
Throne of Blood: The Revenge of the Progenitor Vampire

Vlad lost his home, his family, and everything he loved in just one night after masked men attacked his family without any apparent reason. He could do nothing but watch as his father, his mother, and his siblings were killed one by one, and in the end, one of the masked men pierced his heart with a dagger. He should have died that night, but miraculously, his soul resonated with the magic of a powerful being in a faraway place. Now, he has been turned into a vampire, and he doesn’t plan to rest until he avenges his family.

LivingWisely · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Strong Body

[A Blood Seed has been swallowed. Progress of the Promotion Mission: 1/5]

[A special trait has been found in the Blood Seed.]

[Analyzing trait…]

[Trait 'Strong Body' has been found.]

[The special trait has been assimilated. The skill [Progenitor Blood] has been strengthened, increasing the host's physical strength and explosive speed.]

The message that appeared in his mind stunned Vlad. At the same time, a warm feeling spread throughout his body.

Just like the message said, he could feel his body becoming stronger.

The increase in strength was almost unnoticeable, but it was constant. In just a few seconds, his physical strength increased by around 10%.

The change stopped after around one minute. By then, Vlad's physical strength was close to fifty percent higher than before swallowing the Blood Seed.

But Vlad could not bring himself to feel happy.

'… Sigh, what a waste.' Vlad's expression was complicated.

When Vlad activated the Promotion Mission, there was a note saying, 'Additional gains can be acquired from high-quality blood seeds.'

Vlad had not paid it much attention back then, but now, he regretted it.

He had misunderstood the meaning of 'High-Quality Blood Seeds'. He thought that 'High-Quality Blood Seeds' referred to Blood Seeds from strong practitioners, but after swallowing Kevin's Blood Seed, he realized that it was just one of the factors that determined the quality of a blood seed.

Bloodlines also influenced a blood seed's quality.

Kevin was a Bloodline Possessor. His bloodline was a low-level bloodline called [Strong Body] which increased the physical strength of the host.

When Vlad absorbed Kevin's blood seed, he also absorbed that trait, and his body was strengthened as result. That was one example of the 'additional gains' mentioned by the system.

However, [Strong Body] was a low-level bloodline. There were dozens of ways to strengthen the body even without this bloodline, and there were many bloodlines that strengthened the body in better ways. Compared to other bloodlines, [Strong Body] was way below average.

That was the reason Vlad thought it was a waste.

If he knew that he could absorb the traits of other bloodlines through the Blood Seeds, he would have never swallowed Kevin's bloodline. Instead, he would have searched for a better bloodline.

Vlad smiled bitterly in his mind.

But he soon stopped feeling regret.

'At the very least, I learned about it now. Plus, this result is not that bad either. It would have been much worse if I swallow the Blood Seed of a normal person instead. Perhaps, I would have not learned about this function then and lost an opportunity to strengthen myself.'

At that moment, Vlad felt Adora's gaze on him.

"Hey, did anything happen? You became dazed all of sudden."

"Mm? Oh, it's nothing. I was just thinking about something.

"Is it so?" Adora seemed doubtful, but she did not dwell on it. "Anyway, how are we going to kill Crow? Do you have a plan?"

"I do. We just need to attack him by surprise before he realizes that you escaped. If we attack him together, we should be able to injure him gravely at the very least."

Adora frowned. "That is not even a plan."

"But it's enough. Right now, he doesn't know about us. We have the advantage, there is no need to overcomplicate things."

"… Well, let's say you are right. However, we don't know where Crow is. If we wait until he returns, someone could find out about what happened here. By then, killing him won't be so easy."

"Don't worry about that, I have a way to find him."

Adora was startled, but soon, she nodded.

"It looks like you already thought about that. Okay, I agree with your plan."

Vlad smiled.

"Good choice. Follow me, then, beautiful miss."

Adora snorted with a cold expression.

A few minutes later, they left the tavern. Before leaving, Vlad and Adora made sure to hide the dead bodies and clean the blood on the floor and the walls, that way, they could delay the discovery of the situation as much as possible.

After leaving the tavern, Vlad relied on his sense of smell to follow the trail of Crow and his men.

"This way." He said to Adora. "Right, we need to be stealthy in this operation. It will be bad if we are discovered."

"No problem," Adora said and touched a necklace hanging from her neck and her presence faded out. At the same time, she summoned a gust of wind and wrapped it around Vlad and her, stopping their sounds and scents from spreading.

Vlad whistled in surprise.

"Nice trick. As expected of a thief."

"I'm not a thief because I want to," Adora growled. "A noble like you doesn't understand what people like us need to do to survive."

"Perhaps. Well, I don't really care if you are a thief. It's not as though I will think less of you for that."

Adora furrowed her brows and looked at Vlad strangely.

"Are you really a noble?"

"Guess." Vlad chuckled, making Adora frown. "You should smile more. Being in a bad mood all the time will make you age faster."

"I don't care."

"How cold. I guess you must have your reasons, though. Is it related to why you want to get that seven-stars Life-Replenishing Pill?"

Adora stiffened, but in the next instant, her gaze turned extremely cold.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think that because you saved me, I need to be grateful to you and tell you my life story?"


"Don't thrust your nose into my affairs." Adora's voice was hostile.

Vlad raised an eyebrow and shrugged. Inwardly, though, he was lost in thought.

Life-Replenishing Pills were not something unusual. They were one of the most common kinds of pills.

The key was that it was a seven-stars Life-Replenishing Pill.

Same as this world's power levels, artifacts and pills were ranked into twelve different realms depending on their effects. Each realm was represented by a star.

If a pill or an artifact had one star, it meant that it was only effective for first-realm practitioners, and if stronger practitioners used them, the effects would be greatly reduced.

Vlad's Spatial Pouch was a nine-star artifact, and his sword had eight stars. His bracelet, on the other hand, was just a five-star magic item. Even his weakest artifact, the Haste Bracelet, was something that could show great effects when used by a fifth-realm practitioner.

Likewise, a seven-star Life-Replenishing Pill was effective even on seventh-realm practitioners. Using it on someone on a normal person was an utter waste.


'It's to heal an illness or injury that can only be healed with such a powerful pill.'