
Transformation In The Marvel World

THIS IS ONLY A TRANSLATION This was written by 想静静的顿河 The original name is 变身在漫威世界 I don’t own this work nor its cover, and anything mentioned in this belong to its respective owner. Synopsis : I traveled through time and became an unknown female hero, Quake, Daisy Johnson "Obadiah, my friend, is it just about shrinking the Ark reactor? Let go of that scientist, and I'll use my superpower to help you compress it!" "What? The Insight plan couldn't be executed? Let Dr. Zola rest for two days, and I'll use big data to analyse it for you." “Be warned, Thanos, don't mess with me unless you want trouble! Do you think my title as the World Destroyer is just a joke? With one punch, I can trigger a magnitude 12 earthquake! The Earth will shatter!" Tags : Male to Female, Female Lead, Romance, Harem, Yuri, Marvel, AI, Politics, Magic, Slow Paced, Weak To Strong, Strong Female Lead

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First Battle With Superpower

The insect army was terrifying, it's evident to everyone, but even if they cursed Nick Fury, there were no use..

No matter how much Black Widow complained internally, she had to complete the mission. She couldn't afford to back down because of being frightened by a hairy caterpillar.

She first asked Daisy, "Are there any side paths or secret passages around the perimeter? They must have a passage for their own people to enter and exit, right?"

Daisy studies the tablet and replies, "I didn't see any entry or exit passages. If they have visitors, they have a helipad on the rooftop that they can use, and if it's their own people, they'll use a pheromone marker."

The three female agents looked at the giant insects around them with disgust. Frogs are one thing, just gross.

The fight is one aspect, and once gunfire erupts, the enemies will surely be on alert, which is very unfavourable for the rescue mission.

"Prepare for battle. We'll split into two groups: one to lure away the guards and the other to charge in and find the doctor," Hill's grade in tactical class had always been top-notch; she always offers the most appropriate suggestions at the most suitable times. Black Widow doesn't have a better plan, so she nods in agreement.

It was the same team setup as yesterday, Daisy had the heavy artillery, so she's in charge of luring and eliminating the enemy. Hill, who suggested the plan, also stayed to help to share the pressure, while Black Widow, the strongest combatant with some medical abilities, charged in to save the doctor.

In order to prevent the venom from the large spider, Romanoff provided them each with a vial of antidote – a specially formulated SHIELD product. While it might not neutralise all poisons, it was enough to keep them alive. They reminded each other to be cautious and took up their pre-assigned positions, waiting for the assault.

This was the time for silent action, but facing these colossal insects, they had no choice but to go in strong.

Hill set up some traps, then signalled Daisy from a distance.

"Bang." The rhino revolver was fired, but unfortunately, the distance was too far, and luck was not on her side.

The well-aimed shot missed the giant spider, instead of grazing its compound eye before ricocheting away.

Daisy fired again, but this shot was blocked by the rapidly approaching hornet, the sound of its wings beating like a buzzsaw. The bullet cliped one of its legs, slowing it down.

"Damn it!" Both shots missed, leaving Daisy frustrated. She only brought twelve rounds of .357 Magnum ammunition, mostly for show, not expecting to face this level of combat.

With their enlarged size, the insects seem to have gained some intelligence. They realise the threat Daisy posed. The giant hornet, centipede, and spider have all been alerted, even the seemingly sluggish caterpillar had joined in.

Several large insects charge toward her.

Without hesitation, Daisy took off running.

The centipede was the fastest pursuer. Its numerous legs moved at a rapid pace on the ground, its bright red carapace making it look formidable. Trees were knocked away on its passage, and the grass it trampled seemed to sizzle and emit a faint smoke.

Daisy suddenly gains momentum, leaping over a grassy mound.

The unsuspecting centipede fell right in, landing with a thud. Time was tight, so their traps weren't elaborate – just a shallow pit with two high-explosive grenades buried inside.

With a deafening boom, the centipede's head and abdomen were both struck, its dark muscles and carapace exploded into pieces that were scattered everywhere. Among the debris were shards of chitin and severed legs.

Despite the serious injury, the centipede was still slightly mobile. Hill jumped out and fired several close-range shots into its head, finally killing the monster.

On the other side, Daisy was in constant danger. In the open valley, her speed could't match that of the hornet – it could fly!

After running over two hundred meters, she heard the flapping of wings getting closer. She quickly rolled to the left, narrowly avoiding a stinger aimed at her from behind.

"Assholes !" No longer concealing her abilities, Daisy channeled all her energy, lifting her hand to send a shockwave toward the hornet's abdomen.

The two were extremely close, and the air was compressed around them. The faint, white light beam seems to shatter an invisible mirror made of air, creating a sense of displacement as the light refracts.

The white beam wasn't particularly fast, but it compressed the air around it, causing a momentary lag in the hornet's escape.

The previously rapid flapping of its wings slowed down for a fraction of a second. This slight delay sealed its entire fate.

The invisible shockwave stroke the hornet's abdomen like a massive hammer, obliterating it. The powerful impact shreds the hornet's abdomen – already defenceless – and its thick, syrupy fluid spills out, along with fragments of its carapace. The once-deadly stinger now dangles beneath the hornet, attached by a cord-like structure, resembling intestines.

Heavily injured, the hornet crashed to the ground. Daisy didn't had time to reload her gun, as the most threatening spider charged at her.

Her left arm activated her abilities at full force, causing a surge of pain. Without looking, she fired a shot from her gun behind her.

The large spider reacts swiftly, almost as Daisy turns around, its eight legs hit the ground and it springs into the air.

The dark brown spider lunged toward her. Daisy maximised her kinetic vision, both hands gripping the gun as she calmly fires two shots at its abdomen. When the distance between them is only a meter, she forcefully plants her foot and leaps to the side.

The large spider has its own hunting techniques. Almost the moment it's hit, it shoots a thick, resilient web in her direction.

Daisy was suspended mid-air, unable to dodge. She tossed her gun aside, her right hand clenched into a fist, and delivered a powerful strike into the air.

A sharp "crack" rang out, like the sound of shattering glass. It began as a single point, then radiates outward, fractures spiderwebbing through the air. The airspace in a small region shattered completely.

The web loses its support in the shattered air and, following the brittle sound, disintegrates into powder.

This blow is devastating, and it shatters two of the spider's legs on its left side.

Losing its balance and already hit in the abdomen, the .357 Magnum bullet punches through from its back, spraying thick blood like rain in all directions. After landing, the spider struggles to crawl a couple of steps before finally losing all mobility.

"That really hurts..." Daisy sat on the ground, massaging her arm, silently complaining.

Although both attacks seemed to be unleashed with full force, the strain on her body was entirely different.

The shockwave was relatively gentler, relying mainly on penetration, while the final strike that shattered the air might have seemed powerful, but it was purely brute force, lacking any finesse.

Without a robust physique, the simple resonance left her feeling overwhelmed. She inwardly resolves to use these flashy moves more sparingly in the future!

After massaging her muscles to alleviate the discomfort in her arm, Daisy picks up her rhino revolver a minute later and delivers a final shot to the struggling spider on the ground.

After reloading, she headed toward Hill on the other side.