
Chapter 44 : A Voice to Hold On to

I felt a wave wash over me, unlike anything I’d ever felt. A warmth and wetness coating down my legs. And a moment later, a crippling pain ran through me. I nearly fell to my knees, grasping the side of the wrought iron table for support, for anything to hold on to.

Varon was at my side in a moment, catching me.

My stomach hurt, my lower pelvis, and everything felt intense like I had never felt it before. I grabbed onto his hand to steady myself, as the pain wracked through me. It didn’t last longer than a moment, and then it passed like it had never even been there.

“Get her to the Receiving Rooms,” Marisol spoke calmly, coming out of nowhere. It sounded like she had just given a battle order.

I didn’t even realize that she was so near at hand, and when did she even get to us? How much of our conversation did she hear? Did it even matter?

The wolves moved around her easily, and Varon bent to scoop me up into his arms.