Justin Romero, an avid gamer, shares a special bond with his friend Miyuki, who joins him in exploring the intricacies of the Unisex Dating Sim "Dangerously Love Academy." Within this virtual realm, they encounter a plethora of yandere characters, each adding layers of suspense and intrigue to their gaming experience. However, Justin's world is turned upside down when he unexpectedly transmigrates into the body of a character within the game, a character destined for a tragic demise. Alone in a world he once only knew as a digital escape, Justin must navigate the dangerous landscape of Dangerously Love Academy with newfound stakes and consequences. As Justin grapples with the surreal nature of his predicament, he realizes that his choices within the game now have tangible repercussions. Desperate to survive and return to his own reality, he must outsmart the yandere characters and untangle the mysteries surrounding his transmigration. Haunted by the uncertainty of his situation and longing for his friend Miyuki's companionship, Justin discovers hidden depths within himself as he confronts the challenges of this virtual existence. With each encounter, he unravels secrets about the game and himself, ultimately questioning the very nature of his identity. Through perseverance and courage, Justin embarks on a journey of self-discovery, transcending the boundaries of the virtual world and forging connections that defy the constraints of mere simulation. As he navigates the treacherous terrain of Dangerously Love Academy, he learns that love, in all its forms, has the power to transform even the most uncertain of realities.

Shionch4n · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

She Ate it?

Cale saw before he lost consciousness:



SYSTEM Notification:

Mythical Phoenix Essence Acquisition


Success: You have successfully obtained the Mythical Phoenix Essence.


Warning: System Alert

System Warning: Ophanim attempting to consume Phoenix Essence.


Phoenix attempting to escape

Alert: Ophanim has successfully consumed Phoenix Essence.


The time Cale was already unconscious:


Attention: Ophanim has integrated Phoenix Essence for Body Creation.

This is an urgent notification. Ophanim's utilization of Phoenix Essence for physical manifestation signifies a significant advancement in your abilities.

- Title Obtained: [Many-Eyed Ones]

- Title Obtained: [Possessor of High Ranking Angel]

- Skills Obtained: [Celestial Eye] Current rank: B

- Skills Obtained: [Bond Liberation] Rank: Unique

- Skills Obtained: [Phoenix Flame Healing] Current Rank: B

- Passive Skills Obtained: [Flame Resurrection] Rank: SSS

- Passive Skills Obtained: [Flame of Regeneration] Rank: S+


Argenti Silverfall Mansion:

Inside Cale's room, there's a beautiful, mature woman with black hair lying on Cale's bed. Dark circles under her eyes and stains of dried tears make her appear 10 years older. After Cale went missing,



the only thing Lilith can do is pray and blame herself. While waiting inside Cale's room, she continues her work without rest. But after completing her tasks, she always goes to Cale's room, where she last saw him."


Underground Labyrinth:

Within the dark labyrinth, Cale lies unconscious on the ground, his limp body bathed in the soft glow emitted by the Ophanim. The celestial beings, resembling radiant wheels adorned with eyes and flames, hover above him, its mysterious presence accentuated by the surrounding shadows.



Waking up because of the light, I open my eyes. I didn't know where the light was coming from, but after opening my eyes, it disappears. Maybe it was just my imagination? My eye stings a little, but not as painfully as before. After absorbing the Fragment and dusting away the dirt and dust from my clothes, I feel like someone is watching me. After looking everywhere, I don't see anything. Maybe it's just my imagination. First, I need to recall everything that happened after I lost consciousness.

First, I remember that my body was suddenly engulfed in flames, and I heard a lot of notification sounds, but I ignored them because of the pain. After that, another pain in my eye. After an unknown time, the pain disappeared, and then I lost consciousness. So the essence I obtained is phoenix, huh? I'm already familiar with phoenix skills that I can obtain, but in the game, there was no mention of pain in the eye. Then I absorbed the Fragment. Wait, before I lost consciousness, I saw a System Notification written on it. I should check that first.

Looking at my notification history, "So that thing consumed my phoenix, huh? But what's the [Attention: Ophanim has integrated Phoenix Essence for Body Creation]?" "Body Creation, so it's going to be my pet or something? If that thing creates a body, where is it now?" Looking around, I don't see an Ophanim anywhere. Maybe there's a condition before I can summon it. I should check my Status and Ophanim description.



