
Tower of god:Lord of Spirits(Rework)

Edit: MC is will be the younger brother of Bam,but he won't have memories of the past except some memories regarding to having read the tower of god throughout his dreams. Also there will only be 3 people will he be with for his partners any more would stretching it and making it feel rather plain. Wish fulfillment so don't come at me with the Grammer and stuff.Ideas are welcomed tho. I don't own tower of god or it's characters and I welcome any ideas that may be add spice to the story. Pic of characters are at Volume 0 of chapter Hope you enjoy it.

Tempest_5916 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Test run (Part 1)

So yeah Cough* Kinda forgot and even though I said I would update randomly.I kind of got stuck to reading other Novels and Fanfics aswell as exams in math bieng a pain. By the way my recommendation for Novels that I believe you'd guys like would be The Author's Pov chef kiss to be honest.With that out the way enjoy the chapter fellow readers


(Time skip)

Having your personal room and bieng alone wasn't very fun and while I had white to talk to Green like a mother was telling me to go make friends and as much as I wanted to talk with Khun and Bam,but they seemed to have their hands full so I didn't try to intervene in what they were dealing with.Endorsi and the other princess had both fallen in their previous test so they were going to to have to do a retake on another test in order to continue climbing the tower.Disregarding that I spent a large amount of my time training on 2 basic skills regarding the spear.

My Throwing position


Wielding in defense

These were what I was prioritizing since survival skills was what I was going to need if I wanted to survive in the tower where the weak died and the strong survived a simple but cruel place to be placed in and something that brought a fire ablaze my heart

So I spent the most of my time honing my skills to the upmost till I had hit a break point. In which, I decided to pratice using shinsu after all I wasn't really satisfied with my control I didn't want to always rely on my spirits the whole time.

Speaking of which they were rigth now watching silently as I was fighting Red as my sparring partner by manifesting a condensed spear made from of shinsu.I was practicing on my defense and it was going badly....

Aether : "Red! You never told me you were monster of a swordsman!"As I barely managed to keep block each and every one of his slashes of his dull sword.

Red : "To be honest when your a spirit and you don't have much to do in the spirit realm training your skill to this point is achievable to pretty much any humanoid spirit."He shrugged before

Green : "I have no excuse...I only praticed in healing and restraint type regarding my element and since support type spirits like me are never harmed we don't learn any defensive skills especially with my element..."

White : "I can dive and talk...."He seemed to avoid my gaze form what I could guess was he spent most his time there just messing around.

Blue : " I'm fluffy!"As he wagged his tail in an excited manner and he was not going lie his tail made his somewhat large form look adorable.Before I could refute what Green had previously said,Uriel showed his support.

Uriel : "That doesn't matter Green you've taken care of my lord before me and as his guardian, I can tell you for sure. Is that he cares for you like if you were his mother rigth my lord Aether?"As he nudged my shoulder in order to comfort her.

Aether : "Ah yeah...To be honest you were the only parental figure I had you know. I've come to have gotten reliant on your comfort when I was alone."It was embarrassing to say it without looking flustered,I really wasn't the type to say words like these often but Uriel was rigth Green was someone's who helped me cope with my loneliness in that filty cave that I was trapped in.

Although Green was silent I final saw that we had managed to comfort her as she was gently ruffling my hair gently.It was something she always did as if to calm me or when was expressing her happiness.


(Khun pov)

That kid has been improving at a frightening speed and his skill seemed to now be above that of Anak and Endorsi regarding to physical strength he seemed more suited to be a fisherman with that strength then again his skill with the spear were indescribable...how did I know?Well since I wished to talk to Aether about Bam and I could see both weren't really comfortable with talking to each other and I since wanted them to at least interact for some reason maybe due to bieng related?It wasn't like me especially after her betrayal...

Anyway I asked the instructor of the spear bearers and it Aether had managed hit a bullseye on his second try.For a Spear Bearer his fighting style is rather balanced excellent in ranged combat while a fotress when it comes to defense.

And today had been a special day as he managed to see both Aether and the flaming skelton knigth sparring.What was more surprising was the skills of the skelton they were basic however even a ranker would be shocked by the profeincy that he wielded also the way he carefully led Aether in showing him by is mistakes was amazing.

This is truly something to be amazing I want to keep watching yet it seems if I stay any longer I migth get caught no I already got caught as there was a flaming sword hanging near my neck.

Red : "Hello there..."


(Small time skip)

Endorsi : "So you got bribed by the princess who kicked you?Sheesh must've hurt."In which Bam nodded with a stiffen expression.

Aether : "Princess Yuri she was nice she warned me to have a weapon for my test did she do the same to you Bam oh wait that was the Black March..."

This conversation had started once I had headed with Khun the the Cafeteria after a misunderstanding in which they mentioned Yuri Jahad the princess that with a pony tail.

Endorsi : She's known as a brute since she usually does things by force that pretty surprising.

Shibisu : "Aether I think she only warned you since you looked really young so of course she wouldn't expect such you to be so strong,I mean what the hell was that even Aether?"In which I responded with a silent glare telling one's abilities before teaming up wasn't something I was going to do unless I was to be part of their team,seeing my glare he brought up another subject.

The joint Team list I was qualified early so their weren't any problems.

What were the problems were that the list that Bam had for the team if they were the pass the test to climb the tower together.

Anak,Shibisu, Hatz,Khun,Endorsi, Parakewl and lastly the red hair who hit me.She kept giving me and Bam glances which somewhat bothered me but then again not wanting to ruin the mood.I gave Bam tips to pass the test to qualify for the test which were simply to run away....

Aether : Your physical abilities haven't changed so only focus on yourself on surviving from what I know thank to constantly having pestered my instructor it's a ranker participating so their going to probably rate you on your capabilities but that doesn't necessarily mean physical it can also be mentally.Also besides the black March what else do you have at your disposal.

Bam : "I can somewhat use shinsu..."He said weakly,which suprised me I mean making bangs was something that required years of pratice.Spear bearers had it easier in a someways regarding shinsu then again it was one of the reasons why Wave controllers were so powerful and destructive they were not a team but a whole unit when in critical time.

Aether : "Just simply be prepare for the unexpected by bieng alert,I don't any true helpful advice and if we truly are brothers than I think it's the least I can do."In which I headed to my room in a stiff manner.

Why did I feel like I did something cringy...



The way they were handling thing in Khun teams seemed to be going extremely well for preparation and yet I couldn't help but wonder how they were going to go against a ranker even when he was restricting his strength.I mean its ranker someone who climbed the tower!

While I knew was someone abnormal among my group besides Bam who radiated a similar energy the rest were rather different...

Khun he felt unpredictable and he felt like someone that was usually one step ahead though of course he also seemed rather manipulative at the start of my first impression,but that seemed to have been disappearing with the appearance of Bam...

We were both similar I could sense it but we were also very different.

One was naive and the other cautious.

The fool and the Reckless.

Bravery and Arrogance.

Kindness and blood for blood.

We were also polar opposites in some place.

I couldn't help but anticipate what else are we difference in Bom.I felt petty that I was picking on someone I knew was kind but I could help but feel that he would grow in to a monster or perhaps I knew when I got to see a glance of his soul....