
To Be Great

A man from earth was died due to depression but before his last breath disappeared the bracelet bead he bought from the scammer old man change into a spirit dragon. He was bought into a different world, the world of cultivation, where everything is possible. The spirit dragon bestowed a system to help our hero to be great.

blackJaguar · Võ hiệp
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5 Chs


James was thinking before that he will be awakened in a soft bed, wide, nice scent and many beautiful ladies nearby, but, the reality that's not what happened. The truth of reality slaps him that he is in a small house with broken rooftop, rugged clothes, and foul smell.

Suddenly, his head hurts and the memories of the previous owner of the body are flashes on his mind like his own experience. After a minute of enduring the pain on his head, finally, it stops and beads of sweat are dripping from his head, It seems like he runs a thousand miles nonstop.

The clouds from his mind about these new environments vanished.

"So this is Dragon Fang Continent and this is the remote city of Falling Feather. My name in this world is Xialong, I'm a worker of Fire Sect along with my old gramps, but because of the bullied person that came from a powerful family that was dump by a girl, his anger was switched to us and he releases his outrage by executing his technique which is a big taboo from the martial world. However, no one even tried to help us, also the elder of Fire Sect is only watching us. Sigh... wherever you will go power is the key." He tried to get up but that's the only time he knows that his body is in suffering from deep wounds, broken arms, and legs.

"Sh*t! why I do have the same situation here? no! It is not the same situation! This is much worse! Fu*k you! Gang Chen! just wait if there's a chance then I will take it to revenge grandpa and myself, I will break no matter who stands in my way... Sigh... the question is how am I gonna do that?"

Fire Sect at the Dean's office.

"Why did you not stop Gang Chen?" An old man standing upright while hands are on his back, he is interrogating the elder that only watching all the way.

The Elder answer with a smile on his face, "Dean, you know that Gang Family Is very influential. What I did is protecting our Sect if I interrupt him and switch his anger to our sect then it is a danger to our revenue, and the one that he killed is just a lowly mortal."

"Shut up!"


Aheck! Aheck! the elder was blown away and vomit blood two times.

( "That's the secret technique Dragon Roar, hahaha... celebrate your life, for now, old man. I do have now the support of Gang family, soon I will gonna take over the position and forced you to pass that technique to me, hahaha")

" Fool! Do you know what you're saying? even though they are cultivators or not, they have been working here on our sect for many years and I will not tolerate this! they were still part of the sect and they were my responsibility. Bring Gang Chen and punished him according to the sect rules!"

"But Dean..." the elder did not even finish his word.

"That's my decision! Will you or will you not execute my command? Elder Hai Chu." The killing intent of the old dean emits right now, rattled Elder Hai Chu.

"I will bring here Gang Chen and apply his punishment, but, Dean, just one advice this Gang family is not an ordinary family."

Elder Hai Chu left the room full of an evil smile ("Hahaha, Heavens are on my side! Gang Family, were not let their 6th young master suffered, I'll just have to add fuel on the fire wahahahah!").

The old Dean was still standing at the same spot looking at the sky while tears are falling down. "Please forgive this little brother of yours, I was not able to help you. Nothing to worry, your young master is still alive, I was able to save him, he is now recovering from his injury. Please don't blame me when I see you in heaven or hell soon."

At the Gang's Residence

A booming voice is reverberating inside,

"You fool! How could you get her trust to you if you're acting like that!" It is the patriarch of Gang's family Gang He.

"Honey, please don't shout on Chen'er, it just normal for a man to be enraged when someone dumps him and besides the person he killed is just a lowly person no one will complain and if there is, how could they win to our Gang Family." It is Gang He's third wife, mother of Gang Chen.

Gang He takes a deep sigh...

"Fortunately, the Lin Family agree on my plan to let Lin Meihui be your wife and the one that you kill was just ordinary people. Nothing to worry I already deal with it."

Abruptly the servant came in, Pak! a thick slap from Gang He hand. "Who dare gives permission for a lowly servant like you to get in into our conversion?!"

The servant's feet were shaking due to afraid of dying. "I would just like to inform the patriarch that Elder Hai Chu from Fire Sect is here and requesting your presence. He said that it is very important."

"Hmmph! let him in" Gang He sit beside his wife.

"Good day, Patriarch, " greetings by elder Hai Chu.

"Oh, Elder Chu or should I say, Dean Chu, hahaha. How can I help you? my friend"

"Oh, it's just about what happened earlier, the dean requesting your son to be sent to the justice room and punished for his wrongdoing." Said by elder chu whose wearing a poker face, acting like he was disappointed in Dean's decision.

" What!? who the hell he is? even I did not lay a single finger on my son yet he wanted to torture my son. Did he know who is his dealing with?"

"Yes, patriarch, actually I said the same thing as you said, but he replied to me that he doesn't care to a puny family."

The killing intent of Gang He gushed out when he heard those words. "Puny? let see who's puny is? thank you so much, my friend, right now I will congratulate you on being the new dean of Fire Sect."

When elder Hai went out Gang He utters the word "I want that Dean to be dead, did you hear me?"

"Consider it done" A black aura swarming for a moment and disappeared.

At the small house.

James is screaming, fortunately, their house is at a remote place so no one can hear his whines. "Take me back to earth! I don't want here! please take me back to earth!"

Suddenly, the dragon spirits appear.

"Now I will bestow to you a System to help you grow your strength, dominate this world and to be great."