
Top Gun Unlimited

The story is about a boy named Joe Palmer whose whole village is destroyed by evil group of people. On the verge of death, he awakens the super system called Top Gun System. Now with this new power he walks a bloody path towards vengeance. .... cover image is not mine. if the owner want me to take it down, just tell me. For more chapter: pat-reon.com/FAYSAL_AHMED_5058 .....

Faysal_Ahmed_5058 · Võ hiệp
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19 Chs

Starts With A Tragedy

Under the cloak of a cloudy dark night, in a small village a group consisting of only four was carrying out murder, robbery and kidnapping.

It will be wrong to call this place a village. This place is more like a settlement of poor homeless people who are not welcomed in a village or they got exiled from one or they cannot afford to stay in a village.

That's why they chose this place which was far from the nearby human colony.

But this place is not bad for staying as there is a place nearby from where they can get supply of fresh water, they can farm here in the field and hunt small animals in the nearby forest. But the main problem is this place has no security and has a high chance of running into an outlaw group.

If they run into a gang of Outlaw, then the minimum damage that can happen to them is getting robbed and if they face the worst case scenario, then they might end up being sold at the slave market or end up being killed.

But for this little human settlement today is the day when their worst nightmare became true.

Joe and his family also stay here. To him, his family members are everything. But now he watched his parents death with his eyes. Their ice cold bodies laid on the ground, immobile and lifeless.

For a 12 years old boy, it's a cruel fate to watch his parents die in front of his own eye.

Their blood soaked body and face traumatized him deeply. After today, he will not forget this scene ever in his life.

"It's all so funny. We never hurt anyone even when we suffered so much ourselves. Can anybody help me save my family?"

Joe's lips trembled as he begged for help but nobody was there to answer his prayers.

He touched his head from which blood flowed out like a broken dam.

"Why the hell did this happen? They took my sister. I couldn't save her. I am weak. I want to become strong, stronger than everyone else. So that I can take revenge for my family. "

"Those hateful looters should just die. They destroyed my home and massacred my family. Somebody Kill Them for me, please."

Joe Palmer sobbed and cried his heart out as his consciousness was slowly leaving his body, he felt an unprecedented amount of anger and hatred that made his chest heavy.

"If I get a second chance, I will become strong, get revenge for my family and live more for myself. I will be selfish like everyone in the world."

But how hard it was to find four robbers for revenge. The answer is very hard and by chance even if he happens to find them, will he be capable enough to extract revenge? The question remains.

This world is like a fantasy game world with many job class. Only the strong could climb to the top. Even standard town guards were capable of breaking mountains and cutting rivers.

How could he, who was only 12-years-old and had no contact with methods of levelling up, be able to take revenge?

He felt a sudden ache in his head. He touched his head and felt that the wounds in his head had almost healed. A Black glow emitted from his left arm, specifically his shoulder.

"Ding! Top Gun System initiated!"

"Ding! Top Gun System fused with the Gun Owner's soul successfully!"

"Ding! New Gun Owner random lot drawing initiated!"

"Ding! Congratulations, you have attained [White] Green Bull Shotgun, Bling skill obtained!"

Four continuous digital-like sounds ringed in his mind and rattled him, leaving him confused.

Before he could even react, Joe felt a mental implosion and fell into unconsciousness then and there.


Next day morning….

Joe woke up with a headache and fuzzy memory. When he looked around and saw the corpses on the ground, all the bad memories he obtained last night came crashing down on him. He felt he was still in a nightmare.

But he knew this was the reality. He also understood the sad reality of this cruel world.

Which is,

He is weak and Weak will always be the prey for the strong. Nobody will help you, if you don't help yourself.

With this thought, he determined himself. He vowed to grow strong. But any means necessary, he will obtain power so that he can survive and take revenge.

He also has to rescue his sister.

After completely waking up from his dizziness, he buried all the corpses by himself. Including his parents, at least 10 people died in the raid last night.

The looters were not ordinary people. They were more powerful than normal people of this world. They were probably Jobholders.

Jobholders refer to people who specialize in a job class. There are many Job classes like Gunners, Sword Masters, Archers, Mages, Builders, Tamers, Summoners etc.

This job class also has many subdivisions.

After burying all the people in a good place by himself, he prayed for them. Showed them proper respect and made a vow to the dead.

"Owner, what are your instructions?"

At this time, A digital voice spoke in his mind.

"Why can you speak with me? As far as I know, Jobholders get their job from ancient stone tablets and the job does not speak. "

"I am not a Job Class. At least, not in the way you understood it."

"Then what are you? Answer me quickly."

"My will is not independent. I am merely a support program created solely to nurture the Gunner, You can call me system spirit. As for the system, it will help you level up easily than the others and grow stronger quickly. The name is Top Gun System."

"How did the Top Gun System come about? What are its functions?" He continually asked himself. The anticipation on his face could hardly be contained.

Joe felt like someone sent him charcoal in a snowstorm.

"It allows the owner of the Top Gun System to randomly pick any of the Top Grade Gun available in the system store because the job of owner's character is a Gunner."

A digital voice spoke in his mind again.