
Three shooting stars

Nothing too serious, three friends get transmigrated to an anime mash up world, and their adventures navigating their world, the anime world is pretty much au, with some similar aspects to their original works, but molded how i felt would fit this story the best, (also using this as an excuse if i end up misremembering something ;;;), i do not own any of the characters besides my own oc's This is something im writing for fun to practice my writing, so if you see any blaringly obvious mistakes please do excuse them on that note, i do not have any plans of dropping this any time soon, ill be writing for this fic whenever im motivated to write and just wanna have fun, so i hope you all enjoy whatever it is i end up putting together, and if you all have any suggestions please do let me know!

ValAverescu · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Ch. 8

~Pov Tatsuya~

 'I somehow vaguely remember the path down to this café, it seems this body is still full of some secrets' he thought as he made his way to his destination, after arriving Tatsuya quickly scanned his surroundings and noticed a vaguely familiar face

 Dark hair and an innocent smile on his face, the person quickly waved Tatsuya over, 'If I remember correctly, his name should be…'

 "Koro-Sensei, long time no see" Tatsuya said as he sat across the person

 "Tatsuyaaaaa, why haven't you been answering my messages?" Responded Koro-Sensei as he wiped away a fake tear and stared at Tatsuya, his eyes pleading for a response

 "Right, sorry about that, Sensei" replied Tatsuya, "With the whole graduation thing, I kind of kept forgetting to check my phone"

 "You can't keep ghosting people, Tatsuya-kun. This is why you've never had a girlfriend" said Koro-sensei as he nodded sagely, parting knowledge to the young boy

 A vein started protruding from Tatsuya's forehead as he heard Koro-sensei's remark, 'aren't you too good at getting a rise out of people?' Tatsuya thought as he stared blankly towards Koro-sensei

 "Anyways, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

 "Come on Tatsuya~ it's been so long, how have you be-" Koro-sensei cut his sentence short as he noticed a tall pale man walk into the café, sporting black hair with a small white streak

 "Actually, never mind, let's talk business" he said plainly as he tried his best to mask his presence so the pale man wouldn't take notice of him, a small trick he had learned in his past

 'I have to ask him to teach me that skill' thought Tatsuya as he noticed Koro-sensei's presence get smaller and smaller, 'I could avoid being called on in class'

 "I'm not teaching you how to do this by the way, I know that face" said Koro-sensei, noting the longing look on Tatsuya's face, "You'd totally avoid doing anything in class if that were the case!"

 "I have no idea what you're talking about" replied Tatsuya sheepishly, as he turned to look in a different direction, avoiding Koro-sensei's plain look

 "Anyways…. So, here's the situation" said Koro-sensei, narrating a series of events that had occurred during the last Shuchi'in school year, the contents of their conversation shocking Tatsuya to his core


 ~Pov Akira~

 Having walked from his apartment to the basketball court he had previously met Aomine, Akira had arrived at his destination, as he noticed that Aomine had yet to arrive

 'I guess I am 10 minutes early, might as well wait for him' he thought, pulling his phone from his pocket and inserting a pair of earbuds he had Kurayama purchase for him at the convenience store just last night into his ears, launching what seemed to be this worlds version of gacha games, 'time to show these noobs what a real lucky f2p player looks like'

 Akira was lost in his game, marveling at this worlds unique game mechanics the game was littered with, 'oh this is nothing like gacha games back in the old world… these are so much more forgiving?!' He thought to himself after pulling his very first 5-star character, which had cost him only one 10x draw worth of currency

 Before Akira could get lost completely in his new game world he felt a tap on his shoulder, pulling the left earbud out and turning to see who had touched him, he had to look up to meet Aomine's gaze, "Oh hey, you finally made it!" He said excitedly as he stood from the small park bench, he was currently occupying

 "Yeah, sorry about that. This one over here felt it was necessary to come baring gifts" Aomine said, before he flicked his thumb to the person behind him, a pink haired young woman that seemed to be carrying an armful of different types of drinks

 "Oh, come on Aomine" said the pink haired girl, "I know you well enough to know that this isn't gonna be laid back get together" she continued, then she came out from behind Aomine and bowed her head towards the now standing Akira

 "Hello, my name is Satsuki Momoi." Satsuki introduced herself, "It's a pleasure to meetcha!" Satsuki continued before launching into her own ramblings thanking Akira for being friends, something akin to a mother relieved over the fact that her delinquent child had finally found a friend

 Before she could continue any longer, Aomine grasped her head like a basketball forcing her to stop, "Don't bore the poor guy with your rambling Momo" he said

 "Besides he not a friend, more of a rival." Aomine then turned to look at Akira before smiling at the blonde, "sorry about my friend here, she can get a bit excited"

 "Don't sweat it. Satsuki, it is a pleasure to meet you" Said Akira as he bowed his head slightly towards the pink haired girl, "also how dare you claim we are not friends!"

 "Did we not share a hot and passionate day yesterday?" Asked Akira as he wiped away fake tears from his eyes before sitting back on the bench, sulking over his rival's words

 "Awwww, Aomine you hurt his feelings!" Exclaimed Satsuki before she made her way towards Akira, "There, there." She said as she patted his back

 "First of all, pause" said Aomine before rubbing his temple, he felt a headache set in at his new found rival's excentric personality, "Don't say it like that, people are gonna get the wrong idea!"

 "And secondly quit the act, we both know why you agreed to meet me here." Aomine said plainly, remembering the almost feral smile on Akira's face as he had noticed Aomine's arrival, "You're just as passionate about basketball as me, that's why we get along so well"

 Swiftly putting a stop to the fake tears, Akira stood back up before digging grabbing his bag and nodding towards Aomine, "this time I actually brought a set of workout clothes with me!" He explained excitedly before shooting off to the nearest public bathroom to change, 'had it been the old me I would've tried to change right here in public, thank the goddess that Kura and Tatsu beat the idea out of me…' he thought as he remembered all the time he had tried changing in public, only for one of the two of his friends to quickly put a stop to it with a swift smack to the back of the head, before dragging him to a more decent place to change

 Once he was done changing and stuffing his plain looking casual clothing into his gym bag, the blonde quickly ran back out, excited to begin his match against Aomine

 The two could finally get started as they stood right in front of each other, Satsuki standing in the middle of them with the ball in her hand, ready to toss it into the air, as the two stood face to face with each other they began to take the match seriously, the pressure they were exuding was starting to become palpable, strong enough to even affect Satsuki herself

 'Wow… I haven't seen Aomine take anything this seriously in so long…' Thought the pink haired girl as she noticed her close friends sharp gaze, her inner thoughts didn't last much longer as she quickly snapped out of it, with a blow of her whistle the two readied themselves and after a single second Satsuki tossed the ball as evenly as she could before she was quickly pushed back by the fast movements the two players were show casing

 'Holy sh*t… Akira really can keep up' Satsuki marveled as she saw Akira quickly take possession of the ball, not showing any openings towards Aomine, nor allowing him to take it in to his possession

 The first game quickly came to a close with Aomine being the first to score 50 points, "That's strike one, three more to go" he smiled viciously, his heart thumping at full force to keep up with the fast movements he was making

 "Watch out, I'll be taking the next" said Akira, as he quickly got into position, eager to start the next game