
Tower of Champions

In a vast multiverse ruled by divine entities, a unique epoch ushers in a competition for ultimate dominion. For the first time ever, humans are chosen to participate, and among them, Scott is chosen. Accused of a crime he hasn't committed, he's left for dead but saved by an otherworldly being. Empowered by this entity, Scott embarks on a treacherous journey through the Tower of Champions, facing traps, enemies, and shifting alliances while seeking for answers. Explore this high-stakes litRPG adventure where all existence hangs in the balance.

NPCwhowantstolive1 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 14: Setting Off

"A human wearing a mask," Milina stammered, pressing her back against the cage. Milee, on the other hand, sobbed quietly, nestling her head in her sister's arms. The duo had been freed from their bounds but they remained petrified in the cage.

Scott cocked his head backward, and his laughter echoed in all directions. They can finally see me. I was wondering what I was going to do when I got to Nova Primus, but I have no reason to worry anymore. Everything should be fine if I don't take off the mask.

Scott refocused on the frightened gruffpaws. "As I mentioned earlier, your father sent me here." He raised his blade, intending to cut the tightly woven hemp rope serving as the cage's lock. "I know you're eager to return home, but I'll have to ask you to wait a little bit longer. We'll return at dawn, okay?"

Milina and Milee nodded. They would be crazy to negotiate with someone who had single-handedly exterminated a kleploid pack.

Scott's smile remained hidden behind his mask. "Thank you for your understanding," he said before turning away from the duo. His destination: the cave where the kleploids stored their food. His intention: to explore if there was anything worthwhile within.

The gruffpaws observed the masked man's departure, their massive forms unmoving, only punctuated by deep breaths.

Milee anxiously raised her head, her swollen eyes scanning the cave's entrance. "Sister, do you believe him? Did father really send him?"

"I don't know," Milina responded without hesitation. "Regardless of whether he's telling the truth, there's nothing either of us can do to stop him. Let's not provoke him."

Milee nodded in agreement. "He's someone we shouldn't anger."

As the sisters conversed, Scott emerged from the cave, pushing a cart laden with various items.

Despite extorting a bit from the gruffpaws, they don't have anything of serious value to me, Scott sighed, gazing at the neatly preserved dried rations arranged on the cart. Among the items in the kleploid's improvised pantry, these were the sole contents free from contamination.

With a wave of his hand, a familiar luminescence enveloped the provisions, causing some of them to vanish into his inventory. Simultaneously, a leather map materialized in his hands.

Who would have thought that guy would hide his belongings in the cave. He smiled behind his mask as he unrolled the bound map. With this map, is there even a need for the village chief's map?

[Please select a destination from the following]

Nameless Forest – Current location!

Barren ravine

Burning river

Ravnar mountains

Unable to quell his curiosity, Scott clicked on the last option. A fiery glow shot out from the map, forming a blinking, holographic arrowhead pointing toward the massive peaks in the distance.

Scott smiled behind his mask, subconsciously turning toward the gruffpaws. "Can you see this?" He said, pointing at the arrowhead.

The terrified sisters shook their heads, worried any delay would anger the masked man.

Only the person holding the map can see it, huh. That's interesting. Scott stared at the map again. This map only leads to the Ravnar mountains, but the village chief's map should lead to Nova Primus. With both maps in my possession, my journey should be easier, right?

He pondered for a moment before sending the map to his inventory, and the blinking arrowhead vanished. Then he approached the gruffpaws. "Have you guys eaten anything? You can take your picking if you're hungry," he said while motioning toward the cart.

"Thank you, but we're okay," Milina stammered. Although she didn't know what happened to the kleploids, it wasn't too hard to infer their woes started after they finished eating and drinking. The thought of the same thing happening to them sent shivers down her spine.

Scott simply shrugged before sitting on a nearby rock. "Since you're comfortable, I won't insist. However, I do have some questions that I hope you can answer."

"What do you want to know? If it's something I can answer, then I won't hesitate to tell you," Milina replied.

Scott chuckled. "Relax. It's nothing serious." He tapped the tip of his blade on the ground as he continued. "What sort of creatures inhabit the regions beyond the forest?"

