
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Tranh châm biếm
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32 Chs

Chapter 6 When Did i Become Demon God Believer

On the second day in Kamar-Taj, Alvis woke up with great anticipation. After tidying the bed, he headed to the bathroom to clean himself before going to have breakfast.

As he arrived at the dining room in Kamar-Taj Cafeteria, it resembled more of a buffet than anything else. One could take whatever they wanted on their plate and then put it in the Enchanted Heater to heat it up.

It was a simple and efficient way of dining. Alvis chose a simple breakfast of eggs, cheese bread, and a cup of coffee. After yesterday's upgrade, he didn't seem to need food as much anymore.

His hunger feeling had been diluted, and he could now feed on energy. However, he realized that if he didn't eat, he would feel less humane.

While heating his food, Alvis noticed Alice sitting alone. He decided to take his plate and sit beside her, greeting her with a friendly hello.

However, he noticed that Alice's face seemed less active and leaned towards dullness. Concerned, he asked her what had happened. Alice replied with an emotionless voice, "My training will end soon, and the mission will begin."

Alvis, not fully understanding, asked her why she was sad. Alice's eyes showed sadness and a desperate feeling as she explained, "Because I'm not strong enough to take revenge." After chatting for a while, Alvis understood what had happened to Alice's father, Martin.

He was a senior sorcerer who had taken a mission to investigate an unknown new cult. However, he became trapped in a Dimensional Demon God Trap. The Ancient One, upon learning about this, went to save Martin, but it was too late.

The Demon God had already descended into Martin's body. The Ancient One was still trying to find a way to repel the demon and save Martin, but Martin made the unthinkable choice. He decided to blow himself up, repelling the Demon God but sacrificing his own life.

The Ancient One was left in sadness, erasing all the cultists on her way back. She took Alice with her, knowing that Martin was Alice's only parent. Alice revealed to Alvis that after her mother died, her father had tried to revive her using magic.

However, as he became a senior sorcerer, he discovered that he couldn't bring her back to life. Reviving the dead was against the rules of the world.

Despite his own despair, Martin chose to continue being a sorcerer, protecting the material world and becoming a hero for his daughter.

He found meaning in his life through this path. Alice told Alvis that even though her father wasn't the best parent, he would come back every day to talk to her about magic and the knowledge he had acquired.

Hearing Alice's life story, Alvis felt a sense of desperation about reality once again. He encouraged her to stay strong and assured her that he would help if he could. However, Alice rolled her eyes, not believing that a newly-trained sorcerer could assist her in her sadness.

She bid farewell to Alvis and left. As Alvis tasted his food, he found it to be without any taste. The story he had just heard had affected him deeply.

He returned the dish and made his way towards the training ground. Yesterday, he had read the remaining introductory books on magic, from magic runes to spells.

He had gained a comprehension of magic circles and spells built using runes. Magic ran on runes, and runes were the language of magic.

Runes existed in nature, like in lightning, and they existed in a strange spectrum with varying durations of existence.

To view them, both magical energy and soul eyes were required. What made runes challenging to understand was their lack of proper description.

One had to find a rune and study it to understand its effect. When Alvis read these words, he became fascinated

Science and magic understood the world differently, but both sought answers from nature. Science described lightning as a result of electromagnetic charges,

while magic described it as the interaction of unowned energy with lightning runes. Alvis wondered if he could combine science and magic to create a more perfect system.

Arriving to the training ground Alvis Moved toward Mordo before he could speak Mordo High Pitch sounded "Oh Here is Our Languages Genius Alvis Bright.

Wong Told me yesterday about your weird Situation Now Alvis Tell me what did you understand from your self study"

Glaring at Alvis Mordo asked as if he wanted to see Alvis in embarrassment.

But what happened flash banged everyone Alvis Described his understand for Magic Starting from energy to runes and spells perfectly.

"You're Quite Talented in Studying Its seems Learning will not be hard for you but magic is not only study you need to demonstrate your knowledge Seeming that you're Theoretical knowledge Try demonstrate Casting of any spell if you can't then you should return and learn".

Standing infront of all apprentice Alvis Clapped His Hand Together Then Apart very Fast Creating Black Purple Whip When Mordo Seen the color of the whip his Face changed then he jumped like cheetah into Alvis.

Alvis Confused About the situation Flung the Whip Towards Mordo incoming Seeing That's Simple Rotated his hand Creating Yellow Shield he thought he would block It.

But what he didn't know that yesterday when Alvis Comprehend the spells he could easily Cast them because of Energy Manipulation Plus Omni-Energy Nature His spells will only be more Powerful.

