
Chapter 3


The first thing that wakes me up in the morning is my brothers voice asking me when the last time I posted on my instagram or even made a video on you tube was. I groan and throw my pillow at him. He catches it at arm's length from where he is standing. Damn his fast reflexes.

"Wake up Rory it's Wednesday." he slams the pillow down on my face which makes me get up immediately and glare at him.

"Logan Michealson Snow, for fuck sake I'm trying to sleep here, what is wrong with you."  He doesnt even acknowledge me as he pulls the covers off my pyjama Clad body.

"You have to go to the studio don't you? You'd be a bad example to the people who work for you if you dont little sister." little sister? He smirks at me, plopping himself down beside me on my queen sized bed.

"We're twins you big oaf, besides The people on my troupe are hard working, plus I don't have to be at the studio till Later at 12:00." I pout with a whine. He smiles at me which makes me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh trust me, I know." He raises a brow at me and I whack him with the pillow as hard as I can, making it hurt as bad as it would if it were to be my fist hitting him. And let me tell you, "I throw a pretty good punch." He throws his head  back in laughter. He stops laughing and then there is silence, a very uncomfortable and noisy silence. Then he speaks. "she called this morning Rory. She told me she loves me and she's sorry and that she needs another chance." I don't know what to do."

"Logan," I hold his hands in mine looking into his eyes, "Rebecca doesn't love you,  all she wants is your money and the famethat comes with being attached to it and she is willing to do anything to get it." squeezing his hands tighter, I give him a weak smile. "you know that right?"

He nods in response . "I know I just... Im scared that I might not be able to reject her now that I really really want to." he looks down, there is this look in his eyes, the one that tells me he can't handle anymore, that he won't be able to take it. That he is tired of everything.

We may not have had a good relationship or any relationship at all untill three years ago, but we know each other better than anyone. We are twins after all, separated at birth by our parents but twins non the less.

Our parents never wanted me. Apparently they couldn't take care of me... It wasn't like they didn't have the money, it would be a mistake to think they didn't, they were loaded, with enough money to feed the next three generations of their family without them having to lift a finger. With my father or rather, sperm donor being a skipper, an ocean advocate who got paid a but load of money to be the captain of ships, my mother- the woman who begrudgingly delivered me, the owner of a string of hotels event centres all around the world and the rest of the family filled with elites, from world renowned doctors to internet influencers . Why I emphasize the fact that it's their family some may ask, well, I have an answer for that. But that's a story for another day. But it still doesn't change the fact that I know him better than anyone.

"I know you, Logan and I know that you are strong enough to do what heart tells you to, and right now I know you don't want her around so make sure she gets the message, cause if you don't she's going to keep coming back and then you are going to do something you will regret and I know you wouldn't want that."

He breaks into a smile confusing me for a second untilli he speaks. "How do you always know what to say?"  he runs his fingers through his hair then makes to get off my bed. "I have a call to make, I'll talk to you at breakfast." he says with a smile rushing out of my room.

He's going to figure himself out, I'm sure of it, I have nothing to worry about.


"Hey Rory" Cynthia says as soon as I step foot in the buildings lobby  "I Called you last night you didn't answer."

"I know I'm sorry, Logan came back home yesterday and he wasn't in the best condition also my phone was dead so I had to charge it."

"Oh no poor Logan, is he okay, what happened?" She follows me up the stairs to the Alpha troupe studio.

"Rebecca happened" I say simply.

Her face scrunches up in disgust and understanding. "That little manipulating bitch!" Leave it to my friend Cynthia to bring her colourful language into any conversation.

"I know. But he is pretty sure that he won't go back to her this time, honestly this time, I believe him. I've never seen him so determined about something before."

"It's a good thing he is, now he will finally be mine forever." She says with a dreamy smile on her face. A very creepy one.

I send her a look and she shrugs. " A girl can dream." She tells me.

The door of the Alpha studio comes into view and we step inside. Summer, my Alpha troupes dance captain comes toward me and greets me with a smile. Regionals is around the corner and the Alpha troupe are competing in tha Senior category, from what I'm seeing, the troupe is ready.

"How is everything going?"

" Perfect." She says with an even bigger smile than the one she gave me when I walked in. " The routines are coming along great also we have an addition that we wanted to show you whenever you have time"

"Sure, I'll come back later." I pull Cynthia along with me to my office. She stands looking at me with a weird expression on her face. "Cynthia, did you think about our discussion the other day?" She groans, letting her head fall forward like she just got drawn into sleep by my statement.

"I've told you before Rory, I'm fine, I don't need to move out of my apartment or even out of town for that matter." Cynthia has been having some trouble with money. She works for me and I pay her well, better than any other person who works at the studio even. Her only problem is her leech of a boyfriend, Caspian Greenblatt. He has only ever done one thing to Cynthia, take from her. He somehow got access to her accounts and took control over them .

The guy has something on her, I don't know what exactly it is but that's  exactly what has kept her from breaking up with him after every thing he has done to her. I will find out what it is, but I would rather Cynthia told me herself.

"Look Tia-" I start to talk but Aneesa, the studio manager walks into my office interrupting me.

"Ms Snow," She begins on a very formal note. Goodness knows how many times I have asked her to call me by my first name but she is as stubborn as a bull. "There are two auditions today, one for Troupe Delta and the other for the pro dance troupe.

I get up from my desk as soon as she finishes speaking.

"You take the pro, I'll take the delta." Cynthia says leaving me no room for argument as she walks out of my office.

I hear light switch by Charlie Puth playing in the studio by the time I get to it. The team is standing around who I believe is the person here to audition in our last and only spot in the troupe. "Hey guys!" I say, making my presence known to them.

"Hey Rory," Zuri says to me and then turns back to the girl. "This is Lacey, she's here for the audition."

"Hey," Lacey put her hand out so I could shake it.

"So you're here for the audition," I say as I let go of her hand. "Show us what you got."

"Alarm" by Anne Marie starts to play as Lacey moves. Her form is perfect, her turns are precise. No wobbles, she sticks the landing in the two ariel's she did, her split jumps, pirouettes, fouetees and her tumbles are next to perfect. I don't know her very much but I do know that she is definitely getting the spot on the team.

The team applauds her as she finishes up her performance. I beckon her to follow me to my office which she does without a complaint.

"I'm going to need you to fill this in for me." I tell her as I pass her the light stack of papers held together by a stapler.

She looks at the papers  then at me. "Does this mean I'm in?" She questions to which I answer with a nod.

"There is a long list of things and files to fill so I'll let you do this and bring it back in for me tomorrow Kay?" She answers with an okay and gets up to leave.


This is just a filler chapter sorry it took so long, I've been busy with work and other stuff. I'll make sure to update more frequently.

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