
Totally In Love

The Uploaded Book Cover's Picture Isn't Mine. So The Credit For The Picture Goes To The Real Editor Of This Image... The Story Totally In Love Will Be Of 20 Chapters. The Storyline Is Completely Mine And If It Matches To Someone Else's Story Or Life Then It'll Be A Coincidence. I'll Work Hard On The Story. I Hope You All Will Like It. Make Sure To Comment Your Thoughts About It...

Byeol_3001 · Thành thị
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6 Chs

You Got Me Wrong, I'm Confused Now...

Eun-Jeong was walking beside Hyun-Woo in a hallway. She was taking him to visit the University. She was nervous and scared at the same time. But she calmed herself. She assured herself by saying that it was his mistake. He took advantage of her. She was in her thoughts.

Suddenly Hyun-Woo stopped.

Eun-Jeong also stopped. She looked at him in confusion.

Hyun-Woo turned towards Mr. Jung.

"Mr. Jung! I'll visit the University with Miss. Park. You and others may leave," Hyun-Woo said with a serious face.

Eun-Jeong became more confused. But she kept silent.

Mr. Jung bowed and left with the guards.

Then Hyun-Woo turned towards Eun-Jeong with a smirk. Eun-Jeong ignored him.

"Let's Go Mr. Lee," Eun-Jeong said and started walking.

Hyun-Woo's smirk changed into a smile.

Eun-Jeong showed him the whole university, only the Theater room was left. During the whole visit, Hyun-Woo didn't say anything to Eun-Jeong about the incident that had happened before.

Finally they reached the theater room.

"So Mr. Lee! This is the last place to visit. Our theater room," Eun-Jeong said with serious facial expressions.

Hyun-Woo responded by nodding his head. He was looking here and there checking everything.

He started walking in the theater room. Eun-Jeong was standing quietly. Suddenly Hyun-Woo turned towards Eun-Jeong.

"So Miss. Park Eun-Jeong!" Hyun-Woo called her name.

Eun-Jeong looked at him while furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. Hyun-Woo smiled and came near her.

"We met again," Hyun-Woo said while looking into her eyes.

"So what?" Eun-Jeong said and tried to control her nervousness.

Eun-Jeong avoided his gaze. She looked on her other side.

Hyun-Woo took a step closer to her, reducing the gap between them.

"I helped you that day and in return you just kicked my leg. And still you behave like you haven't done anything. I like your confidence," Hyun-Woo said, looking into her eyes. She avoided his gaze.

"You just took advantage of me that day," Eun-Jeong said while looking down.

"What advantage? Let me remind you, without knowing about me, you ran to me and hugged me that night and requested me to stay still," Hyun-Woo said.

"But you pecked my cheeks, without my permission," Eun-Jeong yelled at him.

"I just helped you or nothing," Hyun-Woo said and stepped back.

Eun-Jeong looked at his face with an annoyed facial expressions.

"Oh God! Can't you just admit your mistake," Eun-Jeong said in low voice.

"It wasn't my fault," Hyun-Woo said and rolled his eyes.

"Let's go back. Your visit is done," Eun-Jeong said while looking at his face.

She started to walk outside.

"Don't you think, you should apologize," Hyun-Woo said in a serious tone. He was standing still at his place. Eun-Jeong turned towards him and walked near him. She stood in front of him and looked into his eyes.

"Mr. Lee! I'll never apologize. That's it," Eun-Jeong said with a confidence.

Hyun-Woo smirked and pulled her closer and she bumped into his chest. Eun-Jeong got shocked with his sudden action.

"You missed the chance and now you'll see what I'll do to you," Hyun-Woo said with a smirk.

When Eun-Jeong heard his words, she got angry and she pushed him with a force.

"Do whatever you want. I'm not afraid of you. What you can do, just say it. Huh? Will you kick me out of the University? Just do it," Eun-Jeong said angrily.

Hyun-Woo got confused at her sudden burst out.

Eun-Jeong started to go outside the room. Hyun-Woo sighed and followed her.

After sometime, they reached the Principal's office.

Mr. Cha was waiting for them to come back. The food was already set on the table.

"Mr. Lee! I hope you enjoyed the visit. Miss. Park is good at taking care of matters like this," Mr. Cha said with a little smile. Hyun-Woo looked at Eun-Jeong's face who was looking down.

"You're right. She made it easy and I enjoyed it a lot," Hyun-Woo said. Eun-Jeong looked at Hyun-Woo's face. He was giving her chilled facial expressions. And it made Eun-Jeong more confused.

Mr. Cha Smiled.

"Yeah! She is really very hard working," Mr. Cha said.

"Mr. Lee! Lunch is ready. Please have a seat," Mr. Cha said.

"Sure!" Hyun-Woo said with a smile.

Hyun-Woo sat on his seat.

"Okay Mr. Cha! I'll take my leave," Eun-Jeong said.

"Miss. Park! Join us. You're working hard and the University needs a hard working Professor like you," Hyun-Woo said with a genuine smile.

Eun-Jeong was about to say no but Mr. Cha spoke.

"Mr. Lee is right. The University needs you. Please have a seat," Mr. Cha said with a smile.

Eun-Jeong sighed and sat on the chair.

All of them sat and started eating their meal.

Hyun-Woo praised the professor's hard work for the University. After lunch, Hyun-Woo talked about work.

"There are a few more changes that we should make in the University Academic activities and we should focus on student's talent base activities," Hyun-Woo said while reading some papers.

Mr. Cha , Eun-Jeong and other professors were listening to him carefully.

"I'm taking these record papers with me. I'll read it and then I'll tell you what we have to do next," Hyun-Woo said and gave the papers to Mr. Jung.

Mr. Cha nodded.

"Okay! I'll take my leave now. You guys are doing a great job. Miss. Park! Well Done," Hyun-Woo said and stood up. Eun-Jeong bowed a little to him. She was confused because she didn't expect this kind of behavior from him. All of them went outside the Principal room, to see off Hyun-Woo.

They all greeted him well and Hyun-Woo left.

As he left, Eun-Jeong looked at Mr. Cha with a smirk.

"I got it, Miss. Park!" Mr. Cha said. He understood why she was looking at him with a smirk. Mr. Cha went to his office and came back with a paper in his hand. He gave it to Eun-Jeong.

"You did a great job. It is very hard to impress a person like Mr. Lee. He is really good at judging and observing people. He was impressed by your skills. That's why you're my favorite here in this University because I know that you're the best here," Mr. Cha said with a proud smile.

Eun-Jeong was feeling good after hearing his sincere words.

Eun-Jeong read the paper and smiled happily.

"Really! Oh My God! Finally, I'm free. Oh yeah!" Eun-Jeong started jumping in happiness.

"Yeah! You're free for a week from tomorrow. I hope you'll enjoy your trip," Mr. Cha said with a smile.

Eun-Jeong was really happy. She thanked Mr. Cha and went back to her home.