Milina froze for a second. Was that all he wanted to know? Isn't that common knowledge, or is he testing us? She took a deep breath, calming her tensed nerves. "Beyond the forest, the kleploids control the barren ravine. Meanwhile, both the ever-burning river and the Ravnar Mountains are considered inhospitable for any race to claim. Some tried in the past, but they all perished. As a result, rarely would anyone find any creatures in those places, especially the ever-burning river," Milina explained.

Scott's brows furrowed behind his mask. The kleploids he could handle, but the unforgiving forces of nature presented a challenge beyond his reckoning. "If the river is that formidable, how am I supposed to cross it?"

A peculiar expression danced across Milina's face as she locked gazes with her sister, who mirrored the same enigmatic look.

"What? Did I say something foolish?"

"No, no, please don't misunderstand. We meant no disrespect." The sisters flapped their arms in a nervous gesture.

Scott sighed. "I know. Stop with the theatrics and tell me how one usually crosses the river."

"There's a boatman, and you must pay a fee to cross," Milee interjected before Milina could respond. "Without paying the toll, it's impossible to cross the river."

Scott nodded silently as different questions raced through his mind. A moment later, he broke the silence once more. "What's the toll, and who is the boatman and why is he able to cross while others can't?"

"His identity, origins, and why he's capable of crossing the river are all mysteries no one understands. For the toll, it depends on the whims of the boatman. It varies from person to person," Milina said as she tilted her head to the side. "During my recent journey to Nova Primus, the boatman requested me to select any pebble that caught my fancy and present it as payment. Conversely, a kleploid was mandated to sacrifice one of its arms. It's crucial to note that the kleploid hadn't committed any wrongdoing; rather, the boatman's demands are simply unpredictable. There are occasions when he even insists on taking your life before granting passage across the river."

Scott interjected, "What happens if you refuse an absurd request?"

"Nothing," Milina replied without pause. "The boatman won't trouble you, but you're barred from boarding until the toll is settled." She paused, reflecting on her past encounters. "Yet, some choose to linger by the shoreline, patiently anticipating the boatman's return. Luck might smile upon them, offering a more favorable toll for the subsequent journey."

Thank God the toll isn't fixed. But what kind of lunatic is the boatman? Scott sighed inwardly. He would be a liar if he said he didn't find the mysterious boater fascinating.

"So, how many times can someone cross the river per day?"

Milina raised two fingers, "Twice," she said. "It's the same for those coming from the Ravnar Mountains."

"That makes sense," Scott muttered, his voice barely audible. He continued striking his blade against the lone rock while his gaze shifted toward the surrounding area.

I don't like the fact that the toll can be anything random. Knowing my luck, that guy might ask for something totally outrageous.

Scott sighed before turning toward the sisters. "What about the Ravnar Mountains?"

"There are several human guides willing to assist travelers. Unlike the boatman, their compensation is well defined. No matter what you're paying with, its value must be equivalent to one elemental shard." Milina explained.

She had gotten more comfortable the longer she spoke with the masked man. Milee, however, still couldn't stare at Scott for long.

Scott exhaled deeply, staring at the skies. What the hell is an elemental shard again? There were too many things he had no idea of.

Milina's voice carried into the half-human ears. "Pardon my rudeness, but it seems you have no idea what an elemental shard is too."

"You're right. Please enlighten me," Scott said with a smile, but unseen by the duo.

"Although each race has their own unique currency, elemental shards are considered the universal currency in the tower. They are mostly fragments of the elements which have taken a solid form. For example, ice shards are mostly seen and used in Nova Primus because of its proximity to the Ravnar Mountains. Apart from the durability, they serve no major purpose other than being used as currencies."

"I see," Scott said as he stood up. "So, what's the equivalent of one elemental shard?"

"It depends on what item you're willing to exchange. They usually demand a thousand of our specially refined hangover pills. However, for other humans, the equivalent is an uncommon item."

Scott's brows shot up. Isn't that too much? He thought to himself.

"You guys should get some sleep. We'll depart for your village tomorrow."

Scott didn't wait for the gruffpaw to reply before walking away.

Milina and Milee focused their attention on his frail figure, until he disappeared behind one of the numerous rocks.

