

Is it wrong that I envy you? Don't I want to look pretty too? Who stole Cassie's body? Is there still love for me? As well as many other questions in Carren's head. A beautiful woman who loves her twin sister very much, but that was then. Prior to the tragedy, a fire in their home caused him to become a victim of that incident. Like the story in the fairy tale Princess Goose. Her twin sister named Cassie grew up beautiful like Princess Swan who was admired by many princes out there. What about Carren? Of course everyone can guess. Yes, he is the figure of the Ugly Duck. Will any luck befall him? Can he switch places with his brother? Even before the fire happened to him, the two of them had always been extraordinary figures. So why does fate seem to be playing a toy on him? People now always compared the two of them, causing the previously cheerful Carren to become a quiet person and didn't want to see people anymore. Envy, revenge, envy and disapproval of the circumstances that befell him, made Carren make a very fatal mistake in his life. Will Carren still be able to finish everything? Will be delivered in this 'TRAITOR' brotherhood story….

NadNadia28 · Thành thị
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15 Chs


Matthew whistled merrily as he drove his car down the deserted streets that circled the hills. Today he seemed to have a new life. Two hours from the cafe earlier, he used to look for the addresses of houses that were rented out. Finally, he found the house he was looking for.

The house was the best of several options he had seen. A small house in the middle of a well-groomed lawn. Walled with large boulders cemented without being painted. At first glance, it looks exactly like Cook's Cottage. Two large white-framed windows overlooking the street. Dull. But Matthew is sure, if it is painted a little, the results will be more satisfying.

He imagined Vera every afternoon waiting for him to come home, sitting on the edge of the large window frame reading his favorite novel. Ah..... living in this house should make Vera relax more. Matthew knew Vera looked too serious and tense every day. He hoped that living in this environment would make Vera look fresher.

Oh yes....! Fireplace. Matthew liked that part the most. He wished that someday he could have time to stretch his legs in front of the fireplace in winter. Accompanied by a cup of hot chocolate milk, and Vera beside him sewed a sweater for him.

Unfortunately, Matthew couldn't find the owner. Just a sign that says "FOR RENT" with a phone number underneath. He had called earlier, but no one picked up. Matthew hoped the monthly rent was no more than five hundred dollars. Because he was sure, his salary as a security guard a month would not be more than twenty dollars an hour.

Steep valley on Matthew's left. '5 Kilometers of Winding Road'. Matthew read the yellow traffic sign. Soon he will enter the area of ​​The Dandenongs. High hilly area. In winter, it often snows.

The green down there with the orange in the sky made this scene look like a painting. Dense green canopies. Matthew slowed down as he reached the top of the hill. It seemed he could see everything from here. He poked his head through the car window. Soon the sun will set. It was rare for him to see a sight like this.

It was his first day away alone away from home. Matthew laughed, he even felt like a child. But the birth of her two twins really took up a lot of her time. Until he did not have time to go on vacation. He also couldn't bear to see Vera struggling to take care of her two healthy and active children. Thanks Carren for moving around a lot.

A week ago he came home from work. Carren greeted him at the door. Smiling as he said, that he could kiss his knees. The little one immediately sat with his legs stretched out on the floor. He bent down until his nose touched his knee. Matthew gasped. He imagined Carren's spine would break.

But miraculously..., no!

"Hah... hah... hah... hahh...!" Carren laughed proudly. Dimples appeared on his chubby cheeks.

Matthew's face was pale.

Carren laughed again. He seemed satisfied that he had surprised his father half to death.

Cassie...? Matthew smiled. He cries the most. But Cassie is the one who is most sensitive to other people's feelings. He just knew he was sad. Usually Cassie would rub herself against Matthew's knees to comfort him. Really sweet kid.


Matthew pulled the car over. At the bend in the road, from the opposite direction, a large truck appeared. The light hit Matthew's face. He reflexively closed his eyes with the back of his hand. The car was right in front of the truck's nose---only a few yards away. Hastily he swerved to the left.

The sound of tires rubbing against the asphalt with strong pressure creates an unpleasant sound. Matthew hit the brake pedal as hard as he could. His voice was shrill and deafening. The car skidded. The back was thrown to the right. For a moment, Matthew couldn't control the speed of his car. But fortunately, he managed to get past the truck.

The truck driver cursed through the window. Matthew must now try to restore the balance of his car. The car moves at a fairly high speed, forming the letter S. This movement will make even a stuntman fascinated.

Matthew passed it all. The brake steps and gas are released. This action was able to make him recover from panic. The car was going straight at a slower speed. Matthew breathed a sigh of relief. One problem solved already. He should have been careful. It was his fault because the car was too far in the middle.

"Fortunately..." Matthew thought. He blinked his eyes. It seemed that the glare from the truck's headlights had quite affected Matthew's eyes. Because what was in front of his eyes now, was nothing more than the stars that made him unable to see clearly. He just realized, in front of him there is still a sharp bend.

A light was installed that read, Drive Carefully. Matthew hastily hit the brakes. But this distance is too close. In his nervous state, the last thing he had time to do was imagine the faces of Vera and her twins. His car hit a barrier that was nothing more than a small metal bar --- which was not enough to hold the car. A second later, the car jumped and fell into a steep valley.


That night while busy preparing dinner, Vera heard a knock on the door. He wished it was Matthew as usual. But he quickly shook that thought away. Since this morning she had learned to accept the fact that one day she had to be away from Matthew. After all, it's only for three days right?

"Yes ..." Vera said as she opened the door.

His brow furrowed when he saw the two policemen. Police car parked in front of his house. Several neighbors who happened to pass by on the street, took the time to see what was happening from a distance.

"Mrs Sayersz?" asked the policeman.

"Yes...." she replied. Vera felt the tension. There is something wrong. Her heart was pounding wildly, Matthew?

"Your husband Mr. Sayersz was in an accident. His car fell into a ravine around the hills towards Lilydale."

Vera was wide-eyed. "Fe... fell....? Th... then how is my husband doing?"

The two policemen looked at each other. They seemed to be new cadres who weren't used to delivering sad news like this. But their confusion was enough to answer Vera's question.

Vera couldn't cry. Her tears had run out these past few days. His chest rumbled. His heart seemed to be stabbed. His ears hurt, like a loud siren sounded near his ears. His joints buckled, and he lost his balance.

His body fell to the floor. Unconscious. He faintly heard the twins scream. Then be quiet.