
Tower of Champions

In a vast multiverse ruled by divine entities, a unique epoch ushers in a competition for ultimate dominion. For the first time ever, humans are chosen to participate, and among them, Scott is chosen. Accused of a crime he hasn't committed, he's left for dead but saved by an otherworldly being. Empowered by this entity, Scott embarks on a treacherous journey through the Tower of Champions, facing traps, enemies, and shifting alliances while seeking for answers. Explore this high-stakes litRPG adventure where all existence hangs in the balance.

NPCwhowantstolive1 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 15: Burning River

Scott trudged along a narrow path, his feet shuffling through loose gravel with each step. The relentless sun blazed overhead, casting unforgiving heat waves that danced along the rocks. Sweat dripped down his neck, and he shifted his mask to the side, retrieving water from his inventory. The dry air filled his nose, but his face felt cool and moisturized. The only respite came from the dried mushrooms he munched on and the water he retrieved from his inventory.

With a sigh, he emptied the water jar, raising his head to stare at the towering rocks surrounding him. "I can't even tell how long I have been walking," he muttered.

Lowering his head, he glanced at the flashing arrowhead, its holographic light guiding him through the narrow path filled with jagged rocks. Scott grimaced. "I'm lucky it hasn't rained in a while. This place would be dangerous if it were wet." He imagined how the rocks would turn slippery, and the narrow pathway would become treacherous.

Following the arrowhead, Scott traversed the narrow path that snaked through the rocks. The terrain was unstable, forcing him to watch every step to avoid tripping and falling. The path split off in different directions, leading to unique parts of the ravine. One path descended into the rocky terrain, while another ascended a steep incline. Carefully considering each option, he ultimately chose to stick with the flashing arrowhead, recalling Miliot's confidence in the map. True to his words, Scott encountered no kleploid or any other creature.

Scott finally reached the end of the barren ravine, and his eyes widened at the breathtaking sight before him. "This is just ridiculous," he muttered, gazing at a staircase that descended to the shoreline of a turquoise sea.

The sand along the shore was fine and powdery, its black surface occasionally interrupted by rare patches of cream that sparkled under the sun. The air hung thick and humid, carrying a subtle hint of sulfur.

"So, this is the ever-burning river, but it's more like a sea than a mere river," Scott muttered to himself. He expected to witness massive flames leaping into the sky and dominating the calm waters. To his surprise, the sea was serene and pristine. Squinting, he scanned the clear skies but found no birds and no visible sea creatures in the waters.

[Location Updated!]

[Current Location – Burning River!]

Scott descended the towering steps cautiously, his gaze locked onto the arrowhead's incessant flashes. The steps, fashioned from rough-hewn stone, radiated heat from the ground beneath. Methodically, he navigated each step, his hand gliding along the coarse wall for balance.

With each descent, a profound sense of awe overcame him as he beheld the vastness of the sea below. Turquoise waters extended endlessly, glistening in the sunlight. For some reason, an irresistible compulsion surged within his mind, compelling him to explore the depths of the waters, and uncover the secrets concealed beneath the surface.

However, he knew better than to succumb to his desires. He remembered Milina's words of caution, and he reminded himself of the potential dangers that lurked in the seemingly calm waters. That Hastur's gaze also didn't force open a system message calmed his tensed heart a bit, but he still maintained his vigilance.

A moment later, he set foot on the powdery sand of the shoreline. The texture beneath his worn boots was soft and warm. The water gently kissed the shoreline, its surface reflecting a calm and serene atmosphere. Inhaling deeply, Scott filled his lungs with the briny air, tinged with a subtle hint of sulfur.

Despite the tranquil appearance of the sea, Scott continued to maintain a vigilant stance. He understood the unpredictability of the surroundings and was determined not to be caught off guard. His keen eyes scanned the shoreline, searching for any traces of fellow travelers or the enigmatic boatman. However, all that met his gaze was the undisturbed and peaceful waters.

"It seems I'll have to wait a while. It's likely the first patch of people has crossed the river already," Scott muttered, his eyes focused on boot imprints left on the sand.

As he contemplated his options, the echo of approaching footsteps reached him, prompting a swift turn in their direction. Three figures descended the stairs, emerging from an alternate path.

Scott observed the trio in armor. The first among them towered over the others, easily measuring six feet four inches. Broad shoulders and well-defined muscles attested to his physical prowess, while his piercing blue eyes bore into the depths of one's soul. A square jaw and chiseled features endowed him with a commanding presence that left most people guarded, including Scott.

The second figure, though shorter, emanated an equal degree of imposing presence. His broad shoulders and thick beard conveyed a rugged, battle-hardened aura. A stoic expression adorned his face, his keen eyes scanning Scott's form with unwavering interest. Despite his intimidating exterior, a certain kindness emanated from his gaze, sparked by genuine curiosity.

