
Trader Of World's: The Interstellar Merchant

The story is about the protagonist’s journey to become rich and successful in a new world and how his actions affect his old world. It’s a tale of adventure, growth, and self-discovery.

Otaku_Creations · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Ch:3 The Dragon And The Adventures

"it's a dragon"somebody shouted

Max watched in awe as the group of adventurers fought against the dragon. They were a team of five, each with a different job and class. There was a swordsman, a cat girl, a priest, an archer, and a wizard. They worked together to attack and defend against the dragon's fierce attacks.

The swordsman was the leader of the team. He wore a heavy armor and wielded a large sword. He charged at the dragon, trying to slash its scales and draw its attention. He was brave and strong, but also reckless and hot-headed.

The cat girl was the scout of the team. She had cat ears and a tail, and wore a leather suit. She was agile and stealthy, and used a pair of daggers as her weapons. She moved around the dragon, looking for its weak spots and striking them with her daggers. She was cunning and clever, but also playful and mischievous.

The priest was the healer of the team. He wore a white robe and carried a staff. He used his magic to heal and buff his teammates, and to debuff and curse the dragon. He was kind and gentle, but also timid and cautious.

The archer was the sniper of the team. He wore a green cloak and carried a bow and arrows. He stayed at a safe distance from the dragon, and shot arrows at its eyes and wings. He was calm and cool, but also aloof and distant.

The wizard was the caster of the team. He wore a blue robe and carried a book and a wand. He used his magic to unleash powerful spells at the dragon, such as fireballs, lightning bolts, and ice shards. He was smart and knowledgeable, but also arrogant and prideful.

The team fought with skill and coordination, but the dragon was not an easy opponent. It had a massive body, covered with red scales and spikes. It had a long neck and tail, and a pair of wings that allowed it to fly. It had a pair of horns, a pair of claws, and a pair of fangs. It had a breath of fire, that could incinerate anything in its path.

The dragon roared and flapped its wings, creating a gust of wind that blew away the adventurers. It snapped its jaws and swung its tail, trying to bite and whip the adventurers. It spewed fire and sparks, trying to burn and electrocute the adventurers.

The adventurers dodged and blocked, trying to avoid the dragon's attacks. They counterattacked and coordinated, trying to damage the dragon's body. They shouted and cheered, trying to boost their morale and confidence.

The fight was intense and thrilling, and Max was captivated by it. He wanted to join the fight, but he knew he was not strong enough. He was just a beginner, who had just arrived in this world. He did not have a job or a class, or any skills or equipment. He only had his system and his items, and his ability to travel between the worlds.

He wondered if he could use his items to help the adventurers, or to make a profit from the dragon. He checked his system panel, and saw that he had some items that could be useful, such as matches, soap, and canned foods. He thought that he could use the matches to light the soap on fire, and throw it at the dragon. He thought that he could use the canned foods to distract the dragon, or to feed the adventurers. He thought that he could sell the dragon's scales, horns, claws, and fangs, if he could get them.

He was about to act on his thoughts, when he heard a voice next to him. It was a kid, who was also traveling with him. He was a boy, about the same age as Max. He had brown hair and eyes, and wore a simple cloth. He was Ron, a street urchin who had sneaked into the carriage, hoping to get a free ride to the city. He had befriended Max during the journey, and had told him many stories about the fantasy world.

"Hey, Max, don't do anything stupid," Ron said. "You can't fight the dragon, you'll only get yourself killed. And you can't sell the dragon's parts, you'll only get yourself in trouble. The dragon belongs to the dungeon, and the dungeon belongs to the city. Only the city's lord can claim the dragon's parts, and he won't like it if you try to steal them."

"Then what should I do?" Max asked.

"Just watch and learn," Ron said. "This is a rare opportunity to see the adventurers in action. They are the heroes of this world, the ones who protect us from the monsters and the demons. They are the ones who explore the dungeons and the forests, and discover the secrets and the treasures of this world. They are the ones who have the most fun and the most adventure in this world."

"Wow, they sound amazing," Max said. "I want to be like them. I want to be an adventurer."

"Then you'll need to join the adventurer guild," Ron said. "They are the ones who train and support the adventurers. They are the ones who give them jobs and rewards. They are the ones who have the most authority and the most influence in this world."

"Where can I find the adventurer guild?" Max asked.

"In the city, of course," Ron said. "This city is called Sky City, and it's one of the most famous and beautiful cities in this world. It has a long and rich history, and a unique and mysterious origin. It was said that it was once the home of the flying humans, who were the descendants of the gods. They had wings and could fly in the sky. They were the rulers and the guardians of this world, until they disappeared thousands of years ago. No one knows what happened to them, or where they went. Some say they ascended to the heavens, some say they fell to the hells, some say they still live among us, in disguise."

"That's incredible," Max said. "What about the dungeon? What is it?"

"The dungeon is a portal to another world, a world of monsters and demons," Ron said. "It is a place of danger and opportunity, of horror and wonder. It is a place where the monsters and the demons come from, and where the adventurers and the explorers go to. It is a place where the treasures and the secrets are hidden, and where the challenges and the mysteries are waiting. It is a place where the fate and the destiny of this world are decided, and where the war and the peace of this world are determined."

"What do you mean by that?" Max asked.

"I mean that one day, the demons will invade this world, and try to destroy it," Ron said. "They will come out of the dungeon, and bring their armies and their weapons. They will attack the cities and the villages, and kill the people and the animals. They will spread their evil and their chaos, and try to conquer this world. They will be the enemies and the villains of this world, and we will have to fight them and stop them."

"How do you know that?" Max asked.

"Because it has happened before, and it will happen again," Ron said. "It is the prophecy and the legend of this world, and it is the truth and the reality of this world. It is the cycle and the pattern of this world, and it is the doom and the hope of this world. It is the story and the adventure of this world, and it is the story and the adventure that we are a part of."

"Wow, that's amazing," Max said. "I want to be a part of it. I want to be a part of this world."

"Then you'll need to be brave and smart, and strong and lucky," Ron said. "You'll need to make friends and allies, and enemies and rivals. You'll need to learn and grow, and fight and survive. You'll need to have fun and enjoy, and suffer and endure. You'll need to be ready and willing, and able and daring. You'll need to be an adventurer.".....