In blink of an eye The Whip and Shield Met each other Click Mordo Shield Broken Like Glass And Mordo Sent flying as he was hittin by car In mid air Mordo Rotate His Body Like Spider and casted Two Whips Catching The Pillars Stopping Himself.

Seeing That Alvis clicked his Tongue who would that Sorcerer will change Jobs and become Spider-Man Seeing That Mordo is still Angry coming forward Alvis asked in angry voice "What the fuck Mordo Have you Gone crazy or what" To which Mordo answered With Throwing Sword Made with Energy To Alvis.

Alvis Speechless Clapped His Hand Together and rotated Them Creating Huge Black Purple Shield Again Blocking the incoming Sword easily he Noticed Mordo Face Change So it's the color of spells that made him Angry but why Alvis Asked Himself But Mordo Answered Him.


In only three Seconds Tens if not hundreds Of Magical Circle's Appeared Around Alvis and Mordo seeing The Situation Alvis Mind froze what the fuck when did he Believe in One Seeing that he Being surrounded.

Alvis Calculated Scanned the Location And Jumped Used Telekinesis To Float Himself Up to increase His visionary then Yelled "HEY WHEN THE FUCK DID I BELIEVE IN ONE MORDO I JUST ARRIVED YESTERDAY I WILL SUE YOU FOR DISCRIMINATION ANCIENT ONE HELP YOU'RE STUDENT GONE"

Muilti Tasking Alvis Cursing Begin to scan his surround fuck alot of Sorcerer's Glancing at His Energy Level 1200/1550 Calculated he wouldn't win.

If he increase His skills he wouldn't be in This situation such Wide range Control Skill or something that would make him run faster would help I only need to slow them down until the fuck where Ancient one Come.

But what Alvis didn't know that Ancient one is in Mirror Dimension Viewing The fight.

Mordo and other Sorcerer's Didn't even hear himself And begin to cast Spell's Alvis

Not Being wanted to become Hit Target Calculated He Needs Protection Attack And Evade.

He began Stacking Up Telekinesis Body And Shield And For Evade He will Fly 1000/1500 Dodging Incoming Skill Alvis 200 energy point downgraded My hard earned Energy In Sadness Alvis Glanced At The Sorcerers He Nodded.

I Will teach you all good Lesson Creating ten Telekinesis Balls And infused inside it Omni-Energy the Balls Color changed from Invisible To Black Purplish Around It Reality Seems to be Warped Like Wave Like Demonic Creation Seeing This All The Sorcerers Glared At Alvis you said you didn't Believe in One what's that.

Alvis Didn't speak if Speech would help he wouldn't be in this situation from the start Glancing At Mordo You will Get More Balls Sending five ball's Towards Mordo And Send the others to Different Group of Sorcerers.

Mordo Who tried the power of spells Before Yelled Don't contempt it's Stronger than what it looks the other Sorcerer Heard that they didn't need Mordo Word's This Spells Doesn't Look good from Glance In blink of an eye The ball's Arrived Infront of the Sorcerer in fast Speed.

Sorcerer Thought this balls are quite fast Blocking Alvis Balls isn't easy Task Because Alvis Commanding It to exploded When Touched.

So As soon As the Balls touched the Sorcerer Shields It Exploded Warping Reality Around it As Black Hole Is being born Sending all the Sorcerer's Away it seems that there shield is Strong enough to tank it.

Alvis thought Turning His head to to Mordo he wants to know if he Could Tank it

Infront of Mordo High Speed Energy Balls Coming seeing that the Situation is not good he thought about leaving with portal.

But The building behind him will surely be destroyed seeing his Colleagues Flown Away he understood it's power Mordo made Clap Position Rotation Creating Huge Shield known as Shield of the Seraphim

Seeing The situation Ancient One Breached From Mirror Dimension Infront Of Incoming Attack Opening Eye Of Agamotto Time Gems Was Reveled To Everyone Casting Unknown Time Spell

But Something No one could Imagine Happened Time Gem Failed Alvis And Ancient One Noticed That With flick Of Finger Portal Appeared and Swallowed Alvis Attack To unknown location Seeing The Ancient One Both Mordo And Alvis Yelled in same time

"Ancient One/Sorcerer Superme Alvis Has Fallen Into Demon Trap/You're Student Gone Crazy" Glaring At Each Other Alvis and Mordo wanted to continue fighting But Ancient One Simply Said

"Alvis Didn't Fall He Used his own energy And didn't Borrow from anyone And Mordo Not anything you don't know is demon Tricks take Those who are hurt to rehab and Alvis come with me"

Simple Saying That Ancient One swapped Twice Pulling Alvis from Above And Getting everyone Up Glaring At each other for Last time Alvis and Mordo Moved Apart.

