
Episode 1 - Hacking around the system my life got hacked itself


"EEK...stop it, you gave me a heart attack. How many times I must say it to you, your special ability is that you can marry numerous times"


When I was summoned into this world, I thought I finally got a chance to become the hero of my story. I thought finally I would be able to see myself being praised by masses after my death as they recall my adventures with their children. But with this sort of ability, what was I to do...

I am Nakahide Ichiri, a 17-year-old high school student.

I didn't get teleported here being hit by truck-kun or by someone summoning me. I was actually trying to hack a retro RPG "Vagabond Destiny" when I received a dialog bog in weird indecipherable characters. There were just two characters that were known to me, a Y beside some text in one corner and an N bounded by a similar fate.

I clicked Y, thinking it stood for Yes, but suddenly I found myself in this strange town. There was a bulletin board present near a large fountain that stated its name - "Bolguna". I found it odd that I was able to understand the words of another world. I think that skill must be in the starter package.

Because I suddenly found myself here I didn't have anything with me except for some clothes. I had a hard time asking the locales around here regarding various stuff. I was greatly surprised to see various species of beings present here. I could see a few animals that looked like dogs but with much larger built. Other than that, I saw a snake-like couple. Their upper body seemed to be like the king cobra I have seen on TV but they had legs like normal humans. Then, there were various types of beastkin. To be honest, it were the beastkins who were doing most of the menial work while humans stood in shops or wandered around in much better clothing than them.

I thought "So I have finally arrived in a fantasy world."

If you ask me about it, I'd say I didn't care much about being suddenly teleported here. In fact, I have become bored with my original world. After my parents died in a car crash, I inherited all their money and it was a huge sum, that could last me until I was 60 even if I spent something like 100000 yen per day. That's why I spent most of my time indulging in my otaku habits - playing eroges, reading loli manga, practicing various kinds of things on my dakimuras (body pillows) that were modified to look as if I was removing the dress of the girl on the cover if I removed the outer layer of it.

But I was slowly getting exasperated due to such habits. I was contributing nothing to society and all the money that my father had spent years accumulating was being wasted by me and the worst thing was I couldn't do anything about it. NEETism is as much of an addiction as a drug, only that it takes much more time building up.

The buildings, the people, the beastkins, everything about this game seemed to resemble the world of videogame that I was playing except that, I never went beyond the first shop. To use a cheat engine which is a very helpful cheat tool for games, you need to manipulate various values and I was manipulating some for the number of heal items in my inventory.

But the values were encrypted in a weird manner and I accidentally changed a large number of unknown values when the dialogue box appeared. It may have been the trigger to send me to this world. Though except for a few facts, I didn't know much about it.

That was an obscure retro game, an experimental one for its time where the protagonist "Rube" has to kill the demon lord. Its a short objective but there were too many things to manage. But the weird thing was that Rube always gets killed in the end by the demon lord whatever amount of things that players try. The developers told that there was a way to kill it but they never revealed what it was, and the game flopped because players thought the developers were just bluffing about it and it was unbeatable. But that started various urban legends and creepypasta about it and I decided to try the game for the very same reason.

Hmm...If this was like the game then there must be a status screen somewhere. Just when I said the word "status" in my mind, a blue screen appeared in front of me with various kinds of information. Hmm..wierd, other people are just passing by it, they don't seem to mind it. So only I can see it.

Name: Nakahide Ichiri

Age: 17

HP: 100 Mana: 10

Race: Human

Level: 0

Abilities: Polygamy (Lvl 1)

Inventory | Scan | Dossier

Wtf? Lvl0, and P-Polygamy. Lvl 0 is fine, I have just arrived here b-but...

What kind of ability is Polygamy?

I thought I would have something cool. I was teleported to another world goddammit.

Are you trying to play some sort of joke with me GOD? Are you?

I don't even have some basic magic like heal.

But if I have to survive here, I need to ask someone about this ability of mine.

"Sir, where can I find someone who can explain about abilities?" I asked a shopkeeper who was selling fruits.

"Ah! the abilities like the one adventures have."

You are right on the mark man...somewhat.

"You can go to the adventurer's guild, they explain the stuff like that."

"Thank you sir."

"Oh, you are embarrassing me by calling me that. That word should only be used for nobles. But still, I liked it. Thank you for your kindness. Here take this fruit, it's on me."

"Thank you. Someday when I'll have a lot of money, I'll come and buy your whole cart. Can I know your name."

"It's Albert. Take care lad."

I received a peach-like fruit from him. I use "scan" on it.

Name: Elder Cherry

Info: A sweet fruit with a bitter exterior that gives +10 HP

So, it's a healing item. I shouldn't use it just to test it out. It can come handy in a dire situation.

I used "inventory" and kept it in stock. The fruit disappeared from my hands. Cool.

I appeared before the building that the fruit seller Albert pointed towards.

It wasn't a very exquisite looking building. The brown pallor of the walls seemed to state that its rarely maintained but it didn't look as if it was on the brink of collapse.

I opened the door and entered inside. There was a large hall with several desks on one side and a large bench where several transactions seemed to be taking place. A wolf-man said something and a pouch appeared on his hand, and he took out several golden coins to be handed to the clerk on his side.

So this world has a form of currency. I need to gain more knowledge about it. I thought about asking it to the guild keeper, the person who manages the guild but I thought a strange person, wearing odd clothes (I was still clad in jeans in T-shirt) would seem suspicious.

