
Chapter 1: Demon Daddy

What is this strange feeling. It almost reminds me of floating on top of water. Yet I don't feel wet or anything at all for that matter. I tried to open my eyes and look around me. But to me it seems like I either don't have my eyes anymore or it's too dark.

Now that would have been an interesting sight. Just some guy floating down a stream with his eyes spooned out.

Now that is something I probably shouldn't be thinking about at this very moment. I need to get a sense of my surroundings. I tried to move my arms but they just stayed there at my side. But it wasn't that I couldn't move it because it was too heavy but it was more like I didn't have arms to move.

Now at this point I couldn't help it. Am I really dead? What else could it be other than that? I can't see anything, I feel like I am floating, and I can't see. Now if you ask me that sounds like a dead man. No I can't panic right now. I need to focus and hopefully come up with something. If I piss myself then I can see if I truly am dead.

Right before I could carry out my very poorly thought out plan a massive bright light appeared in front of me. Which is great because that means that I still have my pretty blue eyes. Right as I was feeling relieved to know that I still have eyes a hand came out of the light.

"Take my hand."

Now trust me. I usually don't listen to requests made from strangers but nothing could be worse than my current position.

I tried my best to reach my hand out to him. However, nothing happened every time I tried to move body.

"Could it possibly be that you can't move your soul? That's fine, just wait right there."

As he said that a man emerged from the light slowly drifting towards me. He had a smile on his face as he took my hand. I don't know why but seeing him was almost comforting as if when he took my hand I forgot all my troubles. He lead me over towards the light.

I opened my eyes and looked around myself. I was in a very large and extravagant room where everything was a different shade of blue. From the walls to the floors to the bed. The whole room was blue.

I rubbed my eyes and looked into a mirror that was on a table in the room.


My eyes are red and my hair turned white. What the hell happened to me? I look nothing like how I used to.

"What happened? Is everything okay?

A man and woman entered the room panicked from my yell. The woman also had the same red eyes and long white hair. I don't know how I missed it but she is very well 'endowed' in all the right places. Meanwhile the man also had red eyes and white hair. He certainly was a very good looking guy that would make anyone want to cheat. They both wore clothing that seemed expensive so they have to be rich.

"Is everything alright."

"My, my, you sure did give us a big scare."

"I uh, I mean. Why do I look like this?"

I pointed at my face like I was missing part of my face. They both looked at me and burst into laughter.

"I am so happy to know that my son is still a great comedian."

"Oh my, you had us worried there for a second."

Okay, now I was completely lost. Your son? What is that even supposed to mean? Look at me. LOOK AT ME. How is this a laughing matter. Actually now that I look at myself. I don't look half bad. I mean I don't look chubby and I can see without my glasses. Hopefully my stomach isn't too noticeable. Holy shit I've got abs.

"You mean to tell me I have always looked like this? This hot?"

"Of course. You take after your father after all."

"By that he means you take after your mother."

So if I am hearing this correctly I am now hot and these people are my parents. You know I will not complain. Let's just take this win!

"Now I have to ask this to be safe. Do you remember anything?"

"No. I actually don't remember much of anything before now."

"My, my, this isn't good. What are we going to do about the private instructor coming over?"

"Well we have to take things a step at a time dear. Now listen here, I didn't want to spring things on you this early but you have the right to know. You were in an accident and you have been asleep for a week. So it looks like you also lost your memories in the accident."

The man that was supposed to be my father was very sincere. I could tell just from the look in his eyes that he truly cared about me. I looked over at my mother and I could see that she was holding back tears. I smiled at her to try and reassure her. In doing so she lost it and gave me a big hug as she cried. So big in fact that I couldn't breath from how soft-

"Dear you are suffocating him."

"Oh come on. Look you are crying too."

"I don't know what you're talking about." *sob*

I hugged my parents and just let them cry. I guess they really were worried about me if they could cry this much about me.

After a bit of crying they left the room to give me some time to get changed. I opened up the blue wardrobe that was in the room to only be welcomed to more blue. I didn't have a problem with it since it was such an amazing color but this was a bit over kill. I put on some blue socks, dark blue dress pants, and a light blue button up. Then made my way out of the room to where my parents were waiting for me.