The third figure, a woman, stood out as the most striking of the trio. Sharp and angular features defined her, and her eyes shimmered like diamonds in the sunlight. Positioned between the two men, her right hand casually rested on the hilt of the daggers strapped to her waist. Clad in sleek, form-fitting armor, it accentuated her lithe and agile frame. Every movement she made exuded a grace and fluidity indicative of extensive combat training, and her actions appeared calculated and deliberate.

As the trio approached, Scott sensed their intense stares drilling into him, each one scrutinizing him with a blend of curiosity and suspicion. The trio cautiously descended the stairs, but their eyes remained fixed on Scott, and his gaze mirrored their scrutiny.

Upon reaching the beach, the towering man spoke up, his voice low and menacing, "What are you doing here, stranger?"

"I'm just passing through," Scott replied, his voice steady.

The second figure stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "Are you sure about that?" He assessed Scott's clothes and the peculiar mask he wore.

"Are you guys the beach police or something? What's my business got to do with you?" Scott retorted, folding his arms across his chest.

The bald, muscular man frowned. "Listen here, buddy. Take off that mask for a second."

The young woman, who had observed the scene in silence, raised her hand to intervene. "Leave him alone," she asserted, turning her gaze to the other man. "That goes for you too, Frank."

Frank responded with a chuckle, gently stroking his beard. Cassius grumbled but reluctantly backed down, muttering, "This guy is lucky Lyra is here."

Turning back to Scott, the young woman apologized on behalf of the others. "We won't be bothering you any further, and I hope you won't be doing the same." Without waiting for Scott's response, she turned away, and Scott, in turn, focused on the system messages before his eyes.

[You have encountered three members of Shadow Syndicate!]

Hmmm… why does that sound familiar? Scott pondered silently. The detailed champion interfaces of the trio appeared before the masked knight, and he quickly perused through the status sheet.

The bear of a man is a fighter, while the other one is a scout, Scott thought before sneaking glances at Lyra. However, she seems to be the most dangerous one among them. She doesn't look anything like an assassin.

Scott took a cursory glance at their levels, but only Lyra was on par with him. They also couldn't compete with him in terms of mana, skills, and abilities. However, they had significantly more weapons in their inventories compared to his.

Scott then turned his attention to their quests, and his brows arched.


Main Quest: Return to the starting point – Ongoing!

Side Quest: Retrieve 40 Kleploid sac – Completed!

Side Quest: Find and eliminate the traitor – Ongoing!

Side Quest: Cross the Burning River – Not Started!

This might be a problem. These guys might be suspecting I'm that trickster, Scott thought, recalling Vugar had something related to the Shadow Syndicate among his quests.

Scott cracked his knuckles, drawing deep breaths. Despite the dissimilarity between his mask and that of the trickster, he knew his pursuers would likely perceive it as just another ploy of the wanted schemer. His gaze returned to the trio, carefully studying their armor and weapons.

The durability of all the weapons I've encountered thus far seemed remarkably inadequate. Is it because I haven't entered the main stages of the competition?

[Abnormal Stat: Perception has increased by 1!]

Scott smiled behind his mask. So that's the reason why.

Scott turned his attention away from the trio. He was tempted to throw a pebble into the serene water, but he resisted the asinine urges.

I only need to wait for the boatman. Hopefully, he doesn't ask something outrageous from me.

As the sun's intensity gradually waned, the vibrant blue heavens were replaced by a warm orange glow. Three hours had slipped by, but there was still no sign of the boatman or any new travelers. Scott and the trio from Shadow Syndicate remained silent since their last interaction. Despite the lack of conversation, they occasionally exchanged meaningful glances while patiently awaiting the boatman's arrival.

Another hour slipped away, and nightfall cloaked the burning river. The crescent moon and the star-studded sky cast their reflections on the pristine waters, emitting faint, barely visible heat hazes. In contrast to earlier, a thick fog emerged from the snow-capped mountains at the opposite end, slowly shrouding the waters.

"The boatman sure is taking his sweet time," Scott sighed, stretching his legs. Perched on the last step of the majestic staircase, he absentmindedly played with a pebble he had found nearby.

The absence of complaints from the trio hinted that the boatman remained within schedule. However, Scott harbored reservations about traveling at night, particularly in a world filled with mysteries and dangers. Another hour elapsed, and the dense fog enveloped the entirety of the turquoise sea. The travelers stood at the shoreline's edge, gazing into the burning glow gradually approaching within the fog. Gentle swooshes echoed, and the distorted figure of a boat, manned by a shadowy figure in black, emerged.