Arriving to Ancient One Room Ancient One Brew tea and gave Alvis Cup then she spoke "Alvis Bright The energy you used… It's weird it's give me the Feeling of Being Lower Creature…similar to infinity stones But your Energy Seems In Higher Position than it Can you satisfy my curious Alvis Bright"

Ancient One Asked With Weird Tone She couldn't Comprehend that a type of energy Being higher than infinite Stone's who we're born after the big Bang

"...I may know where it's origin but why can i use it i don't know..but i don't think you can know" Alvis said with unsure tone he thinks something superbad will happen if he Told ancient one about Real Muiltiverse Or the Omni-Energy

"What Do you mean By Can?" Ancient One Smelled Something Unsual "Like i feel if i told you would be erased or die?" Alvis Said his feeling Truly Ancient One Glanced At Alvis With Unsure Sight

"Alvis Bright are you from Parallel Universe?" Ancient one Asked Question she had before "No not Really But i think i can say im From higher Reality and we view you as fiction" He felt this can be told but anything about Main Muiltiverse or Omni-Energy Existence is dead end maybe something to do With singularities

"Parallel Framework or Muiltiverse…Maybe…" Ancient One said with odd Tune If Alvis really from Another Muiltiverse and there Muiltiverse There is fiction…She stopped thinking about that she felt if she digged any further she will find something she didn't or want to know

"Okay Alvis Bright What do you want to achieve" "I want To find answers and see the End" Answered Alvis

He really Wanted to See the End to his Questions

What is Really Singularities

Why There Only 7 Universes in the Main World

Why can Singularities Desend

Why the Fuck He was thrown to this shit

He didn't believe he died Naturally At age of 18

Glancing At Alvis eye of agamotto Flickered With Gold Light indicating Alvis is telling the Truth She Said With Affrimitve Voice

"Kamar-Taj Is really Open for you now You can Study as long as you don't gone astray" Hearing that Alvis Glanced At ancient one who had Simple Smile Shrugged

Alvis Returned it back Bid Farewell and left fast Arriving to His Alvis began to Overthinking Again

'Did she spy on me…Pervert Grandma…Never mind'


Name: Alvis Bright

Life: 100/100

Omni-Energy {OE}: 550/1550

Dimensionality/Level of Power: 3-Dimensional Creature/10-A/8-C Telekinesis

Occupation: Writer, Sorcerer, Scientist Knowledge: Science (M+), Language (∞)

Talent: Process (Evolved - Cannot Be Upgraded), {ST} Status (H-Upgradable) {AB} Absorption (1)

Sub-Talent: {AP} Appraisal, {MF} Magic Affinity

Superpower: Telekinesis - Low (Upgradable) (10 meters), {ENM} Energy Manipulation (Linked to Knowledge)

Passive Skills {PS}: Automated Meditation {AUM} - Acquiring 1440 Omni daily Active

Skills {AS}: Psionic Bullet, Telekinesis Hands, Floating-Flying, Psionic Armor, Psionic Shield

Appraisal {AP}: Combination of talent produced, using status as a center and process as a concept to know the information about everything.

Energy is done for now I don't seem to need much more energy What About knowledge Appraisal uses energy.

but I don't seem to know how much i need for only by trying i know And after today fight i seem to not have comprehensive choices in fight flying due Telekinesis but for 10 meters upward and mobility is bad to attack power and defense is low

I thought telekinesis will be helpful in any universe it seems that low level Telekinesis is only helpful against normal Humans Sigh Thinking hard

Alvis begun to Remembering all the fiction he knows he have Many choices such as taking the approach of Being Humanoid Universe Such as saint Seyia…

in thoughts I need to be Hexagonal Warrior What do i need Attack Defence Speed Intelligent Range and energy Attack Not noticable Defense Not Noticable too Speed same as before Intelligent…Appraisal Status and process all uses Knowledge range none and energy hmm Little…

Sighing Alvis left the room to the library he wants to know how energy cost for appraisal Coming into the library

he said hello to Wong getting Weird eyesight from him Alvis didn't Start conversation Simple returned the book he taken before gone to Introduction Section

In the introduction section Alvis taken 10 different Book's with different ideas then begun to scan using Appraisal Getting many notifications

