
Till I Met you Again

R18( Matured content). No rape What happens when he found out that the person he thought loves him was actually playing with his feelings in order to get her revenge over what happened over a silly incident and would happen after she realized that she had feelings for him after he walks out of her life And what would happen after she met him again years later, would she go after him or regret her decision of letting him walked out her life. Follow the story of Antonio and Jessica and how he changes her personality. This story is full with conspiracies, betrayal and action. Please take it easy with me if you found any fault in my novel because this is my first time writing a novel and I hope to get your support and encouragement. I hope you enjoy my writing Thank you.

EddyKing · Hiện thực
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Jessica Beck

She responded by saying that "what do you think would have happened even if I had knocked you down?" Without waiting for him to answer she said " Nothing, even if I had ran you over, nothing would've happened to me because do you know who I am? I'm Jessica Beck and I can whatever I Damn well please and nothing would've happened to me because of some pathetic poor guy like yourself "

After hearing what she just said, instead of getting angry, he just shook his head because he himself understood how the rich people do things and considering the fact his family was once rich and he knew that nothing really would happen to her as she had said because her family would happen done everything to cover it up and make sure that she escaped unscathed. After shaking his head he calmly said " what was I expecting from a rich spoiled brat like who would surely rely on her family to clean her ass off after making a mess, of course nothing would've happened to you " he stopped and look at her " I wonder how people put up with your nasty behavior " he said those last words while walking away from without caring about what she had to say next.

After hearing what he said and see walking away from her, Jessica stomps her foot on her ground and cleaned her pink fist and glare and his back while talking to herself "I hope we don't get me meet each other in the future again again or else I will make sure you regret ever talking to me like that that "

Antonio who was walking away casually never knew that he had been targeted by Jessica

19 years old Jessica Beck as you may know is a spoiled rich girl whose come from the Beck Family, one of the most prominent family in New York, her father Gregory Beck is the CEO of Beck Group, one of the biggest business groups in New York and due to fact that she comes from a rich family, she grew up spoiled by her parents who are lenient on her and give her what she wants and that's why she always believes that she can get what ever she wants and get away with whatever she does. Due to her family background and how beautiful she is boys are mesmerized by her beauty and people always fawn on her to get close to her, so this was the first time someone had ever shouted and talked to her rudely. She got back into her care and drove away.