
Transmigrated into skyrim.

some dude got transmigrated into skyrim (Dont know how to write a novel but had an idea and throwing it out there comment if this seems like anything)

Auger_Fate · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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1 Chs


Under the cascading torrent of light. A group of armored individuals in iron and armed with silver walked out of the Mouth of the Cavern carrying their dead and wounded brothers in arms.

"Another Bust. That swindler better give an explanation for this"

One of the silver hand spoke grimly as he looked at his companions getting dragged out of the cave.

"There's nothing to be done his word had enabled us to get some of the fragments its only a matter of time for his information to grow thin"

"Bahh!! i dont care if he got us some of the fragments let him explain that to our buried brother's." He walked away to help with moving as he muttered " Tch! Im gonna drag his boney ass with us next time lets see how he likes it"

The Silver hand's left the cavern entrance unknown deep inside at a chamber where signs of battle was prominent as the bodies of Vampires littered the ground.

A vampire impaled on the chest with a crimson stained silver sword lay flat on the ground. he's final moments were steeped in agony shown by his widely opened eyes and gritted teeth as his thin fingers tightly grasped the sword within his chest.

*.... Thump..... Thump.... Thump…Thump..Thump*

The corpse's eye opened as his mouth opened letting out a ragged breath "Gahhh!!" as a painful groan escaped his lips.

"The fuck is thi- Gaaah" His words were interrupted as he tried to move causing him to notice the sword penetrating his chest

Any sort logical sense left his mind as one thought was all that rang 'Get it out!!' as his hand tried to grasp the sword. A non-ending stream of memories flowed into his mind.

Changing… Twisting the very fabric of his emotions and soon his bulging eyes relaxed as they narrowed showing an edge of cold calculating calmness.

He extended out a finger using the newly found knowledge as he followed the almost instinctual feeling flowing though his body.

His thoughts focused on a singular motion as he whispered in his mind 'Elevate' The inherent Magicka that naturally flows within his body gathered concentrating upon his fingers as they produced a dim hue and with a flick of his fingers.

The crimson blade launched out of his chest smacking into the ground with a harsh clanging sound.

"Hsssss" he let out a hushed breath as with even the decades worth of memories now fused within his mind it still could not overthrow the pain tolerance of a regular person from earth.

But his work was not done Emboldened by the memories swirling within his mind He stood up through gritted teeth. His eyes quickly scan the numerous vampire bodies littering the chamber before finally his eyes Turned bright as he whispered "Found you.." The memories about that Vampire were clear Vullan The leader having lived Centuries over the rest of this motley group and much less having a purer Bloodline causing his power to topple the rest of the vampires.

*Thump Thump*

Walking forward with a weakened gait. He extended his hand forward but as he was about to use a spell he soon hesitated.

By absorbing his blood might make me grow stronger and alleviate my current predicament. The consequences of such an act. A consequence that made most sane vampires not lust for the blood of their own.

*Thump Thump*

Looking back to the wound on his chest as the feeling of weakness continue to grow stronger. The fear of true death lingered within his mind as the consequence of losing his mind and going feral was thrown to the wayside. The slightest bit of hesitance was wiped out as he Focused his mind calling forth the innate talent this body holds 'Drain'

*Thump Thump*

He tried to manipulate the blood within the body but his calm demeanor faltered as he spoke "Huh.. Why?" He tried to cast it once again but nothing came forth.

*Thump Thump*

The Silence was Defeaning within the chamber as the only sound he heard was the sound of Thumping.

Realization kicked in his eyes widening "Thumping?" A thought flew across his mind. Placing a palm on his chest and feeling the beat of his own heart. That very same thumping was felt on the palm of his hands as questions littered his mind "How? no thats not important does that mean i can" His eyes shone with brightness as Looked through his mind a memory of this body adjustment period of being a newly turned Vampire Casting the healing spell upon his wounds but seeing no results asking to himself "Does this not work for vampires?" causing him to drop the spell from his arsenal to practice.

The knowledge on how to cast the spell filled his mind "Maybe" He muttered as he focused his attention upon the wound. Manipulating the Magicka within him concentrating on the palm of his hand as it glowed a yellow light 'Heal' The bright glow dripped to the wound as the wound could be seen healing in a observable rate.

"Too slow he muttered" as he fed all of his Magicka to the process causing the glow to grow brighter causing the wound to soon close.

"Haah" He let a sigh of relief as he stumbled back leaning against the wall looking dazed "Now what?"