"Oh honey, look at how great our baby boy looks."

"It's so good to know that we can look forward to some grandkids."

The two of them said as they hugged each other. I mean I really did love getting showered with compliments but grandkids? I think we are moving a little too fast here.

"So I noticed that all our clothes are really nice. And the house is huge. What does our family do for a living?"

"Well I was hoping to ease into this but-"

"We are a noble line of demons that work closely to the royal families."

Huh? Did this woman just say demons? But not just any kind of demons but a noble class? There is even a royal family! I guess that means that I am a demon too. So I guess that means that there is no reason for me to freak out. I wonder if since I am a noble that means that there is a lot of pressure with the title. That might be why he wanted to ease me into it.

"We are a noble family of demons? I guess a more important question is who am I?"

"Well you are our son. Shun Greywaltz. And I am your mother Cecille Greywaltz."

"And I am your father, Akin Greywaltz."

Why does that name sound like it's missing a few letters? Anyway, it's good to know that I don't have a weird name. Plus I have a super cool last name.

While they showed me around mom filled me in on what the rankings are. Apparently there are five noble families. The Turofs, Seras, Kalacas, Hedapos, and lastly the Greywaltzs. These are the five noble families and we are placed third in the ranking. As for the royal family it is actually split into two since the fall of the last demon king. Firstly is the Wataf family. They are a family that is praised by the demon race for being so community orientated. They host many charity events and are the family currently holding down the kingdom. Secondly is the Redthorn family. Mom didn't really give me much information on them other than that there are a lot of rumors floating around them.

"Good morning noble Greywaltz family."

"Who is this?"

"My, my, I completely forgot about him. This is your new instructor Sir Daniels."

"He was once a knight in the royal guard."

"Those were days long past. This must be your son Shun, it is a pleasure to meet you."

On the surface it would be difficult to tell that he was a knight. Since on the surface he looks like an old man in a black robe. However once I shook his hand I could feel just how rough his hands were. Something that could easily happen from years of training with a sword.

"The pleasure is all mine."

"Oh a young noble who is polite. I believe you have found a child with a good head on his shoulder."

"I know for a fact that he will make this family proud."

Oh I think I see now. I should have known earlier but they are definitely the over bearing type right? I mean all I did was do introductions. So what's with this overly proud expression from my parents?

"So shall we start with our lesson for the day?"

"I don't know if he is up for it yet."

"Don't worry dad, I should be fine."

"Dear! Dear! Did you hear that? He called me dad!"

I sure do have an interesting set of parents.

While my father's head was still spinning, mom lead us out back to our massive backyard. There is a huge pool with even a vending machine near it. On the other side there are courts for almost every sport imaginable with a lot which I think would be for sparing from the size of it.

"Sir Daniels, Do you think we could start with the absolute basics?"

"Of course. After all it was in the job description you sent over."

Sir Daniels threw off the robe that he was wearing revealing his large build. Which actually made you believe he was a knight in the royal guard. His muscles were as massive as footballs and strangely enough he was only wearing shorts underneath.

"Is it really necessary to strip for the lesson?"

"Good question young lad. Truth be told, it is completely unnecessary."

"Honey. What kind of instructor did you find for our son?"

My dad stood there and whistled. I let out a sigh but if I were to be completely honest I was excited. I couldn't wait to find out what kind of lesson I would learn as a demon. Could it be some history about our battles against humans. Or maybe its some lesson on how combat works.

"Now I am going to explain to you the basics on how powers work."

Hell yeah! It was even better than I was expecting!

"Powers can be organized into many groups. Some being forbidden to hidden to just too powerful. The most common groups for beginners to be able to use are: Crest Powers, Individual Powers, and Personal Powers. And our powers are called 'bonds'. A Crest Bond is whatever ability is exclusive to your family. An Individual Bond is an ability that you get from combining the powers of your parents. And lastly are Personal Bonds that are based off of your personality."

"My, my, not only are there bonds that are given from genetics and personality there is a separate category of power. These powers are called spells and the difference between the two is that spells can be learned and only used by incantations."