Name: Cale Silverfall

Title: [Young Master of Silverfall] [The First Male Goblin Slayer] [Many-Eyed Ones] [Possessor of High Ranking Angel]

Essence: High Ranking Ophanim

Rank: B-

Strength: B-

Agility: B-

Stamina: B-

Intelligence: E

Mana Capacity: B+

Luck: E

Charm: B+

Profession: Swordsmanship lvl.4

Skill: Ogre Strengthening (E) Celestial Eye (Currently: B) Bond Liberation (Unique) Phoenix Flame Healing (B)

Passive Skill: Flame Resurrection (SSS) Flame of Regeneration (S+)


(AN: I keep his intelligence low so if he makes a dumb decision, I can blame it on his low intelligence ◉‿◉)

"My stats went up so much, and I can see that even if Ophanim consumed the phoenix, I still have the phoenix skills, so I obtained 3 skills and 2 passive skills just by absorbing the fragment. Now I'm stronger than the 18-year-old main characters in the game, and I'm only 13. I can even beat an intermediate-ranked knight now. But if I go back home, I know that my stats won't increase because the only thing I can do at home is practice, and it's not enough to raise my stats. Maybe my rank will reach B+ or A before the academy starts, so it's still good enough. The only thing I have to do if I'm back home is to get used to my new skills and wait for the first main scenario in the game. But for now, I should check the Ophanim description and then review my skills. I clicked on the Ophanim description."



Description: In the realm of celestial beings, Ophanim reign supreme! These angelic wheels are legendary for their divine duties and majestic presence. With multiple eyes and wings, they soar across the heavens as heavenly chariots, delivering divine messages and guarding the throne of God.

Immortality: As angels, Ophanim, like all other angels, have a long lifespan, don't age, and can potentially live forever. They also cannot be killed by diseases or toxins.

Invisibility: Ophanim can turn themselves invisible to the physical realm; however, other angels and demons can still see them.

Teleportation: Ophanim can instantly teleport if the conditions have been met.

Eye of Knowledge: Ophanim possesses an incredible amount of knowledge that can be shared through skills.

Telepathy: Ophanim are able to contact hosts telepathically. They can also read the souls of humans.

Advanced Healing: Ophanim can heal others from any severe wounds, diseases, and even monster infections with ease. Unlike lower angels, they can do so without touching them. They can also cure people of infections that would turn them into monsters.


"So this is Ophanim. A lot of players said that Ophanim does not really exist because it has never appeared in the game before, and no player has been able to obtain it through fragments. The only creatures I've seen players obtain are phoenixes with different types of flames, dragons with different types of elements, and titans. But now I have Ophanim. It says it can teleport me, right? I don't have thats skill, it's Ophanim's skill, so it can teleport me anywhere. Second, Eye of Knowledge, this is one of the skills I obtained. Telepathy, should I call for it? Maybe I can summon it. It says Celestial being; is that higher than a mythical being?"

"Dumb Human, don't you dare confer me to those weakling beings?"

Suddenly I heard a glitching voice sound inside my head. "Where the hell are you, who are you?"

"You dumb Human, I'm in your back!"

I look behind me but see nothing. "Where?"

"This! I'm on your back, not behind you!" the voice said angrily.

I look at my back and saw a glowing tattoo. "Did you see me now, you dumb idiot? So that's the reason your intelligence is too low," the voice continued.

"Hey, don't say that. I'm smarter than I look. And I'm good-looking, after all," I said proudly.

"You're good-looking, I can't deny that, but seriously, E rank Intelligence? You're the dumbest human I've ever met," the voice said, frustrated and disappointed.

"Hey, that's too harsh. You shouldn't say that to people you just met. And who the hell are you?" I asked angrily.

"I'm called Ophanim. It's just my angel type. I don't really have a name," Ophanim said, not being mean now.

"Oh, you're the Ophanim I obtained. But why did you consume the Phoenix?"

"I absorbed it because your body wouldn't be able to contain our power. So, I absorbed it to make its power my own so you won't die. You should be thankful and worshipping me right now."

"Is that so? Thank you very much. But why should I do that? I'm your master now, right?"

"Tsk, tsk. I thought I could control you to be my puppet because you're dumb, but I was mistaken. You're not as dumb as I thought," she said, whispering.

"What did you say?" I realized that we are not talking telepathically now.

"Nothing! So where are we?" She asked.

"Inside the labyrinth where I obtained the fragment to obtain you."

"That's what happened, huh

[AN: Sorry in advance if there are any errors. I'm sick right now and can't focus properly. Feel free to inform me if there's any error I should fix.]

Shionch4ncreators' thoughts