He glanced at highest one for amount then glancing back to the lowest finding out that knowledge Really Have Level he thought before that status describe it to help him understand

but it Seems these levels are important Glancing to the book with highest amount finding it About Portal and Space then to the lowest finding it's About Magical Energy So is it about information i don't know or About subject

Still in Confusion He thought the perfecting Process Talent he wants to Try Letting Process Swallow Status And Appraisal Produce Higher Power

he seen The cannot be Upgraded in Status But he never forgotten about Process Light Shining More than status before Maybe Status Couldn't Describe Process Right with thoughts He Created Equation

Process√(Status + Appraisal) Ding

Time seems Stopped Around Feelings Something Weird Happened Alvis Head tilted Left and Right and found out everything Becomes Digital No to be exact Everything Becomes Information and Data

Looking to His hand He Only Seen Darkness No not darkness He Can't Name or comprehend it It wasn't Even Color in spectrum It was something Else

Feeling Unwell Alvis Wanted to Scream But couldn't He wasn't in pain it was feeling of Being Eaten Alive the process was only Seconds in reality but for Alvis it was eternity

after the process ended everything disappeared as nothing happened but only Alvis know what happened is real feeling everything returned to normal

Alvis Eye's Showed complicated look didn't know how to feel right now his if the information in his mind is right

His Talent Process really had an upgrade Ate Status and Appraisal Upgraded In Nature Becoming Combination Of Process Description and information

Now process Can Really say it become something higher than Conceptual Power it can retrieve information and Description like Status and Appraisal

But now it Works perfectly together and it Seems it become Smarter Now he can use Process to it's highest if he sees the Description of Matter and understood it's information by deleveraging Energy He could Create Supernatural Power and control it perfectly without costing energy every time to control it again and again like in telekinesis

He needed to pay some energy to cast skill now he could achieve perfect uses of telekinesis But he needs to fully payment for it at First now Only what he understand And Comprehend can be achieve

Now he cannot Leverage Thoughts and energy to achieve Something out of nothing like before but it's Seems more perfect now he needs knowledge and Comprehend to Have Something forever

This Means he Broke Cause and effect and created Perpetual Motion Effect

'Process Status'

Name: Alvis Bright

Life: 75/100

Omni-Energy {OE}: 25/100

Race: Singularity

Level of Power:10-A Athlete level

Concept: Physical/Mystical

Knowledge: Science (M+), Language (∞) Mystical Arts (L+)

Talent: Process (Omni√knowledge) {AB} Absorption (1)

Superpower:Energy Manipulation (Linked to Knowledge) {ENM} Mindscape

Passive Skills {PS}: Automated Meditation {AUM} - Acquiring 1440 Omni daily

Active Skills {AS}: None

Spells {SP}: Magic Whip,Magic Shield

What the fuck where did my enegy gone to Where is telekinesis Process What happened

Process Data: Upon Combination Of talent Process Needed Energy The Creator Didn't Have Enough Energy

So Process Sacrificed Energy Limit and Telekinesis to Complete The combination

Sigh it's my mistake

Process: Affrimitve

Wait why answering did you Become so Smart

Process: Process Now is Linked to Mind subconscious Answering after Question is Thoughts Processing

'So you can use anything Accoicited with Process?'

Process: negative

'Huh Why'

Process : Low Database

Fuck Knowledge Sigh Scholar it is

Process If you have enough Knowledge Without me Comprehend it can you create power for me to use it

Process : negative


Process : Low Information

Sigh Maybe Try Comprehending That Magical Spell Huh What the fuck where Did my Magical Talent Gone Many Things Disappeared Process Describe My situation

Process Description: life downgraded to recharge Energy

Race Become singularity Having the Power to affect all Dimensionality That Means Telekinesis Can Work Against abstract Entity

Level of Power become More Comprehensive Calculating The Highest attribute

As Center

Consept Become the occupation After Process Swallowed Status Process can allow the Creator to have The Ability to study any Occupation

now Process will assign Occupation to the highest level it could achieve as Consept Mindscape Superpower Accuierd After Process is Link to Mind Creator Mindscape is unable Untill Creator Build Up A World When it's Done Process Could Connect To Mind Calculation Ability

will increase and photographic Memory will be Obtained

Cool Now i need sleep feeling dull because of low energy Alvis left the library and gone to his room Sleep can recharge his energy seemly out of nowhere

Alvis Asked process why and it stated as always Low Data Sigh.

dear Reader's TBH I don't know how to write Fights Ok For real now Should this novel be long or short if it's long then i will take my time if you want it short time skips will happen alot