
Time lost in lies

This book is about the betrayal of one well-known actress by her own family and the time it takes for her family to regain her trust

K3nzie13_ · Thanh xuân
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Airport Fiasco

Dear Diary,

Nash and Amanda just dropped me off at the airport. I can't believe filming is over. How is it that just a few minutes ago I was saying goodbye to my family? Well, they're not my blood family but that doesn't matter….

"ARE YOU CAMDEN LEVAN?" I look up to see who ruined my train of thought. It was a bunch of teenage girls. Freaking out over the fact that Camden Levan was in their airport.

"Hi, darlings can I help you?" I ask with the sweetest smile I could give. They went on to ask for photos and autographs. I know I seem irritated but truthfully I love meeting my fans. They're the reason I do what I do.

Anyways lovey the jet is about to take off. So that's it for now… till next time



Camden put her diary aside and fell fast asleep in her private jet. As she waited for the long journey back home to end. When she opened her eyes they had already landed. Her bags were being put into the limo that had been scheduled to take her home.

Little did she know that her once beautiful house was not the same as before..

~ present time ~

I can't wait till I see my other half again!! It's been so long since I've had that sweet boy in my arms. I wonder how he's doing; the last thing I heard he was starting a band. I miss him more than life, along with Ukeyy and Jj. Yes, I know Ukey and jj are ridiculous but that's been their name since I could talk. I couldn't pronounce the D in Duke when I first started talking so it was Ukey and it's been like that ever since.

The limo driver arrives at what looks to be the wrong location. "Where are we?" I ask the driver. "Ma'am, this is the location you gave me." He replied smoothly. Sure enough, it's the one I gave him.

This doesn't look like the house I left 3 years ago. It's been painted black and there are warning signs. Don't get me wrong I love black it's my favorite color but it doesn't look good on the exterior of my house.

Yes, I said my house. My name is on the deed. I tip the nice driver who kindly took out all of my luggage and we part ways. As I walk toward my once greatest joy.

Sorry I know it’s a short chapter but I will make it up in the next few.

K3nzie13_creators' thoughts