"Sister, do you think he was pretending?" Milee asked while tugging Milina's arm. "I don't know if you noticed it, but it felt as if he was reading something above our heads earlier." She still felt chills recalling Scott's emotionless eyes. If she could have her way, she would forget she ever saw them.

"Whether he's pretending or not doesn't matter. We only need to stay on his good side," Milina said, her eyes still focused on the spot Scott disappeared.

The morning swiftly displaced the cold night, unveiling a vast expanse of reddish-gray skies. With dawn emerged a thick fog, shrouding the Nameless Forest. Milina and Milee lay entwined in each other's embrace, the younger twin snoring softly, her words a nonsensical murmur.

Soon, their ears caught the unmistakable echo of footsteps, disrupting the quietude of the forest. Reluctantly, they opened their eyes, fixing their gaze on the indistinct figure steadily advancing from the distance. The remnants of sleep evaporated from their eyes, replaced by a sharp intake of cold air.

"Morning. Hope I didn't disturb you." Scott appeared from the mist, raising his blades. He swung the twin blades on the hemp rope binding the cage, cleanly cutting them in one go. A muffled twang echoed as the robe ripped apart while each side of the rectangular cage fell on their respective ends.

"It's time to go. Is there anything you want to take before we leave?"

"No. Let's leave now," Milina said.

"You guys go ahead. I'll follow you from behind. Although it should be safe, let's not take any chances," Scott said while returning his blades to his inventory.

Milina and Milee stood up, meekly nodding in acknowledgment. The gruffpaws cast a fleeting glance at the charred kleploid corpses, along with that of their human leader, as they began making their way toward the forest. An unspoken tension lingered in the air, and they couldn't help but contemplate the possible outcome had the masked man not intervened to rescue them.

Silence enveloped the trio, with neither sister exchanging a word nor Scott initiating a conversation. Together, they pressed on through the early morning cold, each lost in their thoughts.

An hour passed in a blink, and the trio reached the path leading to the village. Emotion overwhelmed the sisters, tears streaming down their faces. They had already accepted the likelihood of never reuniting with their people. Though their hearts yearned to storm into the village and proclaim their return, the looming threat of the masked man held them back.

"Go ahead. I won't be joining you. But convey my message to your father. I'll be here, waiting for him," Scott said.

"I'll convey your words to him, benefactor," Milina said.

Milee, in contrast, sprinted towards the village, tears streaming down her face.

Meanwhile, Scott ventured into the forest, aiming to reach the rendezvous point ahead of Miliot.

The hungover and drowsy gruffpaws awoke to the cries of their liberated kin. Emerging one after another from their homes or wherever they had passed out, they hurriedly approached to greet them. Miliot and Milos charged out of their house, racing towards Milee with tears welling in their eyes.

"Father!" Milee cried, throwing herself into Miliot's embrace.

"My dear, there's no need to cry now," he said, shedding even more tears than his daughter. "Where's your sister? Didn't she..."

Milina interjected from the side, "Father, I'm here." Like her younger sister, she embraced her father while shedding tears of gratitude for the chance to see him again.

"It's okay, my darlings. Everything is fine now," Miliot whispered, enveloping the two in a reassuring embrace.

Milina leaned closer to his ear. "Father, our benefactor wants to meet you," she murmured gently.

"What about the kleploids?" Miliot inquired.

In that moment, the expressions of the duo darkened, fear evident in their eyes. Miliot took in a deep breath, understanding the gravity behind their troubled looks. "You're safe now, my darlings. But I must meet our benefactor. I'll be back."

"Father, please be careful," Milee said, gripping her father's arm.

"Don't worry. I promise to return soon." Miliot patted her head, wearing a comforting smile. Then, turning to Milos, they exchanged a mutual nod and set off toward their residence, taking a roundabout route to reach the meeting area.

"Uncle, did you see the fear in Milee's eyes?" Milos whispered as they ran. "I've never seen her this scared before."

"Don't say anything. We need to maintain ignorance about the incident. Do you understand?"

"But uncle—" Miliot began.

His uncle interrupted; his voice unusually stern. "I said we don't know anything about it."

Milos nodded, not wishing to further provoke his uncle's stern demeanor. In silence, the duo quickened their pace, returning to the same spot where they had encountered Scott the day before. The eerie darkness that had previously haunted their nights was conspicuously absent. Instead, a slender figure, clad in a distinctive mask, leaned casually against a tree.

