
Tower of god:Lord of Spirits(Rework)

Edit: MC is will be the younger brother of Bam,but he won't have memories of the past except some memories regarding to having read the tower of god throughout his dreams. Also there will only be 3 people will he be with for his partners any more would stretching it and making it feel rather plain. Wish fulfillment so don't come at me with the Grammer and stuff.Ideas are welcomed tho. I don't own tower of god or it's characters and I welcome any ideas that may be add spice to the story. Pic of characters are at Volume 0 of chapter Hope you enjoy it.

Tempest_5916 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Exposed to the fire

(Time skip)

In the stage


Lero Ro : "Good afternoon regulars or good evening it is Lero Ro today I will announce the regulars whom have successfully passed the final test.The results will be shown shortly."As he clicked a button which beeped loudly till it finally projected.



For the people I was mainly interested in seeing pass Endorsi,Anaak,Khun,Ghost,small Rak,paracule(simply due to curiosity),Shibisu,Hatz and lastly Bam who was to be expected or all of Khuns efforts would've been in vain.

Alas some people were going to be upset on not having passed.

Extra : "I refuse to accept this I passed.My team won the test this is bullshit!"In which the supervisor stepped in and responded shortly signaling to come up stage.

Supervisor : "Points are a crucial part of the test especially performance Mister Murch...and with the performance you've shown its clear to me that all of what you've done and so far have shown me is utterly crap."In which he took another sip of tea before continuing.

"However you must be able to get out the stage here without going insane,simple rigth?"

Murch : "Thats sim~ack!!!*My bones they hurt arrrrrrg my eyes thier ******* burning.Ahhhhhh someone help paracule help me."

Supervisor: "Are you on the same page as him?"

Paracule : "Not at all in fact I don't even know this guy I think he mistook me for someone else..."As he waved his hand in panic.

Seeing him make such excuses made me feel speechless the shamelessness of this guy was unreal.He was what Red said were 'young masters' in his life before becoming a spirit.

But to my suprise Khun stood up and openly agreed.What the hell goes around in your brain?Did you do the chocolate challenge with Rak or something and yet he wasn't at all,he didn't look drunk or anything.

Seeing Khun have his stance eon supporting Rachel due to Bam's pleading the outcome ending with the supervisor saying that only irregulars could take the test and it was when I stiffened and was about to try and silence Bam from talking being an irregular before I felt Raks hand holding me like a Sloth.

Aether : "Let me gooooo Rak!****Get off!"As I tried to pry his chubby arms off my face.

Rak :" I don't know why your trying to stop your black turtle of a brother but as the smallest one you should wait last rigth?"As he gave an annoying smirk which led me give a small sigh of resignation.

Violence wasn't allowed when there was no tests so the cat was out of the bags and now I could stay low as how I wanted.

Especially now with Bam and the others staring at small ruckus I had made.Rak having seen me calm down,he immediately let go of my face and sat back to his seat in which the supervisor gave the signal to speak.

Bam : "I'm an irregular so I should be able to take the test rigth!?"As he shouted with a mixture of fear and anxiety.

Murder were heard with the confession of Bam

Marshmallow instructer : "Eh!"

Endorsi : "A-An Irregular!"

Khun : "Wait what!?"

Rak : "What is that?Is it food?"

Paracule : Wait a moment if Bam's an irregular than isn't Aether one as well.

Shibisu : Two Irregulars!


(Regulars povs)

Shibisu : So Bam and Aether are irregulars that's quite the shock honestly...In which everyone nodded with Shibisu's exclamation.

However Rak bieng Rak decided to interrupted the ambience by asking what an irregular was as Shibisu explained what their were and why they were called that.

Endorsi : "No wonder Aether wanted to make Bam to shut up.This is literally unintentionally exposing him since thier brothers."As she stated at the ceiling in a dazed manner.

Shibisu : "As much as of a good guy Bam I'd it's quite selfish for Bam to such a thing."As he stated in the direction Aether had left to go to his dorm.

Before they could talk again the supervisor came in giving them the choice to join in for the administrator tests and become known as the people that had helped an irregular.

Paracule bieng the coward he was immediately backed off as Hatz stared at him in disgust,the only reason he had managed to pass was due to Bam and Endorsi.

Khun who had surprisingly been supportive of Bam until now had backed off saying that the danger wasn't worth it.

Having heard that Rak gave a suckered punch to Khun nose making him land on his butt at he gave his speech.

Rak : "Ya'll cowards if your retreating for some measly things like this.Your all stupid and cowardly turtles. You'll never be able to have your head up high with the attitude you have much less climb the floors I'm not afraid of the consequences after all climbing the tower you've all seen what should await us!I'll follow the black turtle as he's my prey."

Having heard this mostly everyone felt invigorated by his words as the all decided to follow Rak on his decision to take the test.

Shibisu : "Before we do let's make sure to have Aether in this,having him in the test I'm sure it'll raise our chances by a large margin.You guy should know after seeing in the crown game effortlessly take on Anaak,Endorsi two teams He's a damn power house!"

Rak : Ah! True we need to make sure that the baby black turtle joins aswell!

Paracule : "Although they look extremely similar why does it feel like Aether's definitely more mature and less naive?"

Narrater : "Nano techs son."

Paracule : "Hmmm... did anyone say anything?"

Rak : "You idiot follow me already!"


Check Auxiliary Chapters if you want to see how the spirits like Uriel and Green Look like.

Make sure to comment if you Iiked the chapter or any ideas or thoughts on what I could add.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter.