
Our First Talk

I was getting ready for classes. I was not in good mood, entire night had been sleepless. All because of Edward's stupid text. I still hadn't come online...

Because the disappointment of not seeing any text from him was more than anything...

I reached classes by quarter to seven in morning, Susan was already in the class. We both were the early commers of the class. I greeted the staff politely and sat beside my bestie.

"Hey, why didn't you come online the entire day?" she asked, clearly curious as I'm super active on social media.

"Was not in mood." I didn't wish to elaborate more, she got the message.

She nodded, I was quite lucky to have Susan as my friend because she never pressurized me to answer everything, she gave me space whenever I needed and was there to listen me, blabbering idiot that I was.

Another quality of Susan was that, she was never ruled by emotions. She had answers for everything, all were logical answers derived from wisdom rather than sweet talking, which most of the girls did all the time.

The lecture proceeded, I was really bad at accounts and mathematics. My strong subject was Law. Economics was just moderate for me.

I used to always take help of Susan, to solve the problems.

Finally after torturous three hours of accounting, we got our break. As I headed towards the girls washroom, I came in contact with Edward. Of course the first thing I noticed was his tummy which was just few inches away from my face.

The only tall man of our classes.

I kept my head down and quickly dashed in the bathroom.

I had have enough of this, and I needed to get it out.

As I exited the bathroom, he called my name.

I was frozen in one place, slowly I turned around and forced a small smile.

Acting skills were high now, "Hello Edward" hoping he didn't notice my hesitance.

"I had texted you yesterday.. "

"Oh... that I know it was just a compliment and nothing more.. " I blabbered.

He raised his eyebrows, "I mean the message regarding the new timetable.. "

Oh that was news to me, "What? "

"I had texted you in the afternoon, but you didn't reply."

I felt like hammering my head, how could I assume he was here to talk about the compliment. Darn!

Wait a minute!! He texted me later!!!

Holy Hogwarts!! He texted me!!

"Heyy, you there?" he asked.

"Yepp... Sorry I wasn't online.. "

"Hmm. I wondered why.. " he said unsure.

I raised my eyebrows, "You know... umm.. Forget it"

"Yeah... " he replied.

"So I'll check your message later and reply you." I don't know what else to say.

"Yeah. That's Gr8"... yes he uses Gr8 for great... I scoffed.

" So I shall get going for food... umm.. I mean for class" I said awkwardly.

"Yeah. Bye " as soon as he said that, I quickly made my way to class.

My breathing was uneven, heart was beating heavily.

I didn't want to smile, but still the entire conversation made me smile.

First talk with the tall man, face to face.


By now I was sure, he'll know how awkward I'm am. And would maintain his distance...

The latter thought disturbed me a bit.

Let's see how things will go...

I started eating my food, that was my solace..

I didn't notice Susan giving me weird looks...

Oh boy, here we go...


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