"Great one?" Miliot queried.

"Nice of you two to come running immediately. I won't waste your time. So, why don't you hand over the items."

Though the voice and appearance were entirely distinct, Miliot couldn't shake the memory of Scott's unequivocal manner of speaking. He knelt on the ground, compelling Milos to follow suit. "Great one, I'll forever carry the memory of your benevolence for me and my people."

Two items materialized before the chief. "Please accept these tokens as an expression of our gratitude."

[Side Quest: Rescue the village chief's daughters – Completed!]

[EXP: 20!]

[Side Quest: Retrieve the map of the Nameless Forest from the Gruffpaw chief – Completed!]

[EXP: 20!]

Scott summoned the map he had obtained from the trickster, tossing it over to the village chief. "What's the difference between this map and yours?"

Miliot raised his head, reaching for the leather map. Unrolling it, he frowned. "Great one, although this map is of decent quality, relying on it may lead to encountering several perilous situations along the way. In contrast, my map guarantees a journey free from such dangers. Furthermore, this map only guides travelers to the Ravnar Mountains, necessitating the use of guides thereafter. On the contrary, my map provides a direct, secure route to Nova Primus."

Miliot lifted his gaze, meeting Scott's indifferent eyes. "Great one, you can discern the difference for yourself. Clearly, my map is superior."

"No need for that. I trust you won't lie to me," Scott said while picking up the items.

Is it supposed to be this light? Scott thought to himself as he observed the scavewood map. He then shifted his attention to the bracelet, his fingers running along the tiny jewels embedded on its surface. With this, I can increase my mana recovery rate by a further 5%. It doesn't feel like much now, but it's bound to be useful when my level improves further.

Scott added the map to his inventory, while wearing the bracelet. It shrunk, readjusting to its new owner.

Turning his attention to Miliot. "As promised, I'll leave this map with your associates when I reach Nova Primus."

"Thank you, great one. If it's not too much, could you share a meal with us before you depart?"

Scott pondered for a moment before shaking his head. "No, I won't impose on you any longer. Our meeting was brief, but it was a pleasure," he said, extending his hand.

Miliot and Milos raised their heads, their eyes fixed on Scott's outstretched, skinny arm. A moment of confusion passed between them.

"Uncle, I think he wants us to kiss it," Milos whispered.


Milos nodded confidently, drawing from his experiences in Nova Primus. Miliot puckered his lips, kneeling as if preparing to follow through on the unexpected request.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?" Scott took a step back, retracting his hand, as he stared at the bewildered gruffpaws.

"What do you mean, Great One?" Miliot asked.

Scott glared at the duo. "What do you mean, what do I mean? You're supposed to shake my hand, not kiss it."

"Oh. I remember now. Humans also have a custom like that," Milos muttered, wearing an embarrassed smile.

Miliot could only glare at the knucklehead. This idiot barely pays attention to anything outside of his interests. Because of him, we almost angered the Great One.

Miliot prostrated on the ground. "Great One, we have wronged you. Please forgive us."

Scott sighed while massaging his temples. "How do you guys constantly have energy for this?" He took a step forward, standing between the gruffpaws. "I don't know if we'll ever see each other again, so take care of yourselves."

Scott took three steps forward before stopping. "You guys should probably learn some self-defense skills. Who knows when some other bastards might target your village."

"Thank you, great one! We will never forget you!"

Scott heard Miliot's words, but he didn't turn. The gruffpaws watched as he ventured deeper into the surrounding forest, gradually disappearing from their view.

"Uncle, do you think he's going to make it in the competition?" Milos inquired.

"I can't say for certain. However, he is a survivor of the calamity that befell his world. According to the words of our ancestors, those who still possess the yearning to ascend the tower after witnessing such devastation will either shake the foundations of the Tower of Champions or succumb like many before them," Miliot explained.

"You could have just said you don't know," Milos whispered, rising to his feet.

Miliot's expression twisted unpleasantly. "Damn you, you stinking brat," he hissed, leaping to his feet. "Don't think I have forgotten what you… hey, get back here." The frenzied gruffpaw chased after his fleeing nephew, issuing threats as he pursued him.