
time quirk in mha

A guy born in my hero academia with the quirk to manipulate time. i dont own mha!!

Primordialtime · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

big time skip and dojo


Its been 10 years Sin This?, I have been doing what you would do with time control playing around, stealing cookies and stoping time to sleep longer, anyway today i am going to ask my parents to Inrolle me in a dojo because learning martial arts will make me over all stronger and to find a new way to use my quirk.

Going to the kitchen i ask my dad and mom Hey dad, mom i wanna learn martial arts

they were stunned for a second and then said, sure honey well do what a ever you want, did I say my parents are easy going, one time I questiond my parents on what the reaction of the goverment was when quirks appeard.

Then they look at each other and said that didn't now, and thats it no question asks on where or when I learnd that.

The only reason for that question was so I coud test out a new set of abilities I call mind something something, I cant seem too find anything.


–can reverse the memories of someone depending on how much energy is used but I have to touch them and the more memories i try to reverse the longer i need.

I can reverse up to 10 to 15 years but i wont be at full strenght for more then 3 days.


–I stop there mind and basically kill them I can do this with there heart to i have to hold it do to fully kill them though.


I slow down there perception of time as much as i can where it will fell like a hundred years for them when it it was only 0.1 seconds in real life i can also do this for interrgation and for battle.

Right now i am in our new familie car heading to a dojo my mom found on the internet, my dad bought this new car because we are expecting 2 new familie members one cause my mom is pregnet no preganet or was it prognate whatever and where buying new dog when the baby is born, so we need lots of space for an energetic dog and a loude baby.

We are now in the parking lot of the dojo, we go outside the car and head inside the dojo and instantly its obvious to us the main colors seems to be gold and light green then i remenber the name if this place it was ANCIENTE GOLDEN DIVINE EMERALD DRAGON OF PRIMORDIAL DESTRUCTION DOJO in all caps I think my mom chose this place cause of the name maybe its a marketing strategy to lure in unexpecting parents.

I look around and see a bunch of kids and adults between 8 and 20 standing in a circle and greetings us, by the way i can tell the age of someone and how much someone has on the earth not including accidents and such, my dad has another 35 years left he's 30 right now and my mom has 40 years left she's also 30 I guess the saying that women live longer than men is true.

The reason why I am so ok with this is bacause i am naturally cold hearted, and i mean i do appreciate what they did for me and all for the first 4 years of my life, not like it matters much i can just make them young again,lots of things dont matter when you are a god of time

Suddenly I hear a loude voice saying Welcome scrub

I will demonstrate a fight between one of are strongest students to show you something to be motivated and strive for, then you will have to survive 5 seconds against Tanaka here, now lets get it over it already.


Small chapter here, but I will make a new chapter soon so stay tuned.And I introduced some new abilities today, I am planing on giving the mc lots of new abilities so if you have any Idea go ahead and comment below.

By the way

Your gift is the motivation for my creation!

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