
NeverEnding Forest.

Remembering my past life memories; I felt pathetic. All this time I was living in a beautiful illusion, an illusion in which I thought I was the only one who died protecting her.

I even felt good, why don't I feel good?

'Dying protecting my love, isn't it good hearing it? Self-sacrificing, Wow! It really felt good to my ego, or I should say: a male ego?'

But now, after knowing the truth? What ego? What protecting her? I am just a loser, who let her die again and again.

Haha! Who am I kidding? I-i am just a pathetic bastard who doesn't even have the guts to confess to the person I love the most.

Died? Sacrificing? Protecting her? Hahahaha what a joke. I am just an egotistical bastard, indulged in my own fantasies,...

Thinking about her confession and death; tears fell unstoppably, Pain, sadness; and other emotions overwhelmed me.

I was enraged, I hated myself for being a coward, I hated myself for being weak, I started loathing myself,... I started thinking about her. I thought about how she was or what she was doing in the current world.

I forgot that I was on the verge of dying when I remembered her.

My current thoughts 'would she lives without me? Will she marry someone? What if she got caught in a dangerous situation,...'

No, I won't let her suffer anymore, this time I will definitely protect her, I will confess her and marry her,... so, I determined myself.

A Four Leaf Clover appeared on the middle of my eyebrows. Some Unknown strength started to flow inside me. I returned back to life from the verge of death.

All the restrictions inside me were shattered, meridians got cleared, blood started to boil/awaken, organs were getting crushed and reforming, my entire body was undergoing a transformation. I didn't let out a scream or express any pained expression. I just endured everything by gritting my teeth.

I was undergoing a transformation as if I am turning into a demon. I broke all the restrictions that the humans have in this world, Body Enhancement? Mage? Qi user? They are nothing in front of me. I have surpassed all of them and combining it with the knowledge I have from my previous lives I became invincible: if I still can't protect her, then I better off dead than living.

It took me some time to transform. I stood up in the dump yard and checked my body. I have grown tall 6'2 height, skin became smooth, Body was well-ripped; neither fat nor thin. I became devilishly handsome. My outer appearance was normal as a human but my insides and strength were like a demon, hard and strong.

I completely became a Demon by undergoing the Demonic Transformation. All my previous life weakness, helplessness; sorrow, hatred; self-loathing,... all my negative feelings overwhelmed my positive side: turning my heart black.

The only one who can tie me or control me in this life is my love Aria Arumi.


Now all that left was to teach a lesson to those bastards in the orphanage.

With a Swoosh, I disappeared from the dump yard. Wow! My speed was too damn fast; all the things that appeared in my way got blasted away, in just a few seconds I appeared in front of the Orphanage.

I found the Orphanage warden and slapped him heavily, that poor warden got instantly killed. I was shocked! I didn't plan to kill him. I just wanted to teach him a lesson, but unfortunately, my power is too OP: instantly killed him.

Watching this scene, everyone present there started to attack me, I just stood there like a wooden block, it's not like I didn't kill anyone in my past life: when I was a cultivator and a mage I slaughtered a lot of people, but now it was totally unintentional.

Watching me stood there like a wooden block the rest of them became more confident and attacked me with their powers. I didn't retaliate and let their attacks land on me. 'Ah, these attacks are too weak, it didn't even feel like ants bite.'

These attacks are too weak without any power. I waved my hands, indicating them to stop wasting their breath and leave but it was a mistake I made.

I don't want to kill them, so I waved my hands shooing everyone to scram, but when I waved my hands a gust of wind formed and attacked them, half of the orphanage got destroyed and the people who got caught in the wind had died.

Half of the orphanage and people in front of me were died because of the wind formed by the wave of my hand. The other half of the orphanage and the people behind me were survived because they were out of the winds to reach.

I didn't dare to make any movements again. I used my speed and disappeared from the orphanage.