Okay so speed round. Bonds are cool abilities that I can only get from me being me and from my parents. And spells are powers that I can just learn from a book or something and chant an incantation to use. Now this is some down bad fantasy world things. Oh I can't wait to see what I can do!

"Akin Greywaltz, why don't you come here and help me demonstrate."

Dad walked over to Sir Daniels and put about twenty feet between them. Sir Daniels squat down and began to exude what looked like to be purple energy. Which made his muscles grow in size.


A red magical circle appeared below my father's feet and flames shot out of his hand flying towards Sir Daniels. However, in a blink of the eye he disappeared and reappeared above dad ready to completely flatten him. Dad looked up at him and his eyes glowed red slowing Sir Daniels to the point he looked as if he was floating in the sky.


Right where Sir Daniels was frozen there was an explosion that sent him flying. As he got up from the ground a grin appeared on his face.

"I believe that should be plenty of a demonstration. Right son?"

I nodded in agreement since I was losing my mind at how cool my dad was in that fight. And from the looks of things. Sir Daniels enjoyed the fight about as much as I did watching it. I guess he misses the battlefield.

"You mean to tell me I can do all of that cool stuff?"

"Maybe not slowing people down but you should easily be able to use the spells Vara and Ozija."

"Is the slowing stuff down part an Individual Bond?"

"That's right kiddo. And your mother's is to boost a person's overall speed. So maybe if you get lucky you are able to do both. Why don't you give it a try. Just focus your energy into your eyes and give them the command to slow me down."

Right there before being given any further instructions. My dad ran at me not giving me a moment to think. I tried to do what he said and I could feel the energy going into my eyes but he isn't slowing down. Ah he is so close just make him stop or something.


In that instant dad fell to his knees struggling to move.

"It's.. It's like I got... So much heavier."

Is that it? Could that be my power? What if I can mess around with his weight? Well why not give it a shot. As I thought to make him lighter my dad started to float up into the sky.

"Oh my, looks like your Individual Bond is to manipulate gravity. That is quite the high level bond."

Hearing those words I started to celebrate just how cool my bond is. However, once I lost my focus I kinda accidently dropped my dad. Though it didn't seem to make him angry since he celebrated with me on my bond.

"I believe we can take it from here Sir Daniels. You are excused for the day."

"Sweetie we are so proud of you."

"Hey kiddo, how do you feel about starting school? I can enroll you into Demon King Academy?"

"I mean I wouldn't mind going to school since I could learn about my powers. But Demon King Academy?"

"Oh sweetie, the school is just called Krajveskil Academy. They just focus on nurturing people into becoming Demon King Candidates."

"Yeah we even have a family friend that goes there so you should be able to make at least one friend while you are there."

"I mean I don't see why not."

If I have to be honest I think things are moving pretty quickly since I just woke up from an accident with amnesia. But I mean I am a demon so I guess I heal pretty quickly. Plus I really do want to learn more about this world and my powers. And I really don't want to disappoint them since they look so happy and it made me happy to hear they were proud of me.

I guess I have lots to look forward to at school. And in my life as a noble demon in this world. Who knows who I will meet or what crazy things I'll get into. Guess I will just have to find out with time.

"So when do you guys think I will get to start?"

"Well now that I think about it the school year does start tomorrow morning."

"Tomorrow morning!? Isn't a little too late for me to get enrolled then?"

"Oh there is no need to worry about that. I'll fly over there and get things sorted."

"No no no… I mean, just stay here with Shun dear. I'll go get things sorted."

Without missing a beat wings sprung out from his back and dad flew away to the school to get me enrolled. Now that I think about it he looked pretty scared when mom offered to go. Is she someone that you don't want to make angry? I don't think so since she looks so sweet and caring. But I am in a demon world so I can't really take things at face value.

I feel like my life in this demon world is only just beginning and I can't wait to see what happens next. I'm just hoping that this school is as cool as I think it's going to be. Plus I think my parents are expecting me to come home with friends so hopefully I can deliver. I think I am going to make this demon life of mine the best life I've got.

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