

You know the feeling of wanting someone, but your family tells you otherwise? It's like they become a different person completely, and act as if nothing happened once your hopes of being with that person is crushed. Some even refuse to meet the individual their child wants to be with. The sensation you get inside is far from pleasant. You feel trapped, unworthy. Betrayed. At least, that's how I felt. "She is not right for you, Mia" they tell me, but I always disagreed. She was the love of my life. Her beautiful chocolate skin that glowed and thrived like untouched forests always left me in awe. The way the beautiful black locks cascaded down her back, yet would easily frizz and form an afro once it got the chance. It pissed her off, but all I could do is watch with love and affection as she tried to tame it. I could go on about how much she meant to be. With an exchange of thoughts and silence, I knew what I needed to do. No one else was going to keep me from her.

Not even my family.

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