For god's sake, I am twelve this year. How can I live in society if I kill others with my casual movements? So, I was scared and ran away from human society and entered the forest of the Never-ending.

It was called the forest of Never-ending because no one knows its ending or what lies on the other side of the forest.

I braved myself and enter the deeper parts of the Never-ending forest.


Aurora Aaron entered the deepest parts of the Never-ending forest.

Two years had passed since he entered the Never-ending forest, he was 12 years old when he entered the forest; now he was 14 years old, in the past 2 years he killed countless monsters unintentionally, he got the general understanding of his power but was unable to control it.

He continued moving forward without turning back, in these past two years only he knows how many goddammit km's he crossed, and as for filling his stomach, he ate the monsters he killed.

There were countlessly retarded monsters which wanted to eat him; but got eaten by him in return, he just flicked his hands like a god/demon or some kind of deity to kill those monsters.

Currently, the location he was passing was unknown, all that he knows is, he was in the middle of nowhere in the Never-ending forest. All the monsters he was killing were very strong, unique; hard to find in the human land.

Reason? it's simply because no one entered this far into the Never-ending forest, and those who entered became the food for these monsters or they chose to seclude themselves: far away from the humans without involving in the human world affairs.

Aaron Aurora was passing for a while, but he never encountered any monsters so far; as if the monsters were playing hide-and-seek from him or they were just scared to enter this land.

Well, he wasn't bothered by it at all nor he showed any interest in finding the cause for the absence of monsters in this location.

Soon, he sensed a very mighty aura: actually, it felt like it was saying this was my domain and you ants were not allowed to enter it.

Aaron Aurora ignored the mighty aura and moved forward towards the location where this aura was coming.

Finally, he reached the center of the location and found the owner of the aura: it was a dragon. Its color is black had a single horn on its head, had five claws, it was not the normal dragon which looks like Igneel from fairy tail; it was looking like a dragon from the way of choices.

This was a dragon from the legends a sacred dragon.

Aurora Aaron looked at the dragon and the dragon also looked at him, to be frank; It has sensed him the moment he entered its sacred land, so it intentionally increased its aura to scare him away but to its surprise, he ignored its aura and continued walking towards it.

It's been too damn long since someone has ignored its aura and reached it to meet/see it face to face.

The Dragon also felt curious and was eagerly waiting to meet the person who was able to endure/ignore its presence.

But when it saw the person, it was shocking! And was a little thrilled! Aaron Aurora was also got thrilled!

Naturally, he got thrilled because it was his first time watching a true dragon, all he knows about dragons was, what he learned in books or watched on tv when he was living on earth or the stories from legends: he heard in the cultivation world.

Now, facing it face to face he was moved.

''I am called Aurora Aaron, you are?'' he asked without any fear in his voice.

''Haha! What a gall, you were not at all scared standing in front of me and you even introduced yourself and asked my name in return, hahaha! It's been too long, too damn long that I met someone like you, Kid, I am called Ao Shun: Dragon God of the North and I don't hate someone like you.'' said the Dragon God.

''Ao Shun, God of the North? Are you serious? I only heard about the four dragons which exist in legends I never know that you guys exist in real life,'' Aaron Aurora bowed towards the dragon and said ''it's an honor to meet you.''

It's been more than two years since he had a conversation with others so he started chatting with the Dark Dragon God Ao Shun.

Both of them had a conversation for a long time; while chatting with Ao Shun. Aaron Aurora asked ''In which direction shall I go to reach the Human Society?''

Ao Shun pointed towards the North and said ''Few thousand kilometers from here, there exists the Frost Kingdom.''

''But I can't let you go there, not only there, you can't go anywhere from here, if you want to go; then your only option is to defeat me and make a contract with me, or you will die in a battle with me, also this is not only my fate! It was also the fate of those who met me. I can't change this rule even if I take a liking towards you, if I discard this rule I would die and the natural balance of this world would get disturbed turning the entire world upside down: creating chaos everywhere,'' said Ao Shun.

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