
Time Gap Queen and the Alpha Apex Predators

Completed but under editing. Continues in: Reign of the Time Gap Queen The plot thickens as you read. MATURE CONTENT! Free Reading. Give it a fair read before disregarding it or you'll miss out on a lot, or at least read the second novel and come back after editing is completed. No love-triangle. Vol 0: 1-15 "What else did you find?" "Well, I found our first female pregnant corpse but..." I paused not sure if I wanna share this with him or not. "But?" Orlando repeated. "I don't know something is odd about how she died. Her neck wasn't broken but it appears to be crushed. On the side of her neck, I saw two round holes resembling to look like fangs or some sorta sharp pointed teeth." I finally just told him. He first looked at me weirdly before bursting out into laughter. "Fangs like a vampire?" He teased and I should've seen this coming. I burst into a hard enough uproar to pee myself. "You are so mean!" I chuckled. "Alright, I'll be nice to my vampire nerd," he said winking at me. "You haven't found anybody else that lived in the city?" He asked just wondering. "Oddly enough, we haven't," I shared. Yet Orlando does it again. "Yup, that definitely sounds like a vampire to me!" 24-year-old Victoria Perkins is a trainee archeologist and paleontologist. On her way to earning her first degree with the best outscoring records in her class. Victoria was given a lifetime opportunity to excavate in Egypt. Many team members were chosen and hired by Mr. Collin who is funding the excavation to find a Pharaoh. During the excavation, her psychic gift to mentally travel between past and present was triggered. By using her time-gap gift she found the clues the Pharaoh had left behind for his love to find him. Which made her team leader and boss named Tom envious that she keeps finding these artifacts. Following each clue, Victoria found the Pharaoh but was fired by Tom the next day. So her team carried on without her to study this mummified Pharaoh. Something about his remains didn't seem natural. Before any questions could be answered the whole team was Murdered. All but Victoria. She was blamed for the crime and arrested. Without trial, she was found guilty and left to rot in her cell awaiting execution. ~ Vol 1:16-377 Kai strides up and embraced his hands around my waist. "Humm," Kai hummed so poetically that I found myself captured by how sexy he is. He leaned forward into my ear whispering seductively. "Or maybe it's because deep down inside. You like me more than you are willing to admit." His words breathed into my ear like an easy-flowing breeze. I found myself melting in goo for this man who kidnapped me. ~ One of the most powerful multi-billionaire Empire CEOs of the world was the Collin Royal family business. Kai Collin came to Egypt and bailed her out and paid for her Freedom. Well, her Freedom from jail but not from him. Victoria learned the hard way she was now the property of Kai Collin. But who was this mysterious Kai Collin? Everybody knew the Collin family but Kai Collin's name had submerged from out of nowhere. Yet that wasn't half of the mystery. Victoria was trapped by this mysterious attractive man who acted strange; Kai didn't know how to drive or what a cell phone was. Even though her heart belongs to her fiance, Orlando Mill the son of an equally powerful Empire CEO family too. But this doesn't stop Kai from becoming possessive of her enough that he steals her away from Orlando. Between her lover, kidnapper, and much worse that lurks within the shadows; How much heartbreak and loss can Victoria face? Who is the real villain creeping into Victoria's life only to kill everyone she's dearest to? Vol 0: Is about the excavation in Egypt and Victoria's relationship with Orlando. Vol 1: Kai joins the story. Murder will happen. There will be some hot steamy love scenes. Things will get dark, sensitive, emotional, creepy, and a bit bloody for some viewers.

Sara_Weber_9938 · Lịch sử
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378 Chs

**Ch 362: The Dungeon [R-18]

[Viewer Discretion Is Advised] 

Back at the Collin's mansion, deep underneath the basement was another large creepy dungeon that was set up like a cold jail. Sturdy steel doors or metal bars sealed those smaller cell rooms that encircled the entire large enclosure while the center was left open. Dim lighting lit the large space that was mostly cold from it being encased with stone bricks. Multiple screams and cries echoed from the young men and women who the vampires had trapped behind these countless cells.

On the outside of the cells, Kai, some of his family, and the other vampires working for them were all standing in the center where they were supervising the vampires as they fed on the victims they had brought them. Of course, the steel doors or metal bars wouldn't be enough to keep a vampire snared, but it would give any of them enough time to talk some sense into their hungry friends or relatives from escaping too soon before they had their fix for blood. To avoid any granted humans from becoming the next meal on their menu, they put the detained vampires in these cells when there were far too many of them to be awakened all at once.