Scott wore a frown as he observed the approaching boat. "Isn't it a little too small for all of us?" The wooden vessel appeared plain and unassuming, much like the figure handling the oars. Clad in a long cloak that concealed every part of his body except his head, the boatman presented an air of simplicity. A ghastly scar marked the right side of his face, claiming a third of the man's silver hair. Despite this disfigurement, a smile adorned his lips, and his blackened eyes were fixed on the impatient travelers.

Narrowing his gaze, Scott was about to open a system message when an eerie laugh filled his ears, followed by a chilling voice. "I knew it. I knew this day would come." The message remained unopened as a sense of foreboding hung in the air.

Instinctively, Scott turned toward the boatman, and their eyes locked. In that moment, the world seemed to freeze as darkness began to consume everything in its path.

"Who are you?" Scott asked, his chest thumping louder than ever. The old man cocked his head backward, laughing with wanton abandon. In a flash, he appeared in front of Scott, the duo floating in an endless abyss.

"You don't know anything yet. How pitiful," he said while reaching for Scott's mask. "I wonder which of them chose you." He pulled off the mask, and his smile brightened. He laughed again while clapping, before returning the mask to its owner. "So, it was him," he said, struggling to maintain his composure. He managed to stop himself while wiggling his index finger across the mask's surface. "I understand why he chose you now. But let's make it a little more fun."

Blood-red text appeared on the blackened mask, clashing against the yellow sign and the darkness. However, Scott could only stare at the old man. No matter what he did, he couldn't move his body.

"That should do it." The old man nodded to himself. The mask remained the same, but there were red flashes on the darkened mask. The uncanny man smiled while clicking his fingers. Scott blinked, and he found himself ashore again. This time, however, the boat had arrived, and a dull look had replaced the boatman's whimsical smile and excited eyes.

What the heck just happened? Scott thought to himself, recalling the strange events. He resisted the urge to peel off his mask and check what the man had done because it would only compound his worries. While Scott gathered his thoughts, Cassius stepped forward. |Boatman, we seek to cross the Burning River. What do you request of us?"

The burly man held his breath, watching as the wiry boater lifted his head. A sudden grin spread across the boatman's face, revealing teeth stained with a deep, dark hue. Then, he pointed directly at Cassius. "For you, two kleploid sacs."

The powerful man clenched his fists, suppressing the urge to shout with excitement. Ignoring the fervor, the boatman redirected his attention toward Frank. "For you, all I need is your mana."

The bearded scout froze, gritting his teeth while massaging his temples. The boater turned toward the lone woman in their midst, offering a wrinkled hand with a smile. "For you, your tears will suffice."

Abruptly, he slammed the oars onto the boat, bringing it to a halt. "Are you willing?" he asked.

Without hesitation, Cassius withdrew two bleeding organs from his inventory, tossing them over to the boater. The lanky man deftly caught the offering, consuming the raw, bleeding item.

Frank gritted his teeth, stepping forward. "I'm willing to give you my mana."

The boater extended his hand casually, and Frank's eyes rolled inward. A misty, ethereal substance began to seep out from his mouth, nose, eyes, and ears, hurtling toward the outstretched hand. Frank convulsed uncontrollably, but no one intervened. The boatman only withdrew his hand when he could no longer absorb any more mana. Turning to Lyra, who stood waiting at the side, he flashed a smile and clicked his fingers.

The onlookers observed Lyra's once-blue eyes darkened. The assassin collapsed to her knees, unleashing screams and wails as her face contorted in agony. Teardrops hovered toward the gaping mouth of the grinning boater, and the shadows clouding Lyra's eyes dissipated.

The boater chuckled once more, offering a slight bow to the trio. "You may enter," he said. Then, his attention shifted to Scott, and his smile intensified. The two men locked gazes, a silent exchange unfolding between them.

Cassius and Frank extended their hands to help Lyra to her feet. Together, they cautiously stepped onto the boat, ensuring they avoided any contact with the turquoise water. Only after ensuring Lyra's safety did their attention return to Scott and the enigmatic boater. The duo continued their silent communication, their eyes speaking volumes.

Breaking the silence, Scott's voice, low and probing, cut through the air. "What's my toll?" The boater responded with laughter, accompanied by a wagging index finger. "You can come aboard. The toll has already been paid."

Cassius, Frank, and Lyra, who had regained her composure, turned their inquisitive gazes towards Scott. The desire to unravel his identity intensified.

Scott, feeling the weight of their scrutiny, furrowed his brow. He took a deep breath and joined the trio on the ship. The boatman deftly struck the oars against the beach, propelling the boat into the mist-shrouded waters. Gradually, the fog embraced the vessel as it embarked on its journey toward the towering peaks in the distance.