
To The Sky

The sun will set one day; the darkness will come to the world again, the dim starlight will reveal the shadows of horror that hide in the darkness, the moon will become the expected dawn and the sun will become one of the stories of the past that children hear about it from their elders, fear will become the currency of the world and the hope will be forbidden to talk about it and freedom will be dreams for children and elders they feed on it in a few moments before waking up to cruel reality…

AuthourZero · Võ hiệp
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25 Chs

Volume One {The soaring Dragon} Chapter six {something terrifying}

Beware of the dragon's wrath otherwise you will not find a place to hide Even if you travel to the ends of the universe or the depths of hell; it will still find you…

When dragons raise their young they are thrown into purgatory so they experience death every moment However if they were only scratched purgatory would not exist again... This is the wrath of the dragon…

* * *

To win the second test each participant must complete his task before the end of the specified time which is one day and if he can find the golden cards he will receive special rewards... This is what the participants know but what they don't know is that there are other participants in the test who are old students in the academy…

The academy doesn't deal with gold and silver but rather with points and To obtain points there are many ways including carrying out tasks in all their forms including this form…

A competition between a group of new lambs and fierce wolves… How will the competition end…

Drago appeared in a forest whose trees reach the sky so that you can hardly see the end of it with your eyes, its leaves intertwined which prevented the sun's rays from falling on the ground except for a few small rays that penetrate the holes and spaces between them…

The tasks were mostly to find a specific thing or kill a monster but Drago's mission is something else..

As soon as Drago set his foot in this world he heard a voice in his head "Your mission is to kill all the old students before the end of time"…

With quiet steps Drago moved through the forest…

On the branch of a tree settled a young man wearing black clothes with the academy's logo…

He settled on the body of the tree while he was playing with the dagger in his hand, He said quietly without looking at Drago "I heard a lot about you, One of the three peak geniuses of the empire, you made a skill and you got a title"…

He continued playing with the dagger while pausing for a bit before continuing "I haven't achieved as many things as you but at least I made a skill myself, Let me try it on you"…

He threw the dagger into the sky and suddenly the sky was colored with silver light and many daggers appeared out of nowhere…

"Die "…

The daggers moved at lightning speed towards Drago…

Drago is still moving forward without interest…

Without using any skill his energy gushed out like waves devouring daggers and its owner in lamentation reached the sky…

The branches of the tree shook from the shout of the young man who seemed as if he was being burned in hell…

Drago's expression didn't change and he continued to move carelessly as if he had not killed a person but just a fly…

* * * * *

In an unknown area where it was getting dark, a white haired young man with narrow eyes and a savage smile showing his fangs walked in as if he wasn't a human but a vampire…

He moved for a while before he reached an altar that was surrounded by many people covered in black whose form or gender wasn't shown…

One of them bowed to the young man and said confidently "We are ready"…

The white haired man looked around as there were many children in cages piled on top of each other as if they were trash and commanded "throw them"…

The black crowd moved and lifted the cages together and placed them on the altar respectfully…

Every movement was quiet, precise and soundless as if they were afraid of what was below…

After they placed the last cage and retreated the white haired man clapped his hands and the altar caught fire…


The screams and cries of children erupted and shook the sky and with it a powerful and terrifying voice of a prehistoric beast was heard coming from the altar…

"More and more..."

The young man's smile widened and revealed his sharp fangs "Soon… Very soon... Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"…

* * * * *

Back to the test...

On Drago's path blood was spread and the marks left by the mourning and lamentation of his murderers…

She stood there gasping in admiration…

The girl was the one who spoke to Drago and thanked him for saving her…

"Are you looking for a boat?"

The girl was surprised and turned hurriedly to find a young man standing silently behind her…

She backed away in fear because she didn't know how he had reached behind her so quickly and without her noticing him…

She didn't find the academy's logo on his chest so she asked him "Who are you?"…

Was he with them from the beginning, no…there was no such strong person with them in the first exam...and there was no academy crest on his chest, so who is he?...

A handsome young man with golden hair and golden eyes, he wears beautiful but not flashy clothes with a sober and calm expression that adorns him…

He didn't answer her question "I advise you not to walk on the paths of the dragon because they are paths of destruction, without life and only the sky can contain the dragon" Then he turned to leave…

The girl stopped him saying "There is nothing that could contain the dragon not even the sky"

"Yes" His steps paused"The sky cannot contain a dragon but there is something that might contain it"

The girl was surprised "What is it?" But unfortunately the young man has disappeared…

"Hey, hello" The girl shouted at the top of her voice but the young man didn't answer as if he had not appeared.

He came like a ghost and disappeared like a ghost so who is he?

* * * * *

Master Zero, Professor Jin and the rest of the teachers smiled when they saw the young man.

-The owl has finally appeared-

- Dragon vs. Owl... Who will win? –

An important question appeared in everyone's heads but the most important thing is the anticipation of the battle…

* * * * *

"This is your last path"…

Drago was stopped by a calm young man with green eyes and a long, thin body as if he was a snake…

For the first time Drago's steps stopped since he reached this place…

"I thought there was no one left of the snake family"…

"My friend" the young man smiled and approached Drago "how can snakes die, while the world is collapsing the snake is hiding in its hole waiting for the day that will devour the heavens"…

"A group of cowards want to rule the world"…

"It is not cowardice it is intelligence, When you are weak hide until your strength increases and then come out and devour everyone"…

"Do you think you are strong enough to stop me?"

"Blind confidence isn't a sign of victory but yes, I am confident and honestly" The youth's smile widened "I have been waiting for your arrival in the academy for a long time, once I devour you no one will stop me"…

The two of them stopped and stared at each other for a moment…

"Idiot" said Drago without interest before blinking his eyes and then the two disappeared and appeared in front of each other…

They both stand ready their fists facing each other about to meet…

From afar the golden haired young man was looking at them calmly smiling…

"Let me see your level my dear friend before I kill you"…

Memories flashed quickly in the young man's mind at the speed of lightning and a trace of sadness appeared in his eyes before he disappeared and his expression returned to normal...

"Drago, I swear I will make you taste the hell and make you wish for death and you will not get it and no one will give you mercy from me no matter who is he "…

{He finally appeared but... who is he? And is he qualified to compete with the soaring dragon or not? Before that will the dragon win in his current battle or not? }

{Stay tuned..... My Regards, Zero}