"Where am I?"

Kai walked to the cell that was in the middle when he overheard a bulky young man, who was a weightlifter, had awoken from being knocked out.

Inside that same cell, all the man saw was Ivan's tall frame before he bit his wrist. Right in front of the man, his eyes gaped at the corpse who was lying across the steel table while Ivan fed her his blood.

"What the heck, man!" the man exclaimed as the corpse had risen, and Ivan stepped aside.


Mia flew over and ripped a chunk of flesh off his neck before she spit it out on the floor. The big muscular guy thrashed his body and arms to fight her off him, but Mia repeatedly chomped her fangs like a piranha into his flesh. She turned rabid and munched the man's head right from his neck. Still unsatisfied, she pounced on the next huge man in the corner. He raised his fists to block her, but she twisted his arms to the side, and his bones snapped right at his elbows as he shrieked. Within seconds, her fangs rived into the muscles on his neck, and she drank him bone dry.

Ivan smirked right when she finished the last big man he gave her. Deep between the cleavage on her short dress, he ogled at how seductive she looked with that smeared blood glazing all over her skin like she used an oily lotion. As her skinny frame stood, she busted his eyes desiring her body. Unable to control his yearning to have her, he smashed her body harshly into the stone brick, though it didn't hurt her one bit. Mia threw her lips on his, and they started kissing with such greed and hunger until they huffed for a break to catch a breath. Ivan lifted her against the wall, and she tightly clutched her legs and inner thighs above his waist. Her fingers dug into his black dress shirt before she ripped it to expose his firmly chiseled abs. Their lips smashed together again as she started to yank his torn shirt down from his upper shoulders.

Once Ivan tore the bodice apart from her dress, Kai backed away since he knew they had lost their urges to keep themselves off each other, but they weren't the only ones. There were plenty of vampires too busy getting reacquainted with their wives. Since they live on top of each other like bees in a beehive, mating in front of each other never fazed them. Those horrifying cries were gradually being replaced by overly hot moaning and groaning.

"Who missed me!" Evan chippered loud and clear as he approached Kai with his arms spread wide open for a bear hug.

"Don't make me detain you again!" Kai gruffed, and Evan laughed as he lowered his arms, not taking it to heart.

"You know you love me," Evan teased, and Kai rolled his eyes.

"You wish," Kai joked, when, of course, he loved his family, but he didn't want to be touched right now when he knew Evan liked to push everyone's limits. Right now, Kai was restive and fidgety because that juicy smell of blood was driving his instincts to stir craziness, so he didn't want to be messed with.

Evan briefly laughed since he knew by those burning red eyes that Kai was getting twitchy. "Please, don't tell me I missed Thanksgiving?" he whimsically asked, and Kai gawked at him as if he had gone bonkers. "Don't tell me you don't know what Thanksgiving is?"

"I heard my mom mention something about it." Kai vaguely recalled.

"What day is it?" Evan asked.

"It's the middle of November, which makes today Wednesday, but it will be Thursday in the next hour," Kai caught him up to date.

Evan cheerfully chimed, "That means Thanksgiving is next week, so I didn't miss my turkey and stuffing!"

Kai furrowed his brows. "I suppose."

Done with this strange conversation, he started to walk away as he heard Evan ask. "Who's up for a midnight party?"

Kai was quick to leave when he heard a lot of excitement for this party idea Evan had in mind, but he wasn't interested in it. Instead, he got a fresh bottle of blood from the kitchen, and then he went to the living room, which was straight across from his bedroom door. 

Already inside it, with a book in his hand, Ace was relaxed on the couch. Near his feet, on the floor, his newborn vamp baby was sound asleep in the baby swing, which was still rocking.

Kai sat beside him, and he quickly, yet also quietly, popped the cork off of the bottle to avoid waking the tiny vamp baby. Not delaying it any longer, he put the bottle to his parted lips, and started chugging on it.

"I'd say you managed." Ace jokingly remarked since he knew Kai had hit his limit.

After he was done drinking from the bottle, Kai replied. "Almost, but not quite."

Whenever the feeding first started in the dungeon, Kai killed three women he had captured for himself. He planned ahead since he knew watching everyone else feed would entice him in the wrong way, which it did, seven minutes later.

All I can say is you're just going to have to let the story play out for these events to unfold. Thanks for the powerstones and don't forget to give the second novel some powerstones if you plan on reading it. I hope to hear from you, so please feel free to leave a comment. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

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