

rodnic_davedumadag · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Chapter-2 concoction and conspiracy

From the viewpoint of the people on Earth, this kind of setting might set off their conversation and prompt them to ask Grim to leave and wash his body with three bars of pricey soap, like Safeguard.

However, in this age of steam and machinery, this kind of work is fairly widespread. Grim isn't the only youngster in the sewer; most of them are squatters.

Unless they have mental problems, no orphan in their right mind would come here. How can there be so many toxic plants here?

Goodness, these things have to be swallowed in large quantities for the toxins to take action, or else this area will never be called the city of merchants but a city of poisons and death.

Grim arrived first because it was only a five-block walk from the orphanage to the red-light area.

As a result,

Grim refrained from visiting the sewers in the noble areas due to the bars and security personnel posted there.

He took some of the stranger moss and mushrooms and went to the river outside the city, taking with him flint, steel, and some sticks to cook the things he got from the sewers.

"Strangely enough, they have no order in the poor district, just some commoners with spears, while the noble districts have swords; is this what they call privilege or useless spending?"

Grim can be seen in the woods with a glass jar and the fire he has built, saying, "Ok, first, let's boil this thing."

He began by tending to those who were poisoned or displayed unusual symptoms.

He can be seen grasping a mushroom with a bone-like texture and bone marrow, stating.

"Ha, thank God they still have the equivalent of the devil's tail in this world." But in this world, people referred to it as the devil's bone. It must now be blended with queen ant pheromone. Grim is looking for an ant hill close by.

After some time, he pulled out an ant with what appeared to be a ruby-like stone perched atop its head.

Whatever the case, if it's an ant, the pheromones to communicate should be present. Grim shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't a zoologist, despite the fact that he came across mammals and insects with various traits.

Grim created an aphrodisiac that can give a man manhood for five hours after filtering it via charcoal from the fire and several leaves.

After some cooking, such as the moss he found that can turn into tofu, although somewhat bland, he headed home after noting the sun would soon disappear.

"This should be enough; although a little potent, it should not be a problem when even the phd of a doctor was not invented in this world."

Grim went back to the orphanage and got some rest before getting ready for the next day. To determine whether my food and concoctions are safe to consume, I should use some test subjects." The night soon passed.

Morning of June 37, 1805

The sun can now be seen through the window of the orphanage. Grim has already prepared a plan for this day.

After eating and bathing, Grim went to the river to check on his concoction. After some preliminary examination, he notices that there are no changes in the devil's bone concoction, so he surmises that it is stable and firm.

On the other hand, the tofu-like paste was already molding after it was cooked. But the ones that are roasted seem to have the same shelf life as flour. "Better than expected. This is a good start.

"Knowing that the aphrodisiac might be poisonous, I need to find the guinea pig I was planning to use this on."

Grim gathered leaves, sticks, vines, and fruits to create the rat traps he needs. After some tweaking,

it now looks like a cage with a door trap mechanism at the side of it called a one-way mouse trap.

"I just need to put this in the back of the butcher shop or the bakery shop for it to harvest my test subjects."

Maybe because of the orphanage's help with them, they might agree." Grim headed to the entrance of the city and greeted the guards.

Seeing the man, who has a lazy posture and a tired body, he says, "Hello, Uncle Lyzon!" after some talk with the guards.

Grim headed to the baker, trying to entice him into eradicating the pest in his shop, but he refused aggressively.

The dejected Grim tried his luck with the butcher. "What's that? "You can trap a rat with that kind of thing; do you expect me to believe that?"

The owner of the butcher shop looked mad as he assessed the orphan in front of him. Grim then replied, "Yes, sir, I guarantee it."

It has already captured 40 rats this month alone." In his previous world, it could even kill it after catching it thanks to technological advances.

"Sigh. Modern tech, how I miss them." The owner of the butcher shop slightly heard him and replied confusedly.

"What was that kid?"

"Nothing; I just said this will be good for your business. The butcher still seemed doubtful, but he still tried to believe Grim.

"After all, it's free, and getting rid of rats without paying a single crol is a great deal.

"Thank you; you will never regret this decision, Mr. Argo."

"I hope so." Grim was finally able to set his traps.

After that, Grim excused himself by saying that he might be needed at the orphanage.

"Heh, what a strange kid," replied Argo.

In the small ally the darkness a man can be seen talking to a soldier that grim might look familiar with.

"So are you telling me that the priest have gone missing for about 4 days and your telling me this now?"

the man ask the soldier." Yes I'm really sorry! but, we are lead by the nose by the reverse card gang and the priest really have been suspicious lately.maybe they have a dealings, that's what viscount Rodrigo told me".

Lyzon replied nervously to the man in a windbreaker.

"The reverse card? You mean those cultist that would gamble and sacrifice people for luck?

I thought that viscount already destroyed their hideout."

The man seem annoyed by this reply." No .! I mean I don't know I'm only the messenger that viscount assigned."

Before lyzon might only be nervous he thought that this was a mission with low risk and high pay.

But after meeting the guy in front of him and seeing the intent to kill in his eyes he is now scared to even answer the man.

" Well from what I can gather from the resent rumors there are really only two groups who needed them badly the reverse card and cress-fall the child trafficking merchants."

Lyzon ask fearfully." So can you accept the mission?"

After some pondering the man in windbreak agrees and accepts the mission.

"haauueh, thank you so much . I will surely tell this lordship of your answer Mr.Nail.

As always my lord will pay double if they are dealt appropriately and secretly."

The man named Nail nodded his head and vanishes from the area shortly after and Lyzon also secretly leave the alleyway although slower than Nail.

Grim has know idea about the dealings in an ally next to him.

After walking two streets away from the butcher shop grim could already see the orphanage.

Heading to the lecture hall Grim have his thoughts about the novels he read.

" If I were a protagonists from this novels I might have already stumbled upon my Golden fingers, and rule this city of steam.sigh, reality always smack you back even in this other world."

Opening the door Grim saw as always a class lecturing about letters and history.

" Okay children what do these words mean?"

The children think hard of what the answer might be however a small group of boys can be seen giving up and started cheating with each other.

Grim went and take his seat.

" It is the word use to ask respectfully "Rei-hir-dregon-allra "

Grim replied Formally without a stutter in his voice."good afternoon Sister marry."

"Greetings to you too."sister marry replied.

She was the one who pick him up when he was only a young born.

"your still sitting so far away from the board you should come here in-front."

Grim reply Firmly he was seated in this corner near the door for a reason.

Speaking from experience the last time he settle-besides the window he was easily trapped by the mobs and was beaten over it.

Sigh, why do MC of novels think they need to be besides the window if they are smart they should seat where I'm sitting to avoid conflict and run away quickly."

listening till the end of the lesson Grim kept any important knowledge he learned and also prepare for the trash that was about to chase him.

' I should not have said that out loud now they are targeting me because of it, Little brats.'

( I know MC hates other MC but I really like how it would turn out if he have only the lowest plot armor as possible like having the sub power of a power system and never the main system or he will get it only later after he have paid the price, equivalent exchange so to speak)