So I wanted to keep attention away from me as much as possible. It was all due to the fact that I have read in several Isekai manga that people who come from another world always end up gaining the attention of the malicious and vile people. As I still seemed to be on Lvl 0, and the weird ability that I had, didn't seem to be reliable enough to support me in fights.

There was a large cabin with the words "Guild Master" written in golden letters on the door. I opened it and went inside. A beautiful girl of my age sat on the chair behind a desk with intricate designs on its legs. I used "Scan" on her.

Name: Lelah

Age: 22

HP: 300 MP: 500

Race: Sylph

Level: 32

Abilities: Basic Wind Magic (Lvl 20)

Intermediate Wind Magic (Lvl 15)

Advanced Wind Magic (Lvl 12)

Special Abilities: Flarindo Felinenum (Shoots a barrage of wind arrows at the target)

Inventory [Locked (Need Demon Eyes to Unlock)

Pink shaggy hairs adorn her pretty thin, cheerful face. Wide hazel eyes, set concealed within their sockets going fondly over the few documents that were scattered on the table.

There's something wonderful about her. She gives the aura of a kind and cheerful person. She notices me gawking at her after a few moments.

Though I wonder if she is a sylph, then where are her wings. Sylphs are supposed to have wings, aren't they?

"If you'd keep staring at me like that you'd embarrass me"

"S-Sorry you were simply too pretty, and I found myself staring at you."

Damn! Did I say it out loud, Did I really say it out loud?

"Unya...don't tease me with those kind words please."

She is simply so cuteeeeeee...

The girls whom I have tried to hit on have always admonished me or rebuked me. This girl is so precious. More girls like her should exist in our world and average boys wouldn't feel so scared of approaching girls.

"Did you come here to ask for quests?"

"No, actually I am new here and wanted to ask about a few things."

"Umm...So, you don't even have an adventurer's license right?"

"What's that?"

She gazes at me with a shocked expression.

"Which country do you belong to, that didn't tell you about such things. It's a piece of common knowledge."


This is what I was afraid of. Think, Think, Think, Think, Think about something.

"I actually have lost my memories and don't know much except for a few things here and there."

"Puu...So someone hit you with an Animotum spell perhaps?"


My bluffing has got better. Still, that lie saved my face.

"But it's weird..." she says "Only Demons of the highest level are able to use that spell. How strong of an adventurer you are to have fought with such a demon."

"I don't remember..."

I say with a sorry expression. She takes the bait.

"Unyaa...Yes, You won't remember because of the spell. Sir Latvicus, the great Imperial Mage was trying to find a cure for it, but it stopped after he suddenly disappeared."

"So Can I get a new adventurer's license?"

"Yes, you will have to pay 1000 gold coins for it."


"Is something wrong?"

"Actually I don't have a penny with me."

"Unyaa! But if you are an adventurer you must have money with you."

Shit. I got out of a well and fell down a cliff.

"While coming to this town I was robbed."

"Oh sorry. That has been happening a lot nowadays. The town council has asked the capital to do something about it, but most of the knights are engaged in the war and so they can't send the knights they have ordered to defend the capital. That's why the business of Bolguna is dwindling too."

"So I would have to search for money...Okay, I'll do something about it. Take care."

"Wait!" she suddenly got up "I'll give you an adventurer's card."

"But I don't have the money."

"No worries. Give it to me later. Talking with you made me feel you are a good person, so I thought of helping you. Besides that, being hit with Amnesia spell and then robbed, you have had a sorry fate."

"Thank you, very much. I will give you back the exact amount later. No! I will give you more than that, as a gift."

"Okay. Although it's not needed, I will accept it as thanks."

She showed a dazzling smile. Is she an NPC of the game? If she isn't I will definitely try to hit on her. No, I will make her my girlfriend.

"Punyaaa...What's this long big thing you are showing me, Ichiri-San?"

"It's my love rod that is about to enter your honeypot."

"M-My Honeypot...?"

"Let me show you."




"What's your name?"

Fuck! I didn't even state my name to her and was daydreaming about lewd things.

"Ichiri. Niakhide Ichiri. 17 year old."

"Wow, you are 5 years younger than me and already an adventurer."

"Aren't you an adventurer Lelah-San?"

She smiled but it wasn't a smile of happiness. It looked more like the smile one shows when thinking about a happy moment in his/her life before it vanished forever.

"Did I tell you my name?"

"No...Some adventurers outside told me."

"Ohh...They didn't tell you something weird, did they? They have a bad habit of telling new people that I am their woman, so no one tries to hit on me."

"So Lelah-San gets hit on a lot."

"I wonder why? There are so many beautiful girls than me in Bolguna."

"Perhaps because of the kind aura that you give. Not only you are beautiful but the kind and cheerful aura that you give is very alluring. Not only will you become an excellent wife but an excellent mother in the future."

"Punyaaaaaa!...Please Ichiri-San don't tease me that much. Still, thank you for the compliments. No-one has said something like that till now. It made my heart skip a beat. Most men always seem to be staring at my breasts."


Those D-cup of yours is a weapon of mass destruction.

"Please stand here," she said while pointing me towards a cubicle. I enter inside and a strange light begins to emit from it. After a few seconds, the light fades away.

"Here's your Adventurer's card."

"Thank you."

I say and accept that from her but her looks are a bit weird towards me.

"Did I do something wrong, Lelah-San?"

"No...but..." she has difficulty forming words "This world has never seen a person with Lvl 0 and that ability is unheard of. Even the newborns have Level 1. Even if we don't take that into consideration, you already said you are an adventurer, so How is your status Lvl 0?"


Now how will I